PIGINI World's No. 1 Italian Accordion Brand Company

(Pigini official website promotional image)

Is there a visual sense of music fashion magazines? If you don't study the accordion, you are unlikely to think that it is the work of the accordion company, right? Pigini's promotional images have never disappointed the Italian fashion industry. Whatever way the fashion capital Milan takes, Pigini will do it! All of them are blockbusters with a sense of sight. This world number one is well-deserved!

(2004 China Price Book)

PIGINI Chinese name: PIGINI. It is said that the cat was worried about how to translate the brand name at the beginning, because the Chinese pronunciation is a bit like "bikini". Fortunately, after seeing the price list issued by the Chinese agent in 2004, I could not help but breathe a sigh of relief, this big problem was finally solved, hehe.

(Mr. Gino Pigini)

The PIGINI company was founded in 1946 by Mr. Gino Pigini under the direction of Filippo, together with the brothers Marino and Luigi, and has since been managed by his own descendants. At present, it has been passed down to the fourth generation. The son Mr. Massimo Pigini and the granddaughter Ms. Francesca are still running the company's affairs. It can be said that it is a real family business.

(Last century propaganda poster)

When the company was first established, many people persuaded Mr. Gino: there are accordion factories all over the place, and many companies closed down after the war, you should stop focusing on accordions and gongs. And Mr. Gino replied: So what to do? I have only two loves in my life, one is my wife Albertina and the other is the accordion. (He had been working with gongs for 15 years before founding the company.) It was Mr. Gino's love that led to the world's number one accordion company that continues to this day. The Pigini company also claims: We set sail from a dream, and then put all our work enthusiasm into it. Generation after generation, the cycle goes on and on.

After the establishment of the company, Mr. Gino quickly targeted the company's sales to overseas markets, and sold Pigini's accordions to countries around the world in a short period of time. Around 1990, with the assistance of the general agent in Tianjin, China, Pigini visited China and officially brought the accordion to the Chinese market.

(Pigini manual workshop)

It is worth mentioning that the current production of Pigini is divided into two parts: one part is hand-made by craftsmen; the other part is machine-made. The picture shows the manual production workshop, and there is another machine production workshop. Pigini began to use CNC machines to tune the gongs as early as 2005, and began to use digital machines to manufacture left-hand bass bean support rods in 2010. Pigini is the only Italian high-end accordion company in the world that uses modern technology to replace manual production of accordion parts with machines, and can achieve 100% independent production without the need for other factories for OEM.

(Install the Bess Bean Worker's Workbench)

Cats are people who follow the laws of nature and causality, so cats think that the reason why they can become the world's number one is that they are always one step ahead of the market and ten steps ahead of their competitors. They like to be "the first person to eat crabs", and they are not afraid of innovation and change. With the support of the industry's high acuity, they gradually realize the independent production and manufacturing mode that combines high-tech and traditional handicraft. The advantage of such high acuity is that no matter how the environment of the accordion manufacturing industry changes, they can stand firm; the second aspect is due to their youthful company management system. The second point can also be learned from Mr. Gino's original words: young people have ideas than our older generation, they learn and progress faster, they master things more comprehensively, and they have unique and long-term vision. I am very relieved, young people are our future and I will give them all my support. It is precisely because of such a company's business philosophy that most of the craftsmen in the Pigini factory are young, with only a few older craftsmen; At the beginning of the 21st century, we dared to realize the idea of independent innovation - using technology to replace part of manual manufacturing by mechanical production, so as to achieve true independence. These two aspects complement each other and are indispensable. And Pigini's marketing has been done for more than 20 years. The marketing of the accordion is quite professional. It is a real low-key boss, not the boss.

(Nòva button version)

Having talked so much about the Pigini company, let's also talk about the Pigini accordion. In 2008 the Nòva came into being and became the world's first most high-end and most expensive accordion. The Nòva piano is specially designed for concerts, so it is a professional in a professional. Players are free to customize the accordion according to their own playing habits. Usually, the delivery time is about 1.5 years, or even 2 years. This instrument is the best in the world, not just because it is better in one part than others, but better in every single part as a whole. As for the difference in timbre, Pigini is reluctant to reveal too much, and the cat has no chance to see this piano with his own eyes, so there is no way to describe the actual auditory and tactile feelings, which is a small regret. The price of this piano is also unwilling to reveal the price of Pigini, but it is certain that you can only consider it when your wallet is very, very strong. (Actually, the cat still knows about the price range, hehe, at least prepare a budget of 400,000 RMB.)

Finally, put a big photo of Pigini company for everyone.

Article copyright: cat

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Previous articles about the Accordion:

Bugari Armando, the second Italian accordion company in the world

Victoria Accordions 100th Anniversary of the Italian Victoria Accordion Company

Status of BB, an Italian mid-end accordion brand company at the end of 2019

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