【Local Report: The Future of Design is Circular - ○Circular Design Exhibition THE LOOP】


[Reporter pulls the bottom 🕵️‍♀️/Special report] If you have taken glass bottles and used glass bowls, have you ever seen an exhibition of discarded glass? Today, I followed the footsteps of reporters to the Hsinchu Glass Factory🍹, let's take a look at the " ○Circular Design Exhibition THE LOOP " planned by Ah Fans [ W Chunchi Project ] in October 2020~

Take a look at the pictures below to understand 🔍 "Social Design" in action #1
🔍Exhibition Theme

What is "Circular Design"? It is in pursuit of the positive and sustainable development of human society and achieves a balance of coexistence with nature , which is a part of social design . And "○Circular Design Exhibition THE LOOP" cuts into the six aspects of life: "city🌆", "architecture👷‍♂️", "materials🧪", "technology📲", "consumption🛒", "food🍱" , using recycled waste materials , interacting with the audience's sight, hearing and touch, conveying the concept of a symbiotic cycle between people and the environment , hoping that people can find problems and put them into action.

Therefore, the main vision is based on black, gray and white circles, symbolizing the infinite cycle of three levels of #question❓, #thinking💭, #action🏃‍♀️ , which also correspond to the three major exhibition rooms. And the recycling rate is as high as 92% #wasteglass as the core, making the concept of circular design more approachable. Follow the reporter to see how Ah Fans [ W Chunchi Project ] turns waste glass into amazing works of art!

(Image credit: Chunchi Glass)
🔍Black Question: Heart of the Cycle

Have you ever wondered where your wine bottles go after recycling? W Chunchi plans to bring thousands of discarded glass wine bottles🍾 into the field and stack them into huge cylinders that are visually stunning . If you put on the headphones here, you will hear some screeching noises , which is the process of recycling the glass .

The nearly all-black exhibition room represents #question, collecting six major environmental issues, from the perspectives of different fields, under the oppressive atmosphere, showing the threat and damage to the environment without recycling , I hope that the audience can " From the heart" to see the connection between human beings and all things coexisting and dying together.

(Image credit: Chunchi Glass)
🔍Thinking Grey: Circulation and Flow

Everyone may have a crisp wind chime in their memory🎐, so do you know that each wind chime has different sounds depending on its material and shape? W Chunchi plans to combine hand-blown glass and induction mechanical devices to make wind chimes and hang them in the gray corridor. Instead of swaying with the wind, they make sounds by detecting "distance" , creating a tunnel like a breeze blowing through.

The gray corridor represents #thinking , moving forward along the wind bell, like repeated ecological reminders, leading people's thoughts to flow , step by step into circular design, and experience the relationship between oneself and nature.

(Image credit: Chunchi Glass)
🔍Operation White: The Sound of the Loop

After playing the pinball table and stepping on the ball pool, have you ever thought that the waste wine bottle can be transformed into a glass ball pool? The W Chunchi Project invites musicians from Hsinchu to rewrite the glass recycling process into new music 🎼 and play it in the white booth. There are glass beads sliding down the track in front of you, you can step into the glass bead ball pool to feel it with your body , or you can put your head into the white sound cover to listen to the circular design action plan of the radio broadcast .

The white booth represents #action , open the senses to listen to the music made by recycling waste glass, the relevant experiences of key local people in Hsinchu and recycling design, and actually walk through the sea of recycling made up of glass beads🌊, hope to be in the hearts of people Plant the seeds, look for possible solutions, get up and take action to bring more cycles .

(Data source: Chunchi Glass)
🔍Social influence

"Waste glass recycling rate" was once listed as one of the indicators for evaluating "national competitiveness" by the Lausanne Institute of Management in Switzerland. Taiwan's glass recycling rate ranks second in the world , second only to Sweden. Chunchi Glass is the largest glass recycling factory in Taiwan. The annual recycling volume is about 100,000 tons, accounting for 70% of the waste glass in Taiwan, which is equivalent to the carbon reduction of about 500 Daan Forest Park 🏞.

" ○Circular Design Exhibition THE LOOP " makes waste glass no longer confined to recycling plants, but brings environmental issues to people through the form of exhibitions, allowing people to open up their sensory experience, rethink, and try to bring environmental issues through action. to change.

(Data source: Chunchi Glass )

After watching the exhibition of W Chunchi Project this time, have you learned more about social design? Please look forward to the next report of Ah Fan~

#○Circular Design Exhibition THE LOOP won the #2021 Golden Pin Design Award this year! After reading this report, now understand the importance of recycling glass! Press share and tell more people around you🏃🏃‍♀️🏃‍♂️

#○Circular Design Exhibition #WSpring Pool Project #Spring Pool Glass #socialdesign #socialaction #socialimpact #afan #attacksocialdesign #SyndAvant #socialdesign #socialaction #socialimpact #avantist #THELOOP

W Chunchi ProjectFacebook , Instagram

Planning/Editor: Jodie

Graphic Design: Nora

Directed/Verified by: Achó


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