【New Poem】【Creation】Why are your eyes raining (from Rainy Night)

There is a brighter light in your body.
Figure pexels-engin-akyurt song thought <Rainy night>

(It was raining on your eyes that day.)

Will you let go of your slump

Fly to the top of the high tree

Stop talking about the meaning of life

(Still talking about why we want to be happy.)

in your body

with brighter light

always flinch at the door

Sad at the beginning of joy

Confused when I saw myself

don't know why

We're always separated, always on rainy nights

Listening to <Rainy Night> crying

say separation

Water is squeezed out of our eyes

like a damp towel

kissing passionately

I have seen you like this (so beautiful...)

Take me to the valley Whisper take me to the sea

Long misses won't last long

Because I saw another difficulty

So long ago I just wanted to ask you

Is it hard to hold hands

thank you for giving me so much

Thank you for giving me a whole and precious me

every you round you triangular you

(Because I have seen the sharp you, and the euphemistic you...)

(I don't know which one is the real you.)

So wandering into the distance

those finely chopped them

finally broke your heart

(It breaks my heart too, dear.)

(Eyes, it's raining...)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

宏先男,2003年生,現年18歲。 停更中,請至以下管道追蹤最新文章~~~ IG ureyes.mymind FB 宏先創作 HKese 星級作家 宏先
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