Real ghost experience "listen" to ghost stories


Continuing the supernatural experience I wrote last year, the same happened in a remote hospital in New Taipei. Although the nursing environment has always been poor, it was even worse in the past than today. At that time, there were so-called 91-59 shifts. This means that the working hours match the busiest treatment hours of the night shift, from 9:00 p.m. to 1:00 a.m., and 5:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., Eight hours in total. The hospital pretends that it will provide a single ward for the nurses to rest (not even the duty room), but we have to wear uniforms and sleep in the hospital bed from 1:00 to 5:00 in the morning, and we will be woken up if there is first aid in the middle, which is equivalent to waiting for the hospital twelve hours. No one resisted such a bad class at that time, which shows the success of slavish education and brainwashing.

At the end of the treatment at 1:00 that day, I was lying on the special bed in my nurse's uniform. You ask me if I'm afraid? Just imagine which hospital bed has never died? By working with kindness, the patient will not harm me. But even if he thought about it like this, saying that he was not afraid was fake, he still turned on all the lights in the ward and turned the TV station before slowly falling asleep.

I forgot what time it was. I was awakened by a knock on the door. I hurried to the nursing station thinking that there was a situation in my unit. I saw two colleagues chatting while reviewing the medical records.

"What's wrong? Just came knocking on the door" I asked.

The colleague wondered, "No, we have just been at the nursing station."

"I told you to just call and knock on the door?" Another asked in confusion.

I also thought to myself, the ward is like a corridor, the single room is at the end, and it is more than 30 meters away from the nursing station. It is obvious that there is a walkie-talkie and a telephone in the ward.

After lying back on the hospital bed, I couldn't think of a reasonable explanation, it was impossible to fall asleep, I just closed my eyes and took a nap.

Suddenly, there was a voice of Arbor, very clear, he said hoarsely, " Sell the sleepy-"

I opened my eyes and the whole room was empty. The more I thought about it, the more scared I became. I didn't dare to think too much. I just packed the sheets and walked back to the nursing station to help sort out the medical records.

Another incident happened in the school next to the grave on the hillside. At that time, there was a rule for self-study at night. From 7:00 to 9:00 (some forgot), students had to sit on the desks in the lower bunk and read books. They were not allowed to talk or sleep. Orderly pickets would patrol and detain Therefore, the self-study time is mostly quiet, and the sound can be heard clearly. There are eight people in a bedroom, two beds are connected, and two desks are connected below, and the two are less than fifty centimeters apart.

During the self-study that day, it was as quiet as usual, except for the sound of flipping books and the rustling of writing. Suddenly, there was a long sigh in my ear, very clear, I looked at my roommate for the first time, she closed her lips and looked at me with wide eyes. But that long sigh went on and on, even though we looked at each other in silence, it still rang among us.

Getting along day and night, I know for sure that this is not her voice, let alone mine. After waiting for the sigh to end, the two hurried out the door.

"You hear? X, so close to us," she asked.

I nod.

We stood outside for a while before we dared to go back to the bedroom. Although we haven't heard anything like it since, who was standing between us that day is still a mystery.

The other is provided by a roommate of a remote hospital in New Taipei. She worked in the intensive care unit when we first met more than ten years ago. At that time, cameras were installed in each ward of the intensive care unit, and nurses could observe patients from the nursing station. Also in the dark night shift, around two or three o'clock, the nurses took notes and chatted at the nursing station.

A nurse yelled, "Look!"

It turned out that when no one was operating the monitor, the screen of a certain ward appeared on the screen. A woman's face is close to the camera, her facial features are obvious, her face is expressionless, she is just looking around, her head is dangling.

This is incredible, usually the camera is installed in the corner of the ceiling, and a person's face must be so close, unless a chair is cushioned, or a height of 200 cm.

The nurses chatted around the screen. Some people said that it might be an error in the transmission of information, but it was immediately denied, because the decoration behind the face was indeed a hospital ward; some people suggested to check the ward, but in fact it was unnecessary, because the hospital bed was vacant today. The more they talk, the more they can't find a reasonable explanation.

This picture continued for a few minutes, the screen went black with a swipe, and returned to normal when it was turned on again.


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瑪西Marcy喜愛閱讀和旅遊,曾從事護理工作十餘年,現為自由工作者、部落客。 厭倦市面上過度強調正面能量書籍,畢竟有光的地方就有影子,生命的體驗是從中汲取平衡,而非當影子不存在。著《下一次鳳凰花開》《表姊的佛牌店》
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