Play! Look at Zhengmei! Which one do you like?

Zhengmei playing ball

Because the comprehensive gymnasium here in Taishan is under renovation

The renovation period is very long, about half a year

Then Taishan High School was related to the epidemic this weekend.

Not open on 6th

Therefore, our main playing field on Saturday and Sunday has been moved to the basketball court of Fuzhou University.

In addition to the large field and many baskets here

what makes us happiest

There is a volleyball team girl!!!

We used to be very attentive when we played, if we lost after the game

Will also concentrate on watching the players on the field.

But now it's totally different

Happy to be able to play

Even if you lose accidentally,

Happy after the game

Because we all go to see Zhengmei unconsciously

You can see this picture I took

It seems that I want to shoot a ball friend, but in fact I want to shoot Zhengmei

There are a lot of them coming today, it feels like several teams are coming together

A coach guides them to run, warm up and practice with each other

Exercise is really good, they are all very healthy and beautiful girls~

After reading this article, do you want to come and play together?


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理財科技人Aaron科技公司經理,講師/作家/專訪主播/企業主/天使投資人 15年理財經驗,FB:
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