Feelings and suggestions on the revision of the Matters platform

The interface revision is the authority of the platform side, but there should be an announcement first, so that everyone can have an idea of what the revision is? Is the information disclosed in the current tracking interface conforming to privacy? In addition, the tracking algorithm is very inaccurate. Many tags and creators that I have not tracked will be listed in my tracking interface at the same time, and even the posts posted a long time ago! The current revision is really disturbing. I look forward to a "rolling correction" to return to the original version, or to enhance the accuracy of the algorithm, so that people who follow me can really see my text, and let me see that I really follow The work of the creators!

I would also like to talk about my feelings and my stress response after the Matters platform adjusted the tracking layout without warning this time.

✅ The interface revision is the permission of the platform, but there should be an announcement first

When I got off work last night, I suddenly found that the loading speed of the platform's articles was slow, and then I saw that the platform has sent three announcement articles in succession, including:

Matters Reader Toolbox | A must-see for newbies (updated 2021.07.30)
Matters Author Toolbox | A must-see for newbies (Updated 2021.07.30)

Guide to using the perimeter | A must-see for beginners (updated on 2021.07.30)

As can be seen from the title, the platform is preparing to release the above announcement on 2021.07.30 .
It is not difficult to prepare an additional announcement to explain the content of the interface adjustment and the official launch date of the revision .
Just like the above three articles, you can also fish out the articles that were previously announced to be revised, and add details, and they can be issued as announcements!

but no!

Instead, users are still confused about what happened to the server stuck? Is it because of heavy eye karma, can't refresh new articles? Or are Matters platform users lost?
Then all of a sudden, I was caught off guard and discovered the entire big change in the tracking layout.

✅ Are there any privacy implications for behavioral disclosures on the Tracking Board?

After being very confused about the revamped interface yesterday, I was staring at the Tracker version for a while.
Then I saw the dynamics of a user who was less interactive on weekdays unfolding in front of me one by one.
XXX tracked XXX
XX bookmarked XXX article XX followed XXX (this is not a typo, but the user keeps repeating "tracking" other people's actions)
xxx posted xxx at #xxx (tags)
XXX supports XXX
Frankly speaking, I do press the follow button because I think the user will post with heart, but it does not mean that I want to have such an in-depth understanding of what kind of articles the user is collecting (after all, the types of posts are very different). Who to follow.

In FB, we can indeed see the dynamics of our friends, such as what friends post or follow.

So on the Matters side, you can see the two actions of "posting news" and "following other users" in the tracking page, I can understand (but I don't really want to accept it)

Anyway, these two actions are also the information that you can easily find when you click on the user's profile.
Regarding the support part, you can also directly click on the article interface to see who has supported it.

It's just that all of a sudden, these data can be directly picked up and "listed" and displayed to many netizens on the interface without having to rummage. They always feel strange .

And I believe that I am staring at "this user XX" right now. When reading, collecting, and following people, "this user XX" doesn't know the other end of the computer, and there are people watching his every move.
(The point is that this person "unintentionally" spies at all, "unintentionally" has a deep understanding, and "unintentional" should be so close to the user's preferences)

I can't just "expect" to see this user's article,
Do you also have to "deeply understand" the other person's reading preferences?

Moreover, in the past, it was impossible to see whose articles were "favorite" by the users you tracked!

✅ Tracking dynamics is not real-time, and the algorithm is unreasonable

Until now, at this moment, I see the following dynamic
A user posted to the #forum
#Forum this tag I neither follow nor follow this certain user
Why is he showing up on my "Tracking Board"?

Even if I start thinking carefully about whether I should re-screen the creators I follow because of the second point above, I will still see my "don't care" article tags and people in the "following" section.
Then this user posted this article on 7/27 !!! It's not even today

The most irritating thing is that I saw a user who was doing Dongsen direct sales posting a brainwashing post in May! !
Let’s not talk about such advertisements (a few articles published by this user are all about the Dongsen direct sales system), whether it violates the Matters platform norms.
Why do such articles appear in my tracking interface ? (angrily throws toilet paper)

The above three points are my feelings after the revision. I can understand but many are really unacceptable .


Next, what are the stressful actions I did?

✅ Use the automatic applause program to find articles to see by yourself

Personally, I don't like to use automatic clapping programs. I like to "decide" whether to clap or not after reading the text.
However, due to the revision released by @Uncle Xin, the list of authors and articles can be queried.

So I saved and adjusted

⭐ Column [8]: Change the number after the amount to "change 1 to 0", so that this program will only catch articles for me and will not automatically clap

⭐ Column [6]: I moved the time forward by 16 hours (it was originally a green 8)

I was hoping to get longer articles because I've been working overtime this past week and wondered if I missed a good article.
But unfortunately, it seems that the tightness can only be set to 16, and if it is exceeded, it will not run again.
(Can someone with a good heart tell me how I can get it for 7 days? XD)
In the end, the listed ones are all within a reasonable range, and there will be no "Dongsen Direct Sales" advertising text that catches my eye!


Although I am very grateful that the Matters platform can also allow everyone to use the program to read articles, unlike FB, the algorithm changes, and you can't struggle if you want to.
However, such a platform experience that cannot be operated intuitively is really tiring!

✅ Start organizing and enabling other platforms

Originally, I released Medium in April, and released Square in May. I have been focusing on posting on the Matters platform and backing it up on my website.
But this change made me very uneasy!

Extremely disturbed!

Leaving Medium and Grid are all because the article cannot be exposed at all, and no one can see it when it is written . If the same is true for the Matters platform, do I have to leave too?
Paradoxically, the announcement article Matters Author Toolbox released just yesterday | A must-see for newbies (updated on 2021.07.30)
mentioned this

How can I get more people to see my work?
An effective way to get more people to see your articles is to increase your followers. According to Matters statistics, a certain percentage of readers regularly read the creator's articles through the tracking function. Therefore, we suggest that, in addition to encouraging readers to clap for you, tracking is also an important action.

Frankly, I'm concerned, is there a way to "really" allow my followers to see me with the current tracking interface/layout?
Some of the articles I found (the creators I follow) published by the program, for example today, are indeed scattered in my follower interface, but some are not!

And there are really many dynamics in the tracking interface that I watched the super "Black Question Mark"!
I didn't follow this user, I didn't follow this tag, but I got a dynamic notification ? ! ! ! ! ! !

So when the system was stuck, I turned on the grid again, weeded, and posted.
In addition, I also went to apply for potato media , which has been waiting for a while (welcome to use my referral code L1ageWeOU to join)

write at the end

I sincerely hope that this updated tracking interface is only a beta version. After accepting everyone's feedback, the platform can " rolling correction " back to the original state, or improve the algorithm, and block those tags or users that have not been tracked at all. , I can also rework my efforts to fit in...

The current state is really disturbing and uncomfortable.

Hey, having said so much, I still hope that if you haven't followed me yet, please help me press the follow button , so that I can have a good chance not to miss my new article

[Author's Introduction] Hi, hello, I'm [Man Reading]. I read books here, and I also read life, and I will continue to share my slash writing experience. Welcome to my website. 👉Man Reading Article Index
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