The ideal is not far: the creative income brought by 900 clapping hands

The day I quit Appreciating Citizens, all the Appreciating Citizens taught me a lesson.

On the evening of March 18, I posted a long post: After 15 days, I decided to quit Civic Liker

In the article, I stated in detail what I saw, the issue of appreciating citizens, and my decision to withdraw from appreciating citizens and use my abilities to reward creators.

At that time, I made a point: there are currently too few "privileges" to appreciate citizens, and too little feedback to creators.

At the same time, I also express my two positions:

  1. I agree with the idea of appreciating citizens, but the rewards that can be given to creators are currently too small.
  2. Whichever way gives more feedback to the creator, I choose which way to support the creator.

To explain in a simple sentence, I think the future of Likecoin is very rich, but I care more about the reality of the creators being too skinny. So while a bunch of people are working hard to create the future for Likecoin, I'm going to do something for reality.

I don't know if you can understand what I said, or if you just think I'm being hypocritical, a guy who wants to be a bitch and want to build a torii.

It is even possible that after reading my article, many people feel that Likecoin has no future, they are even more disappointed with Likecoin, and do not believe that Likecoin can give creators enough rewards in the future.

But I have always believed that the future Likecoin can have enough influence to bring enough feedback to the creators. And after I wrote the exit article, I even thought that such a future is not far away.

Why? Because after I wrote the article "I Decided to Quit Civic Liker", the vast number of admiring citizens showed me the future Likecoin community and what kind of revenue model the creators can have.

The screenshot was taken at 10:30 am on March 22, 2022 (GMT +0800), and the creation fund has not yet been released.

This chart has two important points:

  1. One article earns 300++ LIKE
  2. This income is from the applause of the appreciative citizens, and does not include the creation fund

This is the future Likecoin community:

 For a new creator, it takes 1-3 months to accumulate followers to reach the level of 700-1000 clapping for an article. Among these clappings, 40-60% come from admiring citizens, and 10-20% are admiring citizens. Big coffee with more than 80,000LIKE orders.

When the number of appreciative citizens increases, and when the amount of entrustment of appreciative citizens expands, the quantitative change brings about a qualitative change. Are creators worried that their income is not enough?

So I am especially grateful to many appreciative citizens who immediately posted after my article came out, stating that they would continue to wear a green hoop and continue to be a Civic Liker, such as @VC @qiqi @cat's eye to see the world, etc. Wait

(I went rock climbing yesterday, and I didn't save everyone's articles. Now I only found these three, I'm sorry!)

Because I hope the current creators have a little better income, and also hope that the future Likecoin can thrive. As an adult, I don't have enough money to choose now, and of course I have to thank those who are building the future.

At present, in the entire Likecoin community, there are only more than 500 people who appreciate citizens, and the amount of Likecoin invested by everyone is only more than 4 million. According to the calculation of 15% APR, only 600,000 Likecoin can be produced in a year. On average, there are only 50,000 left per month, and on average, there are only 1,000 left per day.

( A link to Uncle Xin's article is attached, and you can go and see the current data on appreciated citizens.)

And there are so many people who create in the Likecoin community, which is why the Likecoin community currently does not reach 300 Likes for an article, and needs to rely on "central funding" to fund 13,000 Likecoin creation funds every day to creators s reason.

All Likecoin users do not pay taxes for Likecoin, and there is no reason for Likecoin to keep "central appropriation" to all creators, so that readers can pay for the creators, which is a complete economic ecology.

 Creators write good works for readers, readers like the works, use Likecoin to support creators Creators earn Likecoins, sell them for living expenses to maintain life, continue to create and sell Likecoins that are bought back by readers, continue to support creators

This is a healthy economic ecology, and the key to this is that we readers have to "pay by users" and give the money to the creators.

Whether it's the reward I'm doing now, or joining the appreciative citizens, it's all about using Likecoin to support creators. The only difference is that one considers the interests of the present, and the other considers the ideal of the future.

So I hope you don't think that Likecoin is just a drawn pie, and the future of Likecoin is not an empty model.

At least everyone looks at the income of the above article, have you smelled the fragrance of this cake? Will it be baked soon? Why don't you share the Likecoin community and Matters with your relatives and friends to attract more readers?

Summary: In a decentralized world, everyone has to do things

"Decentralized" superficially means that there is no center, and no one can control most of the power. But from another perspective, this also means that there is no group of "minority people" who will do things for the wider community.

For centralized things, there will be a central management department. In addition to holding power, they also have executive power. Our users don't need to pay at all. Anyway, when they don't do well, they point their fingers and let them improve. Now it has evolved into an ecology of "I just ask the question, and it's your business to think about the solution".

And what about decentralization? No one will stand in the front and finish all the things and bear our finger-pointing, we have to do things by ourselves.

Clapping hands is also doing things, and posting is also doing things, and what Likecoin needs most now is the expansion of its readership.

So, to you after reading this article:

You don't need to tip anyone, and you don't need to join the admiring citizens, but at least, when you see a good article here, please share it and attract more people to the Likecoin and Matters community, thank you everyone. (bow!)


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

ohlak来自马来西亚的码字人,散文、网文、攀岩 每日一篇作品(什么都写) 不定时网络小说《精灵培育员》更新(正常情况1天2章) 欢迎点置顶的Ohlak作品分类查看我的文章。 (想看我聊什么可以留言告诉我) 喜欢我请多多支持,感谢大家!
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