Policy Documentary - Wind to the Government


<wind direction government>

A look back at some of the black voice's hottest posts this week

🔰Controversy over the price cap of medical materials by the National Health Insurance Administration

Administrative officials cannot be held accountable for their policies, and the final conclusion of a year-and-a-half-long discussion has nothing to do with the process discussion

Even doctors and related guilds have come forward to protest

🔰 Controversy over the selection of the president and vice president of the Overwatch Council

President Tsai Ing-wen does not defend his candidate at all

Abandon the press conference and let the government and the opposition bite their candidates

🔰The past and present of Diaoyutai sovereignty

Chen Qimai, Chen Tingfei's criticism of the Kuomintang in those days has now become her own mirror

Xie Changting even publicly praised Ma Ying-jeou's policy

🔰The Ministry of Foreign Affairs business card is removed from Taiwan

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs sent a message, but the Executive Yuan tried to cover it up

🔰Taipei City is about to implement the only housing tax in Taiwan

Builders and Hua Jingqun are in unison and oppose the hoarding tax

The executive should have the ability to justify its policies

However, as soon as the decree was launched, we saw the lack of content and the insufficiency of related correspondence.

As a result, when faced with external criticism, it is impossible to make a correct and immediate response

But want to use the media to decorate peace

Maybe the media tool is used too smoothly

Only then will public opinion, professionalism and value collapse rapidly

Through the production of meme pictures, I hope to make it easier for the public to understand the absurdity of the government

But seriously, I laughed and cried

If you really love Taiwan, do you really want to keep things like this happening?

Relevant information:

Controversy over the price cap of medical supplies by the National Health Insurance Agency


Controversy over the selection of the president and vice president of the Supervisory Yuan


The past and present of Diaoyutai sovereignty


Ministry of Foreign Affairs removes business cards from Taiwan


Taipei City is about to implement the only hoarding tax in Taiwan


#pig weaving


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