2021 Golden Melody Awards [Song of the Year] Listen to songs to learn English, and your ears will get pregnant!

Today, I will introduce the 7 songs shortlisted for the [Song of the Year] in the 32nd Golden Melody Awards, including Shouzi, Cao Yawen, Wan Fang, Sang Buyi, Lu Guangzhong, Mayday, and Gao Wuren, select the golden sentences in the lyrics, and listen to the songs to learn English together! The finalists use different ways to describe this era and the feelings of life. Some remind you to always care for the people around you, some touch your feelings during the epidemic, some let you realize the growth brought by loss, and some are like warmth The earth makes the soul redeemed, and some lyrics directly convey real emotions, and cherish every encounter. This year's works are still in full bloom, no matter what the style is, they are all worth savoring

Article source: Takeaway English official website


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In the post-epidemic era, people are full of uncertainties about the future. Those soothing songs can be widely echoed, and the [Song of the Year Award] undoubtedly reflects the social atmosphere of the year and the voice of the times. Today, I will introduce the 7 songs that were shortlisted for the [Song of the Year] in the 32nd Golden Melody Awards, including Shouzi, Cao Yawen, Wan Fang, Sang Buyi, Lu Guangzhong, Mayday, Gao Wuren, and choose the golden sentences in the lyrics, let's listen to the songs and learn English together !

The finalists use different ways to describe this era and the feelings of life. Some remind people to always care for the people around them, some touch your feelings during the epidemic, some let you realize the growth that loss brought you, and some Like the warm earth, the soul can be redeemed, and some lyrics directly convey real emotions, making us cherish every encounter more. This year's works are still in full bloom, no matter what the style is, they are all worth savoring.

1. Slender E.SO "Uncle" Bo Fu - English Lyrics

"Uncle" sings the voice of the prospective father-in-law, explaining the father's state of mind watching his daughter's birth and growth, and bringing her boyfriend to see her father. Reminds me of the movie "The Father Is Wrong", the father is always strict, and he will not let up on the happiness of his beloved daughter. The reason why his girlfriend's father will make things difficult is a large part of the father's unspoken love for his daughter. The love of , doesn't it say the voice of many boys? This R&B style song incorporates some electronic music elements to make the song sound richer and is a heartwarming hip-hop song.

singing in the song...

Have a different everything I got totally earn it
Didn't miss any chance I'm gonna kill it
Be kind to the people around me. I can have a clear conscience. I believe that honesty can only lead to real wealth.
Make a difference . Everything I got totally earn it.
Don't miss any chance. I'm gonna kill it
Treat people around me with a clear conscience
I believe that an honest heart is real wealth
  • make a difference
  • kill it [colloquial] to do things well; nail it done, successful
  • conscience noun n. conscience, morality

2. Cao Yawen "If tomorrow" If tomorrow—English lyrics

If your life is coming to an end tomorrow, what do you want to do?
"If Tomorrow" sings about the unknowable future, can those unpleasant things be forgotten tomorrow?

This sad memory of Cao Yawen's jumping off the building reminds everyone to always care for the people around you and cherish life! The song breaks through the traditional Taiwanese style, and combines saxophone, guitar, and electronic rhythm arrangements to make the song listen to the brain and listen to the ears, and it is easy to sing with the two.

singing in the song...

It's not that I love to care, it's that I love troubles, it's for the sake of a stable life
It's not that I wanna haggle
It's not that I love troubles
I'm working hard for a stable life
I know I did something wrong
I know that I can't change it
  • haggle noun n. arguing, bargaining; verb v. arguing
    to haggle about or over sth.
    to haggle with sb. over the price
  • cuz [colloquial] because abbreviation, because
  • stable adj.

3. Wan Fang "A Feng did not come today" A Vacant Seat - English lyrics

This song depicts the impermanence of the world and the "parting" issue that everyone must face. Those who have gone through youth together and entered a new stage of life together, no one knows that a certain goodbye is the last goodbye. Wan Fang spoke softly about a group of companions who were not able to attend the gathering, as if they were chanting for each other's lost youth. She sang softly and eloquently, making the heavy topic of "parting" more open-minded and soothing.

A Vacant Seat deals with the loss of best friend. The song begins with a description of the gathering of friends year after year, and evolves into a heart-wrenching description of the space that the departed friend has left on hers. The sorrow in her voice is palpable , with her vocals carrying a sense of helplessness and nostalgia . "A Feng Didn't Come Today" describes the sad moment of losing a dear friend. The song started out as a reunion of friends' year-to-year get-togethers, and has since evolved into a heartbreaking description of a deceased friend. The sadness in her voice is palpable, with a sense of helplessness and nostalgia.

  • vacant adj. vacant
  • gather verb v. to gather, to gather
  • evolve verb v. develop, evolve
  • heart-wrenching heart-wrenching, extremely sad; wrench v. sprain, torment
  • departed adj. past, dead; noun n. dead
  • sorrow noun n. grief, sorrow; verb v. to feel sorrow, regret
  • palpable adj. palpable, obvious
  • nostalgia nounn. nostalgia

The end of the song sings...

We talked for so long this night that we were shocked that life was too short. Next year, if anyone can't come, we won't want to take our eyes off each other.
We had a very long conversation this night
long enough until we learned that life is too short
Never wanna lose anyone next year
Unwilling to take eyes off from each other

Learning to "farewell" is not an easy life topic, let us cherish every encounter more.

