[Baker Wants to Enjoy] Choose, why write?

I started to observe it a while ago, and I also felt the "low pressure" in Matt City. Many Matt citizens felt disappointed by the decrease in the income of Like Coin; they also had doubts about the appreciation of citizens' web3.0; even about the benefits of writing Opinions vary...

This may really be an age-old problem: hobby or profession; self-confidence or money.

It's just for fun, just for fun

Before joining Matt City, even before the ruffian state and the nameless , " writing " only appeared in the workbook that the school could not use up, a random piece of waste paper, and a notebook bought separately... When inspiration comes, you can do anything in a day. If you don't do anything, you can get caught up in it. You can go to the playground after finishing the homework for several days in a row, and you can sneak into the living room in the middle of the night to do your best. I first tried to create novels because I liked Japanese animation but couldn’t draw them well. Later, I read new poems and prose in class, and I thought such words were too beautiful, especially rhythmic and rhythmic sentences…

Still interested, but not entirely

I admit that most of the reasons why I started to post in Wuming or Yankebang were the venting of negative energy . Even if there may be many professional articles, it is probably a means I used to confuse the public. It’s just that at this stage, the little bit of income that ruffian bang comes from on-page advertising really makes my eyes light up: few, really few , but I really start to care about whether my articles are read, whether the words are accurate, Is there anything to improve...even just an increase in the number of views can make me feel extremely happy at the time.

"Creativity is valuable, turn appreciation into appreciation"

It is believed that almost all residents of Matt City entered this epoch-making blockchain blog under this slogan. After a period of time, there are really very few people who are called " writers " and make a living by this. We can only say that in the era long ago, when audio-visual video was not available and not popular, " text" was really transformed. The warmth of black and white , so it can infect many people and become a "mainstream" and a "professional" . Therefore, there is no way to make the practice of ordinary people's consideration of reality become so "practical" in this text creation, of course, you have to try it! In the future , please click here to avoid the length of the article!

Recently, the city of Matt has been filled with thick fog, and there have been many arguments about the appreciation of the citizenship system , the decrease in the number of Like coins that can be obtained, the difference in applause... and even whether writing should be for "money" or not.

at Potato Media

Staying in " Potato " for almost two weeks, it was a fierce battlefield: once the article is posted, even newcomers can be "liked" and "commented" a lot, but you will find that it is full of "copper smell" : These are all their means of earning points, they don’t necessarily like it, and the comments are extremely empty. Of course, there are even more empty articles... This is a complete ecosystem, you can get benefits from any action , so you can create unlimited A prosperous community, if you want to go further, maybe karma will follow. It is undeniable that it is a blockchain LG, and social networking is the focus. As for the content of the article...Who cares? After all, writing is taking Come earn money professionally!

However, even in Potatoes, I have seen good articles that are willing to write seriously, have long articles, and have far-reaching content , but the output is far less than that of other creators who add several articles a day and add a picture every few sentences, but still I am the same. . Or maybe some creators break up long texts into short ones, profiting separately on the potato but reading them together with the same quality of writing , which might be fine too.

at Matters

I’ve been doing the “ Crazy Zans ” for a while myself: as long as I follow it, I will basically fill it up; if I see it, I will stop and take a second look; if I am really impressed, I will leave a message, and even super like it. I used to be a rookie creator with unobtrusive articles, limited space, not subscripting, not noticed, and not very good at writing articles. These articles may be really easy to be forgotten among many masters. But just like the original @shooter Mommy Tingting will come to my articles from time to time to clap and leave messages, it will really give me the motivation to continue, and I also want to let some people who are willing to write but are still starting, and rarely do so from this perspective. The encouraged creators also have the confidence to continue . Of course, this is very likely to " kill a hundred by mistake", but this is a meager contribution from creators like me, who can usually find time to write, which is not easy. strength.

It really must be said that there are really many high-quality and good articles in Matt City, but even now Matt City always has something to write about, clear arguments, full content, and high knowledge content... Those who are really serious about "writing" The creators on "It is undeniable that they entered Matt City for the "reward" in "turning praise into appreciation" . Of course, there are many creators with the same mentality as potatoes.

But there is no doubt that Matt City, or the current benefits of appreciating citizens, is indeed chilling, especially for creators who have been in business for a long time and have many praise and follow-up. This gap will be more obvious , and there will be many criticisms. normal. It’s just that this is an inevitable process in a large environment. A mature system must take the stability of its overall operation as its primary task . Sorting out the data... It is necessary to rely on the method of " spending money for others to earn ". All I can say is: people are selfish , just like the slogan that was hung up in Matt City recently. After all, there has been no such thing from the beginning. 100% people write in Matt City for fun! (The author who claims to be pure interest will go back and write on paper with a pen!) So the current result is inevitable, but in fact what we should do is not complain, criticize, criticize, this is an established fact and a must-go process to change ourselves The idea or practice is what matters to me .

This might be a viable solution

I think, under the premise of " creation is valuable ": although most of Matt City still re-creates itself, there are many articles for making money; although Potato is full of articles only for making money, it still insists on "writing" seriously the minority .

No one is more noble or vulgar

For the same reason, it may be difficult for you to "clearly divide" "comfort and money", "interest or profession" in yourself or any creator: I don't think people who really don't seek profit will be in Matt City. , Potato and other places where "creation is valuable" , after all, no one is more noble in the jihad that contaminates interests; and everyone who can't stop writing here should also think about why Matt City, Potato, and even the newer Liker social can Survive in the online world .

Let your inner voice go where it should go

The reason is " differentiation ", they see different " target groups ": if you want your carefully written content to be taken seriously by " comparison" , you can post it in Matt City ; if you want to make more money , Then split this article into several parts, po to the potato ! Then only take seriously those "niche" who leave serious comments; if sometimes you just want to have a mood and chat , and don't want to be washed by empty comments, then try it on Liker social ! You can also earn like coins!

Finally, I would like to say: since you are in Matt City, as long as you still have a desire to create in your heart, even if you doubt whether your starting point is beneficial, you should write it down and write this article with your heart. , respect the choice of entering Matt City at the beginning , as for whether anyone responds, appreciates how the citizenship system is, how much clapping, how many Like Coins are obtained... It is really not that important, and there is nothing to go to the north. , after all, if you want to make money, there are better platforms now, but don’t rely on the north and no one will come back seriously; if you want to simply chat, run a community, and make some money, there is a place for you to go, then don’t rely on the north and no one will come back. take care of you.

If you ask me: what is writing and what is it for . I would say: writing is a means to express emotions, attract attention, create benefits, warm each other, interact with people... As for what to write for, I would say: both, children make choices!

The world is big, and it will only get bigger. One place and platform cannot hold my longing heart:

 ✔ If I need more, then look for more, crying and crying won't change reality!

✔ The audiences on different platforms can be different, or they can all be you!

✔ Don't stop to choose what you want in your heart, writing is still your interest, for you!

I'm Baker, I'm a physical therapist,

son, brother,

Husband, son-in-law...

When wearing or not wearing a therapeutic gown,

normal, usual,

commonplace everyday,

Joy, anger, sadness, and joy, all want to share with you;

Sour, sweet, bitter, spicy, I want you to taste it too.

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