Creation in the Age of AI|Matters Community Call for Papers

I understand that for writing, from idea to black and white, there is a difficult incubation process in the middle. In many cases, the idea is only an inch away from the text, but an introduction is still needed to make the creation happen. Hopefully this event will be the midwife of ideas that will bring your work to life.


From the end of last year to the present, the whole world has been shocked by the emergence of AGI represented by ChatGPT. People are looking to the past, hoping to find a suitable event as a frame of reference to understand the magnitude of this change. Some people say that this is the iPhone moment of OpenAI, some people say that this technological revolution is similar to the emergence of the mobile Internet, and the founder of deep learning technology, University of Toronto professor Jeffery Hinton said in an interview with a CBS reporter, "I think this time The impact of the revolution is similar to the invention of electricity".

I myself have deeply realized the "irreversibility" of this technological revolution. Simply put, it means that I can't go back after using it, and I have become a "newcomer". In addition to the improvement of tool efficiency, what fascinates me even more is its impact on science and society itself: we have actually built a super-huge machine that "understands" all human languages. And will the social impact it brings bring about a new impetus for change, just as the Industrial Revolution stimulated the communist movement?

I believe that you who are reading the article also have your own experience of AI. I want to hear your share.

Sharing real experience, original thinking, and meeting friends through literature is the most important gain in itself. But as a creative platform holding the banner of Web3, "incentives" must be indispensable. For this reason, I have the cheek to apply for a small amount of Likecoin fund from the official to fund my creation.

I understand that for writing, from idea to black and white, there is a difficult incubation process in the middle. In many cases, the idea is only an inch away from the text, but an introduction is still needed to make the creation happen.

Hopefully this event will be the midwife of ideas that will bring your work to life.

I heard from Matters City Operations @颖欣 that in May there will be a series of AI-related communication activities in the Matters Discord, and authors may also be invited to "come on stage" to share.

Let May be AI Writing Month for Matters.

Call for Papers:

  1. AI and Productivity: Share how you've incorporated AI into your daily workflow, how it has transformed work and learning with the help of AI. For example, you wrote your first program using ChatGPT; you fired your IELTS teacher because of ChatGPT
  2. The Social Impact of AI: Share what you have observed, the true impact of AI on individuals and society. For example, you have a friend who decided not to recruit interns during the summer vacation because of the emergence of ChatGPT
  3. Your collaborative creation with AI: use AI to create (articles, images, other media works) in appropriate and interesting ways, and share your work. For example, let GPT act as a reporter to interview yourself (such as my small article 😊)

Submission method:

Method 1: After publishing an article, just link this article

Method 2: Call me in the comment area of the article, namely @Xa

⚠️ Note that only articles published on Matters after the event starts will be accepted. Welcome to move articles published on other platforms


From May 3, 2023 to June 3, 2023

bonus pool

50,000 Likecoins

Awards Rules

  • After the event, the top 10 articles will be selected according to the reading time obtained 72 hours after the article is published. Share 50k LikeCoin based on the reading time
  • For friends who post on Mattes for the first time, the reading time is calculated as 150%
  • All articles will receive an initial Likecoin support from me (in order to be popular on the homepage)

❤️ Please also forward this article to friends you think are suitable, and invite TA to share your thoughts, feelings and thoughts about AI~

CC0 License

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