Travels in Europe | The Haunting of a Roommate's Room

Elizababe 阿白在英國🦙

In fact, unlike the impression of the United Kingdom and the United States, many European universities usually do not provide student dormitories. First, because the campus is not as vast as many university towns in the United States, it is usually dominated by teaching buildings. In the UK, it is common for the school to have cooperative outsourcing manufacturers, and there are concentrated residential buildings near the school as student dormitories. lease. However, schools in Spain do not provide these facilities, so international students usually have to rent a house when they arrive there, and because the two main universities in Murcia recruit a lot of international students and exchange students every year, so there are local student rental resources. is very hot.

I also found two roommates who lived with me on Facebook. One is Giovanna, a girl from Sardegna, Italy. I call her Gio. She is one year younger than me and went to the same school as me, UCAM, as an exchange student. She has brown-red medium-length hair, fair skin, delicate face, deep facial features and blue eyes, plus her relatively stable personality, sometimes makes me think she is more like an older sister. She is a very interesting person, warm and happy. Later, we often laughed and said that maybe because they are all from islands, they have a similar personality. Later, I often took her and other Taiwanese children I met locally. Playing with my friends, she was very happy to hang out with our whole group of Taiwanese, and even joked that maybe she was born Taiwanese in her bones, but was born in Italy. She and I became very close after that. We have continued to keep in touch until now when we returned to Taiwan. She even set up a Line for us, and said that if the border of Taiwan opens smoothly before the end of the year, she would like to come to Taiwan for the Christmas holiday. The other roommate is Juliette, a girl from the south of France. She is a very ethereal girl with short blond hair and round-frame glasses that makes her face smaller, plus a tall and slender body. The shape looks very nice. She is very outgoing and kind, but it is a pity that it is difficult to get along with each other. She also likes social activities more than Gio and I, so compared to Gio and I connecting to the computer and watching movies in the living room at night, she usually interacts with the local people. of other international students drinking at the bar.

I still remember when I was browsing the information posted by landlords and other students in the Facebook rental community, and I came across a post from Gio, saying that I hoped to be able to seek girls who also exchange for one year, and find a three-bedroom with them. Apartments are shared. At that time, there was still about a month before departure. I searched a lot of information and suggested that it is safer to sign a contract after confirming the viewing of the room. Therefore, I have already booked a youth hostel for a week, and I expect to find a room in the local area. house viewing. In fact, because of the language, there are still a lot of worries about renting a house. Therefore, if there is any news about asking for roommates in the club, I will send a message to introduce myself and chat in order to find a partner who can take care of it. friend. Of course, many of the messages were lost, but luckily I received a reply from Gio. In fact, we didn't talk much in the messages. We were pure strangers to each other, but I don't know why everything was settled. At that time She and Juliette had only just met online. After meeting me, we created a group to continue the discussion of finding a house.

Afterwards, when Gio and I talked about this sometimes, we both felt that the fate was really amazing. She later told me that a few days before she contacted me, she only saw the Vlog of an Italian Youtuber traveling in Taiwan. At that time, she was very surprised after watching it and left a good impression on Taiwan. She was surprised to think that a girl from Taiwan would contact her every few days. After chatting, she felt that I was a good person to get along with, so it was soon decided that we could share a lease together, but I didn't think too much about it. Many, when I knew that the two of them were very good at Western language, I was very relieved, maybe because I had never stayed out before, there was no reference value to judge the selection of roommates, and at the same time, it was very new to me, based on my nature. The trust in people also made me join them without thinking about it for too long. At that time, I also wanted to say that if the follow-up discussions could not come together or the signs were not right and I encountered a scam, it would be too late to break up the team before the deposit was paid. All in all, it's okay, it's settled.

After that, everything about the rental went smoothly, and I really felt that I was lucky. Not only did I meet roommates who had strong communication skills and were easy to get along with, but the house I found was also located on the edge of the largest circle in the city center. Both in terms of transportation and life functions, it is very convenient. The landlord and the couple are very friendly. From showing the house to the follow-up signing, to the follow-up house maintenance and care for our girls, they are meticulous.

I still remember that I just saw Gio's post on the group's rental website website. I clicked on the website and browsed the published photos. I fell in love with this apartment. The apartment has three bedrooms, three living rooms, one bathroom and one toilet. The decoration is mainly made of wooden materials. It has a strong European retro style. On the whole, the space is very large for three people living together. Although the layout is a bit bizarre, it seems that after entering the entrance, the door on the right will turn into an open space where the dining room and the kitchen are combined. , the layout is the basic cabinets, dining table, a large external window makes the kitchen space very bright, but when you look at the left hand side is the bathroom, and one of the bedrooms, and later this is my room, although it is in the kitchen, but the space Great, I like it very much too. However, when I saw the layout of the room in the kitchen at that time, I was still full of question marks, probably because I had heard and heard some Feng Shui discussions at home since I was a child.

The other two rooms are individually connected to the other two living rooms. The two living rooms are located in the space on the right after entering the entrance. One living room has a long wooden table and a fireplace-style room full of books and decorations. The bookcase and two reclining sofas are placed beside the large floor-to-ceiling windows. Because of the large floor-to-ceiling windows, the sunlight will illuminate the entire space during the day. Even if the lights are not turned on, it is very bright and comfortable. During the holidays, I would sit on the sofa by the window and plan the Christmas holiday in December. I would sit from early in the morning to the evening, from the hot sun, until the whole space was dark, and the lights were not turned on and I could not even see my fingers. The other living room is smaller, with a couch and TV, and one of the rooms is in the deeper space of this room. On the whole, the two bedrooms are separated by a wall, and outside the door is the pattern of two large living rooms.

