Good to hang on Guangzhou's rice rolls....

Finally got some delicious rice rolls

Already because of the epidemic.. I can't go back to Guangzhou to visit my grandmother 👵

My dad's hometown is in Guangzhou, so I often go back 😸

Today, I am a takeaway girl again, and I passed by the usual inconspicuous shop

Fortunately, I bought a colonoscope before he closed, and it was flat and delicious.

Enough for one dinner for me (pretend to be a fine food) 😹😹😹

Since I like to eat coriander very much, I ordered a coriander beef vermicelli. The owner said that I can choose soy sauce or their secret sauce. Of course, I must choose the secret sauce.

The secret sauce is a bit like beef juice with soy sauce and sugar, boiled and buried together😸

The taste is 10 points suitable for this coriander beef sausage, but this sausage roll is a bit expensive at $28. Because I was too thirsty, I bought a lemon barley water, which only cost $12, which is quite enough.

Since I had to take out, my friends and I went to the park to eat😹😹My friends also praised this shop 10 points for its delicious taste.

Next time I will try other rice rolls, because he really has the taste of Guangzhou rice rolls, reminds me of the taste of my childhood.


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睡包yw香港人 喜歡飲飲食食,記錄日常生活,發廢文😺
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