[American TV Experience] Hannah's Last Words S1-4: A group of American teenagers' cry for help

Every character in this play has stumbled and stumbled. Some people have survived the life of life or death, and some people can't survive it, but everyone's growth can be seen, and the whole is very gratifying.

(There is a thunderbolt in the text! There is a thunderbolt in the text! There is a thunderbolt in the text! It is very important, so I will say it three times!)

Stills from "Hannah's Last Words" (Source: NETFLIX)

Season 1

As Hannah, the protagonist in the play, said, people like to spy on other people's lives, and as a viewer of this drama, I am also that kind of person, I want to spy on Hannah's life, and I want to know what these students at Liberal High School have gone through What, this drama is very powerful. Although it is very slow, it still makes people want to watch it all the time, because every plot has grasped the instinct of people's curiosity. Why did Hannah commit suicide? Who are these 13 reasons and accomplices? Why are these people doing such bad things? These questions will always hang in the minds of the audience, making people unable to stop chasing the play.

In order to find out why the heroine committed suicide, the male protagonist began to dig through the tapes left by the heroine during her lifetime, trying to find out the reason for her suicide.

I also like a lot about the way the film is shot. This film often staggers the past and the present, but the transitions are very smooth, and it doesn't make people feel that the picture is messy and jumping around all the time.

However, I think the best way to shoot is the episode about Tyler's tapes. The time of the plot is set on Halloween, and there are many children outside the door asking for candy on Halloween. Tyler is usually a voyeur. In order to let him experience the feeling of being peeped, Clay secretly hid outside his room and took a photo, just as Hannah's last words tape said: "Knock! Knock! Tyler, there is someone outside your door." It is in contrast to the "Knock! Knock! Treat or trick!" that other households encounter with children. I like it very much.

Stills from "Hannah's Last Words" (Source: NETFLIX)

Season 2

Season 1 focuses on why Hannah committed suicide, school bullying, and the severity of sexual bullying. The second season continues the previous season. The reasons for Hannah's suicide have been revealed one by one, so the living people will come to help Hannah seek justice, discuss sexual autonomy, and how those who stay will get out of the shadow of the death of their loved ones.

I think this theme is very good, and the drama is not only about legal offense and defense, it not only focuses on what happened to Hannah, but also discusses the psychological state of the people around, and also let everyone know that there are still "many Hanna" in the world. Na", they haven't chosen to end their lives like Hannah, please hurry up and save them!

"Hannah may be a complicated girl, as the defense's defender said, but she's also a girl who really suffered a tragedy."

Whenever a woman is sexually assaulted or harassed, a bunch of people will only review the girl's life for not picking up points and wearing too naked, but these are not reasons for her to be sexually assaulted. As long as the other party does not agree, no one can force the other party. Have sex with yourself.

"They look very happy in the photo, like they went into (the club) voluntarily."

A group of girls were tricked into sex secret bases (clubs) by powerful boys, thinking they were just entertainment, and they were photographed with bright smiles, but after the pictures were taken, they were all unconscious, Sexually assaulted. Everyone looks at this photo and says they are so stupid and naive, why are they approaching those boys? Why are you so close to boys?

Humans are not as smart as you think. Emotions are easily manipulated, especially when faced with various temptations, vigilance and judgment are attacked by the other party one by one, and those who use these weaknesses to do bad things are the best. damn.

Stills from "Hannah's Last Words" (Source: NETFLIX)

"Do you think Hannah will go to hell when she dies?"

"I don't think so because she left a lot behind."

Because of the beliefs of Westerners, some extreme teachings will condemn people who commit suicide, are unwilling to help them deal with the funeral, and even curse those who commit suicide to go to hell. But there was no chance to say goodbye to the deceased, and the living were even more troubled. So after the verdict was over, everyone found a more enlightened church and said goodbye to Hannah happily. This presentation is also very good, let the film Through these ceremonies, everyone can walk on the road of getting better slowly.

But the bad guy in the show wasn't punished very badly because he was a powerful man. Even the victims and witnesses were forced to recall and experience painful memories many times during the trial, and were forced to open their scars in front of everyone.

I just want to stand up for justice, but I am threatened and hurt everywhere in my life.

The TV series did not bring you beautiful fantasy, and it presents these very realistic sides, which is also a reminder that it is really difficult to tell us that it is really difficult to realize our ideals. .

And these efforts are also a way to let yourself out of the pain.

Stills from "Hannah's Last Words" (Source: NETFLIX)

Season 3

The third season explores how the hateful sexual assault Bryce in the first two seasons developed a bad character. From the perspective of family education, this is very meaningful, just like the mother Li of the Taiwanese drama "The Distance Between Us and Evil" said " No one wants to spend 20 years raising a murderer." No one wants to spend 18 years raising a rapist in this drama.