And the so-called "haunted incident" occurred in the room in the living room where the TV was placed. It was Gio's room.

Because it is located on the sixth floor (in fact, it is the fifth floor for Spain, the European floor will be recorded as the G floor on the first floor as we know it, and the number will continue to go up), so the light of the street lamps does not come in very much. You can only see the lights of other houses in the opposite building, so as I mentioned above, if you don’t turn on the lights after dark, the two living rooms will actually be completely dark, and Gio’s room also has windows, but after the lights are turned off The darkness will still fill the entire space.

On the first day we just moved in, it was actually the first time we girls met. After signing the contract with the landlord, we assigned the cleaning part. We were busy all afternoon, and we each rested early in the evening. Because we moved in and cleaned up, we were tired. One day I fell into a deep sleep very quickly, so I didn't find out until early the next morning that there was a lot of news from Gio in the middle of the night.


"HELP! THERE IS GHOST HERE!" (Save me! There are ghosts here!)

"I'M SO AFRAID!!!!" (I'm so scared!!!!!)

When I saw these messages early in the morning, my whole body was not feeling well. The original lazy state was swept away. I quickly put on my slippers and went to Gio's room, only to find that she had woken up and was lying on the sofa in the living room, sliding her phone on her phone.

"Are you okay?" I asked her nervously, observing her condition. I am very shy about these supernatural powers. Although I am not superstitious, I am always in awe, but I didn't expect it to be the first day of my stay. When I encountered the mysterious power of the West, I was shocked, and immediately decided whether to find another house.

"I'm fine now, but I fell asleep later." She replied in a calm and controlled tone.

"So what happened? Did you see anything?" I felt my voice tense and a little trembling.

"I didn't see anything, but I felt it." I looked at her expressionless, and my heart grew more and more furious.

"What do you feel?" I asked immediately, but she just got up from the couch and led me into her room.

In the daytime, the sun shines in, and the whole room is not big. There is a single bed, a large wardrobe next to it, and a bedside table. The space is clean and simple, but it is not that scary. Then I watched Gio touch her. The edge of the bed, turned to me and said, "I feel the bed vibrate, the whole bed vibrates."

My hair stood on end and I couldn't speak. I was really frightened at the moment, but I felt that something was wrong, but I really lacked knowledge about this kind of thing, and I didn't know what to do. I touched the bed again in the room with her, but nothing happened. Later, we also discussed this with Juliette, but she thought it was unlikely, and things didn’t work out. Gio and I were sitting on the two chaise longue sofas next to the floor-to-ceiling windows in the large living room, where the sun was the brightest, and we instinctively felt that there was Light was super safe, and then we discussed whether to ask the landlord about it.

Halfway through the discussion, Gio suddenly sat up straight, clutching the armrest of the sofa, her face serious and frightened, and I was also taken aback by her sudden action.

"What's wrong?" I asked in a low voice.

"I felt that vibration again. Did you feel it?" She widened her eyes, as if frightened.

I looked at her and started putting my senses on my body, trying to feel any tiny vibrations, then shook my head, I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. She was still frozen, none of us dared to take a breath, and sat tense for a few minutes, my anxiety piled higher and higher.

Suddenly, I felt it.

A slight vibration came from the ground from far to near, and I suddenly felt the slight shaking of the sofa, but the vibration disappeared soon, and there was a feeling of being far away. I looked at Gio and saw that she was looking at me too.

"That's it! Did you feel it too?" She was eager to make sure I felt the same as she did.

I nodded, I was very confused, but my mental state didn't seem to be as fearful or tense as before, because in the feeling just now, I suddenly seemed to realize this feeling, and it was a little bit... familiar?

I frowned, recalling the feeling just now, and before I could figure it out, another wave of micro-quakes came. I carefully felt and captured the feeling that the vibration brought to me, and the vibration dissipated as quickly as before. , doesn't seem to last long. At this time, I could feel that most of my nervousness had dissipated, and more of it was confusion. It seemed that the possibility of supernatural events had been ruled out subconsciously, but I was still not sure how such a shock was caused.

At this time, there was a horn sound outside the window, and my attention was drawn to the window. At this time, I seemed to have figured out something. I stood up and looked out of the floor-to-ceiling window. Gio didn't know why, just followed me and looked out.

Then I finally let out a long sigh of relief, thinking to myself that there should be no need to change houses.

"It's okay, I think I know what's going on. I'm actually familiar with this situation. It's not haunted. Don't worry." I quickly reassured her, hoping she wouldn't be so nervous.

"What's the matter?" she asked in disbelief.

"My guess, I think the shaking was from outside."

The outside of the living room is facing the road. Although it is not directly the main road, our building is very close to the main traffic road. There are many cars passing by on the main road, and buses will pass by from time to time. Based on past experience, a reasonable guess should be the ground vibration caused by the passing of vehicles, which should not be directly related to supernatural events. After listening to my inference, Gio was still a little skeptical, but obviously he was no longer so scared. Later, he observed a few vibrations, and gradually we were all relieved.

Later, when I recalled it several times, I thought it was a bit funny, and it became a joke that my friends and I remembered. would be frightened. But then most of the nights I tried to avoid going to the inner room as much as possible. The shadows in my superficial consciousness are haunting? I'm not sure.


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Elizababe 阿白在英國🦙1998年生,元旦魔羯。目前在英國西倫敦大學就讀音樂產業管理碩士。喜歡四處旅行流浪,簡單快樂
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