[Korean Drama Experience] The man who became the king: Li Shirong, a professional costume expert, and Lu Zhenjiu, who has exploded in acting skills

Lee Se-jung and Yeo Jin-gu, two actors who were born as child stars, are really worthy of recognition for their acting skills, and their emotional performance is quite delicate, especially when Yeo Jin-gu is also playing a tyrant, a mentally ill king, a simple actor, an actor who pretends to be a king, who treats loyal ministers and people kindly. The people are a good king, and a king who has blood on his hands for the benefit of the country. A play needs to show several character aspects, and he really interprets them very well!

There is a thunderbolt in the text, there is a thunderbolt in the text, there is a thunderbolt in the text

"The Man Who Became King" (source: tvn)

Starring Yeo Jin-goo and Lee Shi-young, it was adapted from the 2012 movie "Double King" starring Lee Byung-hun. It tells the story of an actor "Xia Xian" (played by Yeo Jin-goo) who looks exactly like a tyrant. Under the political chaos, the tyrant needs a substitute. In case of an accident, Xia Xian took the place of the king and fell in love with Zhong Dian (the main palace of the Joseon king, played by Li Shirong) in the process. I like the interaction and emotion between the characters in this play very much.

"The Man Who Became King" (source: tvn)
  • About Xia Xian (False King)

"The immortals of summer, like the sun, illuminate the people and give life to all things."

The protagonist, Xia Xian, was transformed from a mere actor into the ruler of a country by fate. Because his true identity is ordinary people, and his sister has also been bullied by vile nobles, Xia Xian knows what he should do as a king to be good for the country. Moreover, his original personality is very simple, and he will not change his head just because he changed his seat. The whole play implements the concept of great harmony in the world. There are no corrupt courtiers, and the common people can also have the opportunity to get rid of poverty through education.

  • Both the purpose and the country

I like Xia Xian's simplicity, and also appreciate Du Chengji's intention to sacrifice himself for the country. Shin Ji-soo, who had done all kinds of bad things, pointed at Joong-jee and scolded, "You and I are the same people who have done bad things." It's different, Shin Ji-soo is all for personal interests, and all of them are for the sake of the country.

I don’t deny that Du Cheng’s purpose to kill and deceive people is a bad thing, but at least he must not be confused with those treacherous ministers. In order to make Xia Xian who looks exactly like the tyrant be the king, he killed the real king (the tyrant had already taken drugs When it fell, and only listened to the words of the traitor, the country fell into chaos).

Even so, Du Chengzhi is definitely a loyal person, but he is loyal to the whole country, not just a king.

  • Military Attaché Zhang and His Highness

As for Zhang Wuguan's loyalty, it was a little different from Du Chengzhi. He was loyal to the king, so at first he couldn't accept the fake king Xia Xian, but he was moved by this good king later.

Xia Xian, who had never been attached to power, finally gave up the throne to another outstanding minister, and the loyal military officer Zhang decided to follow him out of the palace.

"What is the wish of Military Attache Zhang?" Xia Xian, who has not yet been identified by Military Attache Zhang, once asked.

"Weichen doesn't have any wishes... If I want to say anything, I want to sacrifice my life to protect His Highness." Military attache Zhang replied.

Sure enough, there are still remnants of the rebel forces that were defeated many years ago. After the throne was cede to the throne, he finally got the opportunity to take revenge on Xia Xian, and Officer Zhang blocked the key sword for Xia Xian.

"The Man Who Became King" (source: tvn)
  • Your Highness and the Empress in the Middle Palace, Ending

"Even if I want to miss you all my life, I am very happy just meeting you." This sentence appeared at the end of the ninth episode. I always thought that the love between His Highness and the nave would be bad ending, especially after His Highness abdicated at the end. Being chased and killed by the remaining rebel forces made me even more convinced that I would be able to BE... It's really fortunate that Military Attache Zhang blocked the last crucial sword.

Some people are not very satisfied with the ending, and think that His Highness was chased and killed, why didn't he die? Xia Xian is a good king, but doesn't he have to pay for his fake identity? In fact, as I mentioned earlier, Military Attache Zhang blocked the key sword, which echoes the wish that Military Attache Zhang said. He is willing to sacrifice his life to protect His Highness. The crew has already announced this through the dialogue between the fake king and Military Attache Zhang. 's ending.

So I can accept the ending, save the life of the fake king, reunite with the nave, and live an ordinary life.

And it can always be seen from the play that Zhongdian is actually a very simple person who has no attachment to power. Her wish is to be able to leave the palace and live a simple life for ordinary people, which just happened to make her meet Xia Xian, the two Humans are a match made in heaven! So they left the palace together after the throne gave way and lived a happy life.

This ending has always echoed the previous interactions between the hero and heroine. They agreed to have the opportunity to go out to live an ordinary life outside the palace. The nave also shared with His Royal Highness her fantasy about the life of ordinary people. And the two people fall in love because they yearn for the same ordinary.

  • Yun Xin and Du Chengzhi

I like Yun Xin very much. She doesn't admire Du Chengji's power, and she doesn't expect Du Chengji to be completely open to her. She is satisfied as long as she can silently wait by Du Chengji's side. She appreciates Du Chengzhi's concept of governing the country, so she always trusts Du Chengzhi and never abandons him. She is willing to be Du Chengji's support, she can bravely face the coercion of the traitor for Du Chengji, Yun Xin is really a gentle and firm woman, but unfortunately there is no way to have a happy ending with Du Chengji.

  • Xuanhua Hall and His Highness

At first, she hated Xuan Huatang very much, but later she realized that even if she was not favored, she still really loved His Highness, but her relative was the traitor Shen Zhizhu, and she who mistakenly believed in Shen Zhizhu, thought she would be captured by doing those stupid things with a lot of scheming. Her Highness's favor... Later, when she found out that Shin Ji-soo had harmed His Highness, she decided to go to His Highness to expose the bad things Shin Ji-soo had done, and His Highness was very happy when she found out.

"That's great, I've always wanted His Highness to laugh." Xuan Huatang finally said these words, and I realized that she wanted to be favored by His Highness, not to enjoy the harem. She really loved His Highness, but she used the wrong method before. now...

"The Man Who Became King" (source: tvn)

Lee Se-jung and Yeo Jin-gu, two actors who were born as child stars, are really worthy of recognition for their acting skills, and their emotional performance is quite delicate, especially when Yeo Jin-gu is also playing a tyrant, a mentally ill king, a simple actor, an actor who pretends to be a king, who treats loyal ministers and people kindly. The people are a good king, and a king who has blood on his hands for the benefit of the country. A play needs to show several character aspects, and he really interprets them very well!

My IG@haru.and.g1.day

  • Small talk:

This is what I had written down when I watched this drama 3 years ago. At that time, I already admired Li Shirong's acting skills very much (I liked her since the earlier "Flower Travel Notes"). Red Sleeves and Borders "Everyone who likes Cheng Deren, I also highly recommend watching this drama! The actor Yeo Jin-gu's acting skills are also very good. After watching this movie, I also liked him very much. Next month's "LINK" starring Yeo Jin-gu and Moon Ga-young is about to start broadcasting, and Lee Se-young is also rumored to be filming "Love in Law" (not yet finalized) with Lee Seung-gi. I'm looking forward to their new work!


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HARU LENA嗨,我是LENA,也可以叫我鴨鴨,一個喜歡二代韓團的迷妹,在這裡用文字記錄我喜歡的人事物。合作、邀稿歡迎私訊我的IG追星帳號@haru.and.g1.day
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[請回答2009]大膽奔放的表演形式:Trouble Maker

