23 Proven Incredible and Recognized Benefits of Cannabis



Whether you like it or not, cannabis is taking the world by storm. In recent years, thanks to the legalization and approval of marijuana in certain Western societies, the recreational use, often ridiculed in various media, has turned its back on the medical use found by the scientific community.

But the question remains: What are the medical uses and health benefits of cannabis? To help you answer, we've rounded up 23 science-backed cannabis benefits you might not believe are true! (but it's all true)

It does not appear to cause breathing problems and may actually help increase lung capacity

Breaking Muscle

There is a lot of evidence that medical marijuana does not harm the lungs in any way. A survey published in the Journal of the American Medical Association found that people who smoked marijuana alone had increased lung capacity. However, the researchers believe this is due to the fact that users hold their breath every time they smoke, rather than due to the medicinal properties of marijuana itself.

Some studies find it can help control seizures

Mother Nature Network

While still not a mainstream discovery, it looks like cannabidiol (CBD) could help people with epilepsy. In fact, various parents have detailed how marijuana use is the primary way to help manage their child's seizures, and it can even help reduce their child's seizure frequency.

THC may slow Alzheimer's disease progression

Choice Mutual

Weeds have been found to reduce the spread of Alzheimer's disease. A 2006 investigation (distributed in the journal Molecular Pharmacology) found that THC (the dynamic compound in cannabis) regulates the formation of amyloid plaques by hindering amyloid-forming chemicals in the brain. These plaques kill the mental cells associated with Alzheimer's.

Cannabis-derived drug relieves pain in multiple sclerosis

Everyday Health

Cannabis-related drugs ease suffering for people with multiple sclerosis. Jody Corey-Bloom examined 30 patients with multiple sclerosis whose muscles were abnormally stalled. These patients did not respond to different medications, but after a few days of smoking, their pain was much lessened.

Legalizing medical marijuana appears to reduce opioid overdose deaths

Practical Pain Management

Several recent studies have shown that licensing of medicinal cannabis has reduced the number of deaths from opiate overdose. Root This appears to have occurred after a period of time, according to Stat News, states that passed these laws allowing the use of medicinal marijuana saw, "In the first year of the law, the passing rate of narcotics was reduced by 20%, and in the third year it was 24% and 33% in the sixth year”.

There is good medical evidence that certain doses of marijuana can relieve muscle spasms

University Health News

Another similar report found strong evidence that marijuana can help improve muscles associated with sclerosis. Different kinds of muscles also respond to marijuana. People utilize healing pots to treat upset stomachs that are often not treatable with the other most commonly used medications.

Cannabis eases Parkinson's tremors


Israeli research shows that marijuana use radically reduces pain and tremors, and prolongs rest periods in Parkinson's disease patients. What was especially surprising was the patient's enhanced ability to fine-tune the engine.

Marijuana can help people trying to cut back on alcohol


Research published in the Journal of Harm Reduction found that drug users found less harmful alternatives to alcohol, specialty prescription drugs and other illicit drugs in marijuana. The most fundamental reason why patients choose this alternative is that cannabis is healthier and more likely to cause withdrawal problems.

Animal studies suggest marijuana may protect brain after stroke


New research suggests that weed may help protect the brain from injury and stroke by reducing the amount of areas affected by stroke -- at least in some rodents such as mice and monkeys.

Cannabis reduces some pain and nausea from chemotherapy and stimulates appetite


Malignant cancer patients treated with chemotherapy, experienced the ill effects of painful distress, withdrawal and hunger. This can cause a lot of discomfort, difficulty and pain. However, cannabis has been found to reduce these symptoms, and for the same reason, there are multiple FDA-approved cannabinoid medications that use THC.

It appears to reduce the side effects of hepatitis C treatment and improve treatment outcomes


Hepatitis C treatment is brutally ineffective, with symptoms including exhaustion, illness, muscle throbbing, loss of hunger and pain. These symptoms can last for a long time and cause many people to stop treatment early. However, a recent report found that 86 percent of patients using pot successfully completed Hep C treatment with far fewer difficulties and side effects.

it may help with anxiety attacks


Emma Childs, a co-teacher in psychiatry at the University of Illinois at Chicago, found that "low doses of THC can reduce stress, while high doses have the opposite effect," as long as A few puffs can help the user relax.

Marijuana reduces symptoms of severe epilepsy called Dravet syndrome


A few years ago, the famous documentary Weed explored how a girl with the syndrome went from having 300 episodes a week to one every seven days. So it appears that the cannabidiol present in the cannabis plant works in synergy with brain cells to quell the irrational behaviors that lead to seizures.

While not a real health or medical benefit, marijuana stimulates creativity


Contrary to brief generalizations, marijuana use is indeed associated with certain positive psychological effects, particularly in some cases in any case in terms of bursts of creativity. The researchers also found that it also enhanced their "language familiarity," or their ability to think of increasingly complex words while using cannabis.

Marijuana therapy may help veterans with PTSD


Often, the occurring cannabinoids (such as THC) help control the framework that causes fear in the mind and body. As a result, in recent years, marijuana has been recognized in some states for the treatment of PTSD, such as in New Mexico, where PTSD is the main reason for individuals to obtain medical marijuana.

Marijuana can help treat inflammatory bowel disease


People with conditions like Crohn's ulcerative colitis have found multiple benefits from marijuana. Experts discovered in 2010 that synthetic compounds found in weeds, including THC and cannabidiol, hinder the progression of these diseases by making intestinal cells bind more tightly together and reducing their porosity. certain symptoms.

A chemical found in marijuana stops cancer from spreading in at least some cell cultures


The discovery by some researchers that obsessive-compulsive psychotic tumors in mice or cell societies have demonstrated that THC and CBD can relieve or treat tumors in the right places is a solid motivator for more research to be done. A 2014 test found that marijuana can slow the development of brain tumors associated with 80 percent of personally threatening brain malignant growths.

Marijuana users tend to reduce obesity, respond better to sugar


A survey just found that smokers are leaner than normal, digest and respond better to sugar, despite the fact that they do eat more calories. Not only are potters slimmer, but their bodies respond more beneficially to sugar.

Researchers think it may be useful for treating glaucoma


Marijuana use is one of the best alternatives for treating glaucoma eye disease, which increases the weight of the eyeball, damages the optic nerve and causes vision loss. However, cannabis has been found to reduce the aforementioned weight inside the eye, but only temporarily, so they are still looking for the compound responsible for this.

Marijuana may even protect the brain from concussions and trauma


"Many experts and scientists believe that marijuana has incredibly amazing neuroprotective properties, and this understanding depends on research institutions and clinical information," so even if the NFL says it's a success if research shows it's a success of neuroprotective agents, they will also consider allowing competitors to use medical marijuana. operator.

It relieves symptoms associated with arthritis


Scientists from the Department of Rheumatology gave their patients Sativex, a cannabis-based sedative drug for torture. After a 14-day interval, patients on Sativex experienced significantly less symptoms and improved quality of rest compared to sham treatment subjects. Different studies have found that plant-identified cannabinoids can reduce joint inflammation.

Marijuana Can Eliminate Nightmares


Cannabis aids the rest cycle by intervening in the later stages of REM rest. This can be useful for people who experience real nightmares, especially those associated with PTSD.

Research using the manufactured cannabinoid-like THC has shown that people with PTSD have a marked reduction in the number of bad dreams.

The Best Medicinal Support of Cannabis Available for Chronic Pain

BMC blog network – BioMed Central

There is solid evidence that cannabis and cannabinoids found in the marijuana plant can successfully treat those suffering from chronic pain and related conditions, says an article by the National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine.

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