What is Cyberpunk? How far will cyberpunk affect the world and human destiny?


What does cyberpunk mean? This word is a foreign word. If you just read Chinese characters, you can't understand it at all. Cyberpunk is an English Cyber plus Punk combination. Then we can understand Cyber and Punk apart.

First of all, Cyber means computer or network. Punk means a bit deeper. It is a kind of music, but this music is very special and originated from a special era, that is, Britain in the 1960s. At that time, it was the end of World War II and the world was plunged into the Cold War period. The British economy experienced a great depression. People could not find jobs, but prices were rising. People were living in depression at that time, so everyone urgently needed a something to vent. Unfortunately, because the world is in the Cold War stage, and the control of public opinion in various countries is very strict, what should you do if you dare not say anything? So this kind of language that needs to be vented is expressed in music as a carrier. If you carefully study the lyrics of early Punk music, you will find that most of the content is about things that people usually dare not say or talk about. The language used is also very aggressive, and the rhythm of the music is also very crazy. It is for this reason that later Punk was given the meaning of ideological liberation.

So now back to the beginning, we already know that Cyber means computer and Punk means emancipation. Then I put these two words together and the meaning of cyberpunk is self-evident. To put it bluntly, it is the emancipation of the computer's mind. If the mind of the computer is really liberated, what will the world be like?

The words I will say next are not unfamiliar to you, artificial intelligence, bionic robots, and mechanical brains. Yes, after the emancipation of the computer mind, the technology of the earth will advance by leaps and bounds, and human beings will also build a new type of society that has never been seen before. But at the same time, there is also a problem, that is, will robots replace humans after the emancipation of computer minds? Will human beings still be the spirit of all things? What will our lives be like after humans are no longer the spirit of all things? Will it end up being enslaved by robots? These are all things cyberpunk talks about.

In the world of cyberpunk, we can see a trend that artificial intelligence will definitely become stronger and stronger, and robots will inevitably become popular, which has caused a social problem. Like that kind of relatively simple physical work, do normal humans still need to do it in the future? It's a little sad to think about this, but it's true. Driverless cars can replace drivers, and big data can replace salespeople. Even in the future, if you want to move bricks, I’m sorry, 3D printing will take your job.

Some friends may feel that these are physical labor. Wouldn't my work be replaced if it was mental work? Is it really? Let's take the two most difficult certificates in the mind, the certified public accountant and the judicial examination. If anyone can take down these two certificates, it will have a bright future in the intellectual world. It is very likely to become a barrister or the CFO of a listed company in the future. According to normal perception, these positions will definitely not be replaced by artificial intelligence, but the real situation is not optimistic. Hangzhou has already used artificial intelligence assistant judges, and artificial intelligence can also be seen in many accounting firms to help sort out the accounts scene. The most important thing is that artificial intelligence can learn by itself, which is called deep learning in the jargon.

So as the number of cases handled by these artificial intelligences increases and accumulates to a certain number, will those intellectual workers who seem to be very high-end to us also lose their jobs? Sorry, but you have to accept the reality. Some friends may ask, as you put it, is the future of mankind useless, and I don’t think so.

Although artificial intelligence is powerful, I think it will have three stages. The first is called artificial mental retardation, which is the technology from ten years ago to the present. At that time, artificial intelligence was still in the research and development stage and could not be applied to life at all. They will do a lot of incredible things. So human beings are still the spirit of all things. And the second stage is the stage we will face, which I call the normal intelligence stage. Because at this stage, their behavior is more and more human-like. For example, when playing Go, he can kill Ke Jie in seconds. For example, when playing games, you can always kill the world champion with blood. Maybe in a few years, navigation will even mock your driving skills. Or when you're dozing off, you'll suddenly say, buddy, you're driving while fatigued. Otherwise let me come.

Even that is nothing, because the most terrifying is the third stage, which I call awakened intelligence. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the database they accumulate is large enough, they can combine thousands of years of human knowledge into one machine. After reaching that stage, they can even generate their own thoughts, and the breadth and depth of these thoughts will be much higher than that of normal human beings. Of course, don't be afraid, because this is just an ideal state, and it can't hold it anymore. We can still unplug it, but at that time it will be a question mark whether he will let you unplug it.

Then we will not consider the third stage, maybe we will not see it in our lifetime. Let’s talk about the second stage, let me guess, maybe in 20 years artificial intelligence will be fully realized. The second stage is to replace the mental and physical labor of human beings. As for the general public, what we need to think about is how to not be replaced by artificial intelligence, and what careers or what to do to maintain our own core competitiveness.

Artificial intelligence will really take your job, because in the future he can replace most of the occupations. But don't be too nervous now, we still have at least ten years to deal with it.

So from now on, whether you are working or starting a business, choosing a direction must be the most important. If you are unfortunate enough to choose an industry that can be replaced by artificial intelligence, what awaits you will be doomed.

So what industry will not be replaced? First of all, cyberpunk is actually a