Relieving children's anxiety is also a parenting topic

If you want your child not to be anxious, the most important thing is for parents to be emotionally stable, otherwise everything will be empty talk!
Image source: unsplash

Last Friday morning, I was preparing to usher in the last day of free time of the week. When I was opening the cookie-cutter hamburger to eat, the mobile phone screen showed the name of the kindergarten teacher. I was shocked and quickly answered the phone. The teacher was on the other end of the phone. I said, "I'm sorry! There are children in the class who have been diagnosed, so please come to the school to pick them up." I was relieved. Fortunately, the child was not feeling well, but I still felt a little sorry for the inexplicable disappearance of leisure time. .

The epidemic has been raging around the world for three years, and the virus is constantly mutating and spreading rapidly. It seems that the daily suspension of classes is not surprising. Influence, and learn to tolerate and empathize, and I am also grateful that I can be on call at any time to accept different challenges.

The mother group on the mobile phone has successively sent texts of mutual concern. Even if we don’t know which classmate is infected, everyone expresses their willingness to help, which is also very different from the social atmosphere that was avoided in the past few days, because We all know that this is a battle for all humanity and that we can only survive if we take care of each other.

On the third day of the suspension of classes, as usual, I did a quick screening for the children, which successfully showed that a line could enter the campus on Monday. Unexpectedly, after the child came home from school, she said that her good friend was asking for leave, and then her eyes started to choked with red eyes. I quickly comforted her, saying that I would send a message to my classmates’ mother, maybe just asking for epidemic prevention leave to rest at home. These words made the child Stopping the urge to cry, I immediately picked up my phone and sent the greeting message.

I thought that starting to play after dinner would make the child forget about the good friend asking for leave. As a result, the child kept asking questions and asking for video. It really took me a lot of time to comfort me. Also let the child know the importance of giving time and space to others, it is difficult for a child who is not fully socialized, so I try to explain it with the empathy she is good at, and promise to contact the other party's mother The result was that the child's good friend was also diagnosed! ! !

I try to use a calm tone to tell my child about my good friend's illness, and emphasize that my body will recover soon, but I won't be able to see my good friend until next week! When the child heard that it would take many days to see each other, he couldn't help feeling sad, and kept urging me to want to have a video chat with the other party. I had to continue to be patient and ask the child to imagine if he wanted others to disturb him when he was not feeling well. I also asked the child to experience the hard work of the other parent's care. Fortunately, the child finally listened to his heart and did not cause subsequent crying reactions. I was not only relieved, but also felt the growth and progress of the child, and at the same time thanked myself for my patience. Listen and successfully persuade.

As a mother of Gao Miner, I really need not only empathy, but also more patience to listen and reduce the anxiety of children. I often feel that the process of raising children is like negotiation and psychological counseling. , it is very exhausting but necessary.

It's late at night, reward yourself with a good song!

Tanya Chua - "Depart"


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