Get to know Al Qarafi, the Muslim scientist who explains the rainbow

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REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, BAGHDAD — Apart from being known as the inventor of the rainbow theory, Al Qarafi was also known by the people of his time as an expert in theology or theology. He is also one of the Islamic jurists who follow the Maliki school of law.

The Maliki school itself is one of the four schools of fiqh founded by Imam Malik bin Anas. This school is mostly adhered to by residents of Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt, and several areas in Africa.

In the field of law, Al Qarafi is often regarded as the greatest Maliki jurist at that time. This is because his writings on Maliki law have had a great influence on Islamic legal theory (ushul al-fiqh), which is spread throughout the Muslim world.

Al Qarafi's insistence on the existence of legal boundaries also underscores the importance of non-legal aspects. He considers the importance of consideration using reason and conscience in determining the right and good actions.

This thought has significant implications for legal reform in the modern Islamic world. Al Qarafi's views on the public interest or maslahah, and his ability to provide a means of accommodating the differences between modern and premodern realities are so good.

Some of his most important works in the field of Islamic law include Al-Dhakhirah (The Stored Treasure), Al-Furuq (Differences), and Nafais al-Usul (Gems of Legal Theory).

Another work, Kitab al-Ihkam fi Tamyiz al-Fatawa an al-Ahkam wa Tasarrufat al-Qadi wa'l-Imam (The Book of Perfecting the Distinction Between Legal Opinions, Judicial Decisions, and the Discretionary Actions of Judges and Caliphs).


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