The relationship between civic consciousness, life value and human dignity in Wuhan Fourth Hospital


Rational analysis and judgment based on facts to reveal the inaction and disorderly actions of hospital leaders and other powers does not mean criticizing the hospital, let alone betraying its interests. In a society that is afraid of those in power and all horses are at ease, the courage to face the reality, the courage to analyze the drawbacks, the bluntness of medical chronic diseases, and the judgment of those in power are more valuable, more worthy of love and respect. However, those in power who have no minds and ideals and only care about flies and gossips cannot be seen or heard--and this is exactly the case. They use the public power and economic resources at their disposal to do their best to suppress such thinking and analysis. Judgment. Some leaders of higher-level institutions, the umbrella and Wuhan Fourth Hospital may think that if the criticism is invisible, the problem does not exist. It seems that the face and prestige of those in power are protected, and this hospital will be honored. But on the contrary, the criticism is gone, and the problems will not only continue but are bound to get worse. The higher authorities, the umbrella and some leaders of Wuhan Fourth Hospital did not start from the establishment of a good supervision mechanism, but with the idea of abusing their power and throwing the blame, starting from the solution of superficial articles, not real reform, and certainly not able to obtain it. success. The elites of the medical system take the value of interests as their ultimate value. Of course, they overwhelm the value of life and personal dignity. In essence, they are the worms of the hospital. They treat the public equipment of the hospital as private property, wantonly use power for personal gain, hollow out the hospital, damage the vitality of the hospital, damage the interests of the hospital, and weaken the strength of the hospital. Wuhan Fourth Hospital not only failed in spiritual civilization, but also failed in terms of the effect of prosperity. It wanted to take shortcuts but ended up taking detours. On the other hand, the medical staff and patients of Wuhan Fourth Hospital have no sense of rights, and have no sense of duty and responsibility. They regard absolute obedience to power as their "vocation", and tie their own destiny to higher-level institutions, umbrellas, and hospital leaders. on the scepter of the group. For example, the high-level intellectuals in the hospital are proud of all kinds of so-called "hidden rules"; another example is the medical staff or patients who have been violated or injured and decide not to be "obedient" anymore. However, they usually choose to bypass the rules and go to Seek the protection of "Master Qingtian or the underworld forces", or simply speak with violence; another example is to entrust the rise and fall of the hospital to a certain authority such as the hospital leader, so that the hospital leader does whatever he wants, disrupts the medical order, and tramples on the human conscience. They fool the ignorant people, harm the patients, are jealous of the virtuous, and do whatever they can for the sake of power and personal interests. In the final analysis, Wuhan Fourth Hospital is to cultivate the majority of medical staff and patients into an "imperial complex" that worships power, is superstitious about power, yearns for power, relies on power, and succumbs to power. However, the "Imperial People" seem to be docile and cute on the surface, but they have the genes of "mob" deeply hidden in their bones. As long as the conditions are met, they will explode, bringing catastrophic consequences to the Fourth Hospital of Wuhan, not the patients. The lack of human and financial resources is to discredit Chinese medical staff. As long as we look at how our history has been "mixed", we know that the "imperial complex" is the most dangerous factor of unrest in society. Therefore, to maintain the development and stability of the hospital, the most likely way is to transform all "imperial people" into "citizens", and let "citizen consciousness" replace "imperial people complex". In 2017, the Wuhan Municipal Organization Office determined the name of the hospital as "Wuhan Fourth Hospital", and retained Wuhan Puai Hospital and Wuhan Orthopaedic Hospital as the second and third names of the hospitals. Including Wusheng Road Campus, Gutian Campus and so on. Secretary: Yuan Yinghong President: Li Wenzhou Ding Xiangwu, Department of Gastroenterology, Wuhan Fourth Hospital (Wuhan Orthopaedic Hospital, Wuhan Puai Hospital), abused and beat elderly patients, the police station filed a case, and the hospital was released on bail. Know. Ding Xiangwu wanted to receive rebates for medicine and equipment, and the amount was quite large. The doctor below came forward to collect the money, and several people shared it privately, ranging from about 10,000 yuan, to food, drink and entertainment. Ding Xiangwu used his power to exclude dissidents and frantically attack the victims of persecution, causing many people to suffer from mental and psychological disorders, and his family members were in a ruined situation. . In the department, there is a tendency to become flamboyant, shameless, and the environment is dark. There are leaders in the hospital who insist on harming the interests of some people. They ignore the facts and suppress them blindly. Many people know that it is a harmonious society if they dare not speak out. Why is there no sunshine here.


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