Cross-border connection of music, comics and film and television: listening to Taiwan singing

"Island Rhapsody: Listening to Taiwan Singing" is a comic book set published by Gaia Culture. Musician Chen Mingzhang selected 10 Taiwanese songs, written by 10 cartoonists with different styles, and came up with 10 short cartoons. In addition to music and comics, "Island Rhapsody: Listening to Taiwan Singing" also connects the fields of film and television and NFT.
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"Island Rhapsody: Listening to Taiwan Singing" is a comic book set (two volumes) published by Gaia Culture . Musician Chen Mingzhang selected 10 Taiwanese songs, written by 10 cartoonists with different styles, and came up with 10 short cartoons. In addition to music and comics, "Island Rhapsody: Listening to Taiwan Singing" also connects the fields of film and television and NFT.

Music walking program "Listen! "Taiwan is Singing" is planned and produced by Haolu Cultural and Creative, with Chen Mingzhang as the host. It will take the audience to travel to Tamsui, Lukang, Daxi and other places, singing songs belonging to Taiwan on the land they step on. This show is in full swing, and I look forward to seeing you in the second half of the year or next year.

Among the 10 cartoonists, 7 participated in the "Island Rhapsody: Listening to Taiwan Singing" NFT project, and personally selected cartoon scenes full of artistic conceptions as the first NFT souvenirs published. The new book will be released on August 3 this year, and Gaia Culture will randomly drop exclusive NFTs to readers who purchase books for the first time.

【Works included in NFT & introduction of authors】

"Ruan Ruo opens the doors and windows in his heart" by Sensen sen
Comic creator, occasionally draws illustrations to make planes and watch dramas.

"Night Rain in Hong Kong" by Good Day Anxiety
In 2014, he started to create comics in addition to painting, and likes to express real dilemmas and superfluous imaginations in fantasy.

" Miss Sulan is getting married " by Zeng Yaoqing Zeng Yaoqing loves storytelling and painting. Currently, his main activity is comic creation.

<Applause> by Zuo Xuan comics and illustrator. His works include "Land of the Gods", "The Years of Five Tastes and Eight Treasures", "The Sprout of Banana" and so on.

"A play in the afternoon" by Ning Lo
Taiwanese creator, inspired by people and things in life, likes to record daily details and create scenes to tell stories.

"Grandma's Five-Point Car" by Mu Keke's family has a sparkling water machine.

"The Hometown of Black Face - Where Yancheng is " by GGDOG
A dog who loves to draw, now lives in Taipei, mainly works in illustration and comics for a living. His works are influenced by comics, with a realistic style but with an interesting personal point of view.

<Applause> The first brush of NFT souvenirs was taken from the akaSwap online exhibition room.
"A Play in the Afternoon" is the first NFT souvenir, taken from the akaSwap online exhibition room.

【Island Rhapsody: Listening to Taiwan in the Singing Online NFT Showroom】

Readers who purchase the first brush book, as long as they have the NFT exchange volume that comes with the book, fill out the "Island Rhapsody: Listening to Taiwan Singing" first brush limited NFT souvenir backfill form, and you can get random NFT souvenirs within a week.

The version of each NFT is 170. The comic scene NFT selected by 7 cartoonists will be exposed on the curation page of akaSwap first. The online exhibition period is from 8/1 to 9/30 .

According to exclusive information, in addition to the first brush of commemorative NFT, the event book ticket NFT will be released later, which will be given to readers who participate in Gaia activities on-site for free. Interested friends, please continue to pay attention to Gaia Culture Fans!

Related Links : Gaia Culture Fan Album , "Island Rhapsody: Listening to Taiwan Singing" Online Exhibition Room
Book Purchase Links : Eslite Online , Blog Lai , Jinshitang
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【快訊】9/6 - 9/12 新聞回顧

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