Doctor Strange 2_The Runaway Multiverse - A belated experience

After watching Doctor Strange 2, I see more of my own self-reflection rather than the plot itself. The following is my understanding of my recent life.
Image quoted from IMDB

I waited until I got on a streaming platform to watch this movie, and it was one of the few Marvel movies that I didn't watch in theaters. This means that I have become tired of Marvel movies and series. In addition to the works shot by directors who have really good reviews and that I really admire, I go to the cinema to meet these familiar Marvel superhero characters. The number of encounters should be less and less.

The title already tells the audience quite bluntly that this is another multiverse-themed movie.

But maybe it's because there have been quite a lot of unhappiness and setbacks in both work and private life recently.

Therefore, after watching this movie, the theme that comes to mind in my mind tends to be "escape".

Because I want to escape the reality of this universe, I think of another universe and pursue the happiness that I cannot get in this universe.

If the self in this universe is already very satisfied, why need to find a way to cross another universe?

Therefore, to put it simply, because of dissatisfaction with the life at this moment and the belief that there is no way for me to make my current life better, the idea of wanting to cross into another universe occurs.

Looking at your recent state, even if you have no way to find another universe, the simplest idea is to change your job, change your environment, and get away from everything that makes you unhappy now.

But I am also approaching the age of forty, and I also understand that if I don't really face my own problems, no matter how much I try to escape, this problem will eventually find me.

If you can't deal with getting along with your supervisor, you may encounter a similar situation if you change to another job.

I can't agree with my colleagues' actions, but wherever I go, there will be colleagues who disagree with me.

Unable to accept the difficulties of customers, the difficult to get along with Ao Ke is omnipresent.

It is true that there are many problems that cannot be solved, but we can choose to live peacefully with them and find ways to minimize our harm. Because there are always too many issues waiting for you in life, if everything is unacceptable to you, then living in this world, you may only see suffering.

Before choosing to escape, you should first find a way to face the problem at hand, and if there is a solution, try your best to solve it. If you can't solve it in the short term, try to reduce the damage to yourself. After trying my best, I still can't accept this kind of environment and life, at least I can let go of all this calmly and find an environment that is more suitable for me!

Watching a movie or reading a book will make you feel different because of your current state. After a while, when you come into contact with this work again, you may have a completely different feeling. So, the most important thing is to understand your current state!


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