When heading towards the goal... "Aim for the finish line and work hard" isn't it right?

Dr.J 的成長實驗室
There's nothing wrong with aiming for the finish line when heading towards the goal, but overemphasizing the finish line is dangerous...
When we focus too much on the finish line, we lose the power to "see how far we've come"

Midway through your goals, it's more inspiring to look back at where we came from than to see where you're going.

Of course, if you're more than 80% of the way through, the finish line might give you the impetus for the final sprint; however, if you're just starting out, or progressing to 30%, 40%, then the finish line is too much for you. Far away, there is no effect of boosting power at all...

But what if you turned your head, looked back at the starting point, and realized that you were no longer there?

Take my own example of wanting to develop a personal brand, if my focus is on the end point ("The Rich People Think Differently from You" says not to set a cap on my own income, so I don't set a limit for my own influence either Set a cap!), I raised the white flag of surrender probably a few months ago...

But when I scrolled down on IG to the first post in August last year, when I saw that the number of posts had reached more than 70, I realized that although I still have a long way to go, However, we have come a long way, don't underestimate yourself, you can continue to work hard!

Let's say I'm only 5% of my goal, looking at the finish, reminding myself that 95% is still waiting for me, I'll just feel powerless... but if I look back , I will find that I have "already" gone 5%, I have left the starting point where I haven't started for several years, and I am on the journey of chasing my dreams.

I love the author's metaphor for accomplishing goals:

Working hard to achieve a goal is like running uphill, the top of the mountain is the end point, when you run, you will feel that you are far away from the top of the mountain. If you look at the top of the mountain, it is easy to get discouraged...
But look back at the starting point, at the foot of the mountain, do you see how far you have come?
Do you see how much progress you have made?

You will, but only if you're going to measure.

The author provides 23 things that we can measure, and I share 8 of them that I am more interested in:

  1. Time Invested <br class="smart">How many hours will you devote to your goals in the next month? If you spend 30 minutes a day for 30 days in a row, that's 15 hours. Don't underestimate these 15 hours, when was the last time you spent a whole day devoted to your goals?
  2. Weight Loss <br class="smart">When you're losing weight, what statistic is more specific than the number on a scale?
  3. Pages or Words Completed <br class="smart">If your goal is writing-related, keeping track of how many words you have written can be a great encouragement! Like myself doing the 1 million word challenge. Matters is a platform that can record the total word count of your current published articles. If you think this data is very important to you, you can consider putting your articles on this platform at the same time. My name above is the same as ** **Dr .J's growth lab , if you are interested, you can read my other articles.
  4. Step count <br class="smart">If you don't have the habit of exercising in the past, and now you want to exercise, the easiest way is to increase the number of steps you take every day. For example, my goal is to take 10,000 steps every day. . Some people will think that walking can't raise your heart rate enough to train your lungs, but I think 10,000 steps are better than no exercise at all.
  5. Email Lists <br class="smart">If you want to run a personal brand, e-commerce, any online business (and many offline too), Email Lists are very important
  6. social media followers
  7. money saved
  8. sleep hours

These are just examples, everyone has a unique way of measuring their goals.

The authors suggest that we can choose one to three measurable things. Why so few?

Because if it's going well, you don't even need to be encouraged to take the initiative to document other things.

Be careful not to overdo it in the first place, perfectionism will encourage us to record 30 different things, measure the sodium content in each dish... Then hit the brakes and choose one or three to record .

What if we collect data and find that the results are not what we expected and the progress is not as expected?

At this time, perfectionism will come out again and shout: I told you not to! Still don't believe it!

Many people will give up at this time, but you actually have 3 "buttons" to adjust!

As for which 3 buttons... The next article will reveal it for you!

Reference source:

Done - by Jon Acuff

I'm Dr. J, your #growlab .

If you want to see more of my sharing,

Welcome to follow my IG: Dr. J's Growth Lab

If you have any questions or ideas, please leave a message below or send an email to let me know!

Email: johnson@growthlab.com.tw

See you in our next article!


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Dr.J 的成長實驗室歡迎加入《成長進行式》電子報! https://hustling-thinker-3584.ck.page/46f51c16b2 一起踏上成長的行列! 前國際品牌的全球產品行銷企劃 一個熱愛閱讀、追求個人成長與改變的實驗家 成長來自於一個個實驗的過程 生活,是最理想的實驗室 協助一樣喜歡成長的你, 共同實驗出更精采的人生😊
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