[Taiwan drama experience] Scarlo: The discussion caused is far more than the value of 200 million

Compared with the restoration of the Luo Mei incident, this play feels more like emphasizing the concepts of "Who am I?" and "Don't forget my mother." There are really many people in Taiwan who don't know anything about their origin and mother tongue. The international situation of Taiwan also often forces Chinese people to lose their background. Some people choose not to be Taiwanese, while others choose to stubbornly resist those who want to tear off their national identity.

(There is a thunderbolt in the text! There is a thunderbolt in the text! There is a thunderbolt in the text! It is very important, so I will say it three times!)

Stills of "Scarlo" (Source: Public Television)

I've been looking forward to this drama for a long time, and I've been looking forward to it since it was announced that it would be a remake, because I really liked "A Hand of Green" directed by Cao Ruiyuan a few years ago.

However, I am not very satisfied with this "Scarlo". I feel that the rhythm of the story in the first few episodes is too slow, and the editing of the later episodes is quite jumpy, especially the last episode seems to be in a hurry to explain things.

However, I don't worry about the death of Diemei at the end. In my opinion, it is not sudden at all, just just right. She has lied a lot to people of different ethnic groups for the sake of her self-confidence of peace; she also took foreigners up the mountain to negotiate with the aborigines despite the opposition of the Han Chinese. She had been threatened to kill her by different ethnic groups many times before, and she was finally assassinated, so it shouldn't be too surprising.

The death of Diemei reminds me that in Taiwan history, many people were sacrificed for the integration of different ethnic groups, or because of differences and misunderstandings between various ethnic groups.

Stills of "Scarlo" (Source: Public Television)

Moreover, compared to restoring the Luomei incident, this play feels more like emphasizing the concepts of "Who am I?" and "Don't forget my mother." There are really many people in Taiwan who don't know anything about their origin and mother tongue. The international situation of Taiwan also often forces Chinese people to lose their background. Some people choose not to be Taiwanese, while others choose to stubbornly resist those who want to tear off their national identity.

"No one forgets a song taught by their mother unless it's because of fear, and fear takes away a song." This is the most important line I think this drama has. The aboriginal songs that Diemei's mother taught her, she couldn't sing a complete song when she grew up, echoing her unwillingness to face the fact that she was born of the original Han blood. In the end, Diemei decided to choose to return to the tribe, and she finally remembered how to sing the song taught by her mother from the beginning to the end.

I hope that the people of Taiwan who are still often suppressed and betrayed can no longer forget who they are because of fear or bullying.

Stills of "Scarlo" (Source: Public Television)

This play can't be said to "restore" the Luo Mei incident at all. If it is to restore the historical facts, there will be no character named Diemei. The original novel is not history, and the same is true for the adapted drama. To me, it is an entertaining work, but the entertainment nature can also arouse the public's curiosity about this history, so the value of this play is not whether the quality is perfect or not, whether it is worth spending 2 100 million to complete, but it drives Taiwanese people to pay attention to many issues worthy of discussion, such as the difference in the original Han history, the lack of traditional history textbooks, and the aborigines who want to understand the Qing Dynasty and the Han people on the land of Taiwan way of communication.

It's not that the historical view presented in this play is completely correct with the background of that era. It means that because of this play, people will begin to re-look at some historical events through various dialectics.

And I think history will have different views on people from different perspectives. I admit that for most of the aborigines, the Han people's view of history is still too heavy, and the results of Tian Diao have been criticized by historical and cultural experts for some gaps with reality.

However, in Taiwan, where people still make silly aboriginal discrimination jokes on the radio admiralty, it seems that this drama is a big step forward, right? I don't want to be bad, I just want to admit that Taiwanese people still have many shortcomings in "respecting multiculturalism". I hope that because of this drama and related discussions, everyone can continue to pursue progress and learn to respect different cultures. Hope One day we will get better and better!

Stills of "Scarlo" (Source: Public Television)

In fact, I still prefer "A Hand of Green" to Director Cao's work. Although the background of the story, for me, who was born in the post-90s and has no military or military background, it doesn't resonate at all. I just like that there are more in it. The stories of tension and vigour. As far as people who simply want to chase dramas, it may also be the presentation of "A Hand of Green", which will be even more exciting and touching than "Scarlo"!

Although the performance of "Scarlo" was not as good as I expected, I still admire director Cao Ruiyuan's continuous efforts in the Taiwan drama circle. "Carol" can also leave something for Taiwan's film and television culture, prompting more people to use their film and television expertise to record the stories that belong to the land of Taiwan. Thank you, Director Cao Ruiyuan, who truly loves Taiwan and works hard for Taiwanese film and television!

My IG account: @haru.and.g1.day (full of star chasing things)


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HARU LENA嗨,我是LENA,也可以叫我鴨鴨,一個喜歡二代韓團的迷妹,在這裡用文字記錄我喜歡的人事物。合作、邀稿歡迎私訊我的IG追星帳號@haru.and.g1.day
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