4. Sambuyi "maava / Embrace / Embrace" - English lyrics

"Embrace" is based on Paiwan tunes, with a majestic arrangement like the soundtrack of a movie, and poetic lyrics, describing the embrace of nature to us, the land that embraces us like a mother, and embraces you like a tree. Sambuyi sings the soul of Beinan, with a vigorous and penetrating singing voice, like a force growing from the land, feeling the energy of companionship between the mountains, forests and the sea, sharing life with nature, and finding spiritual redemption.

singing in the song...

As warm as the sun, like the roots of a tree, winding and spreading like clouds, following it gently like vines tightly bound
As warm as the sun
like roots
tagging along
like floating clouds
like vines
  • crawl verb v. to crawl, creep
  • tag along phrase ph.
  • tangle verb v. tangle
  • vine nounn.

5. "Your Name Engraved Herein" by Lu Guangzhong - English lyrics

"Everyone's first love is as great as an epic movie." The song "The Name Engraved in My Heart" is a love song dedicated to the love in my heart. It is the theme song of the movie "The Name Engraved in Your Heart". It tells the story of the taboo emotions of two high school boys in the era when Taiwan just lifted the law, and falling in love in such an era must be as heroic as an epic. Lu Guangzhong slowly sang the youthful throbbing desperate for love, which set off the unspoken inner emotions of the two protagonists in the movie. It was like muttering to someone who missed him at night, always inadvertently remembering the deep part in his heart. The hidden regrets and memories are still deeply imprinted in my heart. "Love" has no shape, everyone should be brave to be themselves and pursue what they love.

singing in the song...

The name engraved in my heart I forgot about the time. Since I decided to fall in love once, I would like to make the world stand still so that I will not be a luxury. If there is a next time, I will love again.
Your name engraved herein
Making time go by without a trace
I've decided to love, only one for the rest of my life
I hope the time would stop
so I have more time to miss you
If I have another chance, I will surely love again
  • engrave verb v. to engrave (+with/on), to engrave (+in/on)
    to engrave sth. on/in sth.
    This love scene was engraved on his memory.
    The scene of this love is deeply engraved in his memory.
    to engrave sth. with sth.
  • trace noun n. trace; verb v. trace
    to remove all trace(s) of sb.'s presence
    to trace sth./sb. to trace something/someone

6. Mayday "Because of You So I" Because Of You - English Lyrics

In the post-epidemic era, in the face of the drastic changes in life, the more eager to protect and the more cherish the love that connects each other. The song "Because of You, Me" has the consistent warmth and positive force in Mayday's creation. The two finally come together. No matter what obstacles they encounter in the front, they have the strength to support each other and move forward, "Because you must be good. , so I can be good too", is a very suitable song to convey affection.

singing in the song...

Because of you, I fell in love with that sky. Under the sky, I was praying. It was you who held me. The most profound story.

Cuz of you, I fall in love with that sky
Beneath the stars how I pray
It's you holding me
tales, eternal legends
lie in our common life together

  • epic adj. epic, heroic, magnificent
  • eternal adjective adj. eternal, immortal
  • legend noun n. legend
  • common adjective adj. ordinary, ordinary

7. Sue Five People "Where I Lost Us" - English Lyrics

"We all need to forgive ourselves who didn't know how to love." "Lost You in This City" depicts "loss", finding that "lost regret", experiencing the pain of loss, and finally realizing this loss The growth it brings to you; this song is not only a lovelorn song, but also can be regarded as after entering the "real society" of this city, losing the "single beautiful world" and losing to yourself with high "desire", unable to yield to yearning for the past, Only by losing is the real possession, and only by understanding can one realize and let go, and then look for the next possession with courage, and cherish the present possession.

When I first heard this song, I was instantly transported into the world of the city by the deep, gloomy chords and the long, gentle voice of the lead singer. With the addition of the rhythm of the electric piano and jazz drums to the music, it seems that the story of the long-held "box that requires a password" is slowly opened, and it falls into the infinite imagination that cannot be extricated. The arrangement of the whole song is clear, and the melody changes to create a majestic atmosphere, especially after the sentence "I think it can lead to the ending of understanding", the jazz drum rhythm is added. To a lover who can't find a goodbye after saying goodbye, "The world has changed / Our love has changed too". This is a divine comedy that can express emotions freely and is worth savoring carefully.

The world has changed and our love has also changed And I lost in this city You lost yourself by the way I thought there was a shortcut to the absurd And I lost you in this city Losing to my lustful self is not your excessive feelings
Heaven and earth changed, so as our love changed
And I, lost you in this city
lost myself along the way
been believing that my messy life would find its own way
And I, lost you in this city
failed to the self who desires so much
not your excessive feelings
  • frivolously adv. frivolous; adjective adj. frivolous
  • to behave frivolously
  • to treat sb. frivolously
  • desire verb v. desire; noun n. desire
  • to desire to do sth.
  • to desire sb. to do sth. to expect someone to do something
  • desire for sth.
  • to have no desire to do sth.
  • Excessive adjective adj. Excessive, excessive
  • feeling noun n. feeling, emotion; disgust hard/ill/bad feelings, mixed feelings, complex emotions, no hard feelings, dead to all feelings, insensitive, relieve one's feelings, spare sb's feelings, save face for someone, sinking feeling I feel like something is going to happen, a gone feeling

After introducing the "Song of the Year" nominated for this year's Golden Melody Awards, are you all pregnant? Which songs do you like in the Golden Melody Awards? Which one is your favorite? Welcome to leave a message to share with me~ I hope everyone can cherish everything they have now, and give more love and care during the epidemic to make their lives full and complete.

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