Matters Newcomer|My Teaching Photo|Beautiful Stranger (Part 1)

Because of the epidemic, I have been an online teacher this year. I can teach Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, regardless of age. I have the opportunity to meet all kinds of people. I have seen, learned, and felt from them. Things, I have to write down one by one, what I have seen and heard, and how I have felt, is much more than when I was a TV host. What I write may even exceed the readers' expectations.

It all starts with an online teacher

Because of the epidemic, I have been an online teacher this year. I can teach Cantonese, English, and Mandarin, regardless of age. I have the opportunity to meet all kinds of people. I have seen, learned, and felt from them. Things, I have to write down one by one, what I saw, heard, and felt, a lot more than when I was a TV host. What I write may even exceed the readers' expectations.

In the recent Cantonese class, a lady A came from the mainland to live and work in Australia. Since she is good at Cantonese, we basically just kept chatting in Cantonese in class. I will correct the mistakes. She is a psychiatrist, remember From the first time we met, we were able to chat like friends. The second time we met, they also asked me to fill out a questionnaire online to help me analyze my personality for free, and told me that she was very excited to buy delicious food in a store in Australia. Awesome Blue cheese Cake.

For the above reasons, I have to say that I look forward to taking her classes every time. I remember that we were talking about the issue of elderly care at home, government policies, and many elderly people do not want to live in nursing homes and die in nursing homes ( Miss A's job also includes visiting the elderly, many of whom speak Cantonese only, and many immigrated with their children), aging at home is the future trend, and it will be more clear in our generation, because many of us choose not to have children .


As I talked, I shared a book about strangers with her (I'll open another chapter to share this book with you later). I asked her, do you notice that we don't talk much to strangers? It seems that we always like to keep a distance from strangers, even if we have a common topic, such as going to a gallery, looking at the same painting, we have some ideas to say, but we always feel that the strangers standing next to us will not want to hear it, and that others may I feel annoyed and put a lot of labels on each other. Miss A agrees, and also shares with me what happened in her life, which happened more than 10 years ago in the United States, a strange taxi driver, the driver is a Pakistani refugee, everyone As soon as she heard it, she might have given this driver a lot of negative labels, but this stranger brought her the most unforgettable, happiest, and most incredible experience in her life...

To be continued….

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