no list of birthday gifts

When you grow up, what birthday present do you want?

"Mummy, I want Santa to give me a present." The daughter said suddenly.

"Christmas isn't here yet! And Santa Claus isn't real either!" I said immediately, pouring a bucket of cold water.

"I just want a present!" the daughter whispered playfully.

It's okay, don't make noise.

In fact, when I was young, I only had the impression that my parents would buy cakes and invite neighbors and children to celebrate their birthdays and blow out candles. The memory of gifts can be said to be zero. After I went to primary school, I didn’t remember the habit of celebrating birthdays. Brothers and sisters No one has ever complained or asked for a birthday present. The whole family spends every day quietly, no matter any holiday, it is extremely ordinary and peaceful.

It's my daughter's birthday in another week. Watching her happily count down the days every day, and then thinking about what snacks to share with her classmates, I couldn't help asking her, "Then what birthday present do you want?"

"Princess Elsa's things are fine." The daughter replied in seconds without hesitation.

Birthday gifts are always easy to handle if they have clear goals. Children’s wishes are always simple. They don’t choose expensive gifts, they only choose what they like, and they can be satisfied with a small amount of money. The most important thing is to let them feel that their parents pay attention to their needs. The frequency of once a year is just right.

When we grow up and have independent financial ability, our expectations for birthday gifts are getting higher and higher. We hope that the other half can arrange a high-end restaurant to enjoy a beautiful meal time, or ask a florist to send a bouquet of flowers to the company, and then we will meet again during the holidays. Arranging a beautiful little trip, our fantasy about birthdays began to expand, so much that we forgot to consider other people's economic situation and feelings, so the smell of smoke was stained with birthdays, and it became the death day of love .

I opened two different drawers and found coin purses and wallets that had not been used for more than five years. One was bought at Taoyuan Airport when I went abroad, and the other was bought at the Italian store during my honeymoon. Purchased, with the delightful smell of genuine leather the moment I opened the dust bag, I carefully checked them to see if they were safe, and then silently put them back in place, satisfied.

Thinking of the upcoming birthday in more than two months, I made a secret promise in my heart: "Take these two unused bags as birthday gifts for yourself!" Anyway, they are new, and they are repeated as Is it a good idea for a gift?

I clicked on the birthday gift I bought for my daughter on the Internet yesterday. The status shows that it has arrived at the tally center. It is estimated that it should be delivered to my daughter in two days, right? ! Envisioning in her mind how happy her daughter will be when she receives a gift is more satisfying than receiving it herself.

When I grow up, the most desired birthday gift is no longer food and material enjoyment, because I have spiritual wealth, which is embedded in my daily life impartially.

Coin purses and wallets that have not been used for more than five years


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