have a good day

There are two kinds of things in the world, one is instantly understood. One is that you will not understand for a while. What you can understand right away, you only need to experience it once. However, it will take a long time to understand, and it will take a long time to digest slowly.
All image credits: Everyday is a Good Day

When I searched for "Every Day is a Good Day" on Douban again, I found that it had already been marked as "want to watch" by me. What is the reason, I have long forgotten.

Douban Introduction: Noriko is a female college student in her 20s who lives a life of unhinged and drifting with the flow every day...

Maybe it was the word "humbled " that attracted me, and I decided to watch this movie to get my brain to stop thinking first.


The following content contains serious spoilers, but even if you understand the entire plot, it will not have much impact on the viewing experience.

At the beginning of the movie, Noriko's parents said: "Noriko's age should not understand the black and white movie "The Road". "The Road" will also be mentioned later as a key to the series.

Noriko entered university in the late 1980s, just as Japan's economic bubble burst. Noriko looked at her classmates and discussed her work intensely, but she didn't know what she wanted to do. Then she decided to take a part-time job at a publishing house, and writing was probably one of her few remaining interests.

Michiko from the countryside came to Noriko's city to study. One day, while chatting at a family gathering, Noriko and Michiko were suddenly decided to go to a tea ceremony class together.

The rules of the tea ceremony are only shown in a small part in the movie, but this small part makes people feel boring. Why do the scarves have to be folded over and over? Why do you have to step with your left foot first? Why does one tatami take 6 steps? Why does drinking matcha make noise?

There were some questions that even Mr. Takeda, who was teaching, couldn't answer. He could only reply: "Don't think about why, just follow the rules."

Michiko once asked Takeda-sensei: "Why does the tea ceremony have to pursue the form first? Could this form be just an appearance?" Takeda-sensei smiled and said, "It is precisely because we seek to think clearly about everything that the form of the tea ceremony is regarded as Think of it like that. The tea ceremony is about the form first, and then the heart."

After this scene, the tea ceremony was complicated in form, and the space occupied in the film began to shrink greatly.

Noriko finally realized the fun of the tea ceremony, and winter is coming. At this time, the summer tea ceremony is not applicable, and everything is finally back to its original point. Noriko's calmness disappeared at this moment, her hands no longer acted ahead of her mind, and she once again showed a panicked look.

Three years after graduation, Noriko made a living by contributing to publishing houses. The day before she took the exam for the press, she found herself unable to calm down. She had already asked the teacher for a good leave, but she still went to the teacher's house to ask for a cup of tea. Perhaps, for her at that time, the tea room was the only place where she could find peace.

It's a pity that she didn't succeed in the exam, so she naturally became a "freelance writer". Meanwhile, Michiko's tea ceremony class has been interrupted, and she chooses to return to the countryside to marry a doctor. This indicates that Noriko's interpersonal relationship has begun to undergo more and more changes.

The winter has just begun, and the boyfriend who has known each other for many years cheated. Takeda-sensei's questioning of Noriko made Noriko out of control, and she sat alone at the train station crying. After this day, Noriko rested at home for three months, and lived with the bed every day.

When the cold day came, Noriko finally returned to Takeda-sensei. The teacher made a snack that meant "new life". She smiled and said to Noriko: "It doesn't matter if you give up the tea ceremony, just come back to me and drink good tea when you have time." Even if the other students were sitting together, But Noriko knew that these words were spoken to him by the teacher alone.

At the age of 33, Noriko re-entered an intimate relationship and began to move out of the house to live independently. Life is getting busy day by day, and the time Noriko spends with her parents gradually becomes very short. Soon after, her father also passed away due to an accident. She leaned against the teacher and released her accumulated emotions through tears.

In a blink of an eye, 12 years have passed. Everyone gathered at Takeda-sensei's house as always, and Noriko saw the bowl dedicated to the Year of the Dog once again. She gently stroked it and experienced a completely different feeling from 12 years ago. The next time I see it, Takeda-sensei will be one hundred years old.

At the end, Takeda-sensei asked Noriko to teach the tea ceremony too. From a student to a teacher, experience a completely different harvest.


For Noriko, who was just starting to learn, the tea ceremony was as incomprehensible as the movie "The Great Road" when she was a child. For the later Dianzi, it was like a stabilizer. No matter in times of turmoil, sadness, or anxiety, as long as she enters the tea room, her body will guide her to focus on what is in front of her, allowing her brain to temporarily stop thinking.

After watching the whole movie, it can be regarded as a good display of some characteristics of the tea ceremony (for ordinary people). Due to the tediousness and repetition of the process, the practice time can be long enough to run through a person's life. Because of these characteristics, there are not a few people who give up, whether it is Michiko or other sisters in the same school, there are always people who give up the practice of the tea ceremony for various reasons.

The film has made a good foreshadowing with lines or shots for the development of characters' personalities and plots. To give a few small examples. The movie "The Great Road" mentioned at the beginning of the movie, Noriko could not understand this black and white movie at first. But when Noriko experienced disorientation at the end of college and setbacks at the tea ceremony room, she rewatched the film. She excitedly told Michiko that it was an excellent movie. She danced on the seashore, the dance that belonged to the homeless in "The Road". Like the tea ceremony, this movie is something worth experiencing and experiencing again and again.

Another thing is that Noriko was resting at home for three months after her lovelorn. When she came to the teacher's yard again, she looked at the witch hazel blooming by the sink (translation). The teacher said to her, "This is the first flower to bloom, and they always bloom at the coldest time." Later, the teacher also made a snack called Chunya, which means the revival of vitality.

In the end, Noriko explained the meaning of the beginning of spring with a narration. The ancients named the coldest day Lichun to remind themselves that spring is coming, so that they can survive the long winter. Solar terms are a recurring element in the movie, and different solar terms also indicate different experiences for Noriko.

Although the plot of the whole film is very smooth, the completion level is also very high. The flow of time is accelerating, from a day to a week, then a week to a year, and 12 years have passed since the last shot. But using a movie to describe the changes of an ordinary person for more than 20 years, I think it is still a bit reluctant. But maybe that's the best approach a two-hour movie can take.

Maybe I just didn't understand "The Great Road" like a young Noriko, and I didn't really understand this movie. I hope I can rewatch this movie again next time. I don't know what kind of troubles I still need to be temporarily healed at that time.

At the end of the movie, Noriko said a paragraph, which is the best summary of the entire movie.

"There are two kinds of things in the world, one can be understood immediately, and the other is not understood for a while. What can be understood immediately, only need to experience it once. However, it is impossible to understand for a while. , it takes a long time to digest slowly.”


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