But Bryce's family education really failed, so he would raise a child with deviant behavior.

There is pity behind hateful people. This is something that many people think "the death penalty can solve the problem", but they don't understand. After the execution of the death penalty, the problem has not been solved. It is simply that the root cause is not eliminated. If the problems of the family and the whole society are not solved, more criminals of the same kind will be cultivated.

Moreover, severe punishment cannot be used for everything. If the victim is released after the sexual assault vs. the victim is killed after the sexual assault, both will be sentenced to death. Will the perpetrator simply choose to kill the victim and reduce the victimization? The possibility that the attacker will report his own evil deeds after going out? A life that could have been saved is gone.

Different criminal methods, facing different punishment methods, combined with correct sex education and legal education, to solve the problem fundamentally, only in this way can we reduce the occurrence of tragedies.

In other words, Tylor walks out of the shadow of being bullied in the play, which is quite touching. He uses his favorite photo to record his daily selfies, from scarred, frowning, to healing of wounds on his body, and a smile on his face gradually. Not only is his injury healed, but it also symbolizes the support of the friendship in the film, so that he, who has been bullied on the edge for a long time, finally finds his belonging in his heart and can finally live well. Even "selfie behavior" is a kind of willingness to face up to it. A symbol of one's own pain.

Stills from "Hannah's Last Words" (Source: NETFLIX)

Season 4

In the first 5 and 6 episodes of season 4, I was very tired after watching it. The crew wanted to show that these high school students have taken on too many shadows that they shouldn't have, and are sick in their hearts, so they spent a lot of space on how everyone collapsed. And it was a very exaggerated collapse, so much so that I felt like I was watching a horror movie.

In the last few seasons of Hannah's last words, the living will also have the illusion of seeing the deceased because of their thoughts, but they are all very normal image presentations. In this season, because of psychological pressure, the hallucinations of the deceased that everyone sees are rather terrifying. There were even many supernatural plots in the image, and it was only in the next few episodes that the hearts of these teenagers gradually became clear.

The main axis of this season is that the previous three seasons have been talking about it. Parents and teachers are too unfamiliar with children, so they have experienced too much pain. This season, parents and teachers began to want to protect their children, but they did it in the wrong way. , used too extreme means to make the child bounce back. In fact, the two sides just lacked communication. Parents did not know how to properly care for their children, and children did not know how to open their hearts to their parents and teachers.

It's a pity that I didn't use more space to describe how the two sides started the dialogue, and in the end I thought the world was too beautiful.

Since the 4th season, the children have tried their best to protect their secrets, and they have experienced so many winds and rains, but in the end they suddenly solved everything with very weak reasons. "I don't want the teacher to take away the prom, so I open my heart to my parents and ask for it." Parents support the dance."

After the children have always confessed their inner world to their parents, including sexual orientation, mental problems, drug addiction, etc., the parents have no inner struggle, so they accept and support their children.

Since it's so simple, why do you have to go through so much before? Isn't it just that it is too difficult to communicate, and that there are so many problems ahead?

Stills from "Hannah's Last Words" (Source: NETFLIX)

While the Season 4 finale was too happy-go-lucky and a little confusing, overall the series was a good one. The whole play really carefully packs the various problems that teenagers in the United States may encounter, such as school bullying, sexual bullying, wealth gap, color discrimination, gun crime, drug problems, mental illness, abortion, religious groups, etc. .

I especially liked the part about abortion and religious groups, and in American society, these two issues are more serious than in Taiwan. In the film, there are anti-abortion activists protesting directly outside the obstetrics and gynecology clinic, and even directly harassing girls who go to the obstetrics and gynecology department to prepare for abortion, forcing the bloody embryo model into your hands and exerting moral pressure on you, fortunately The show still has sensible adults telling the teens "you have a lot of options, you can have it or you can have it, it's up to you, and there are charities that can help you no matter what choice you make."

As mentioned in the previous paragraphs on religious groups, some religious groups are very unfriendly to people who commit suicide, and even curse them to hell. Although this drama does not directly tell everyone that "suicide is also an option", compared to Pay attention to the person who committed suicide, and pay more attention to the living person.

But the people who stayed at least learned not to blame those who committed suicide, and those who believed in suicide had worked very hard before they died, but they really couldn’t get through it, so they chose to leave. We have to say goodbye to them and thank them for staying. down memory and influence.

Every character in this play has stumbled and stumbled. Some people have survived the life of life or death, and some people can't survive it, but everyone's growth can be seen, and the whole is very gratifying.

My IG account: @haru.and.g1.day (full of star chasing things)


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HARU LENA嗨,我是LENA,也可以叫我鴨鴨,一個喜歡二代韓團的迷妹,在這裡用文字記錄我喜歡的人事物。合作、邀稿歡迎私訊我的IG追星帳號@haru.and.g1.day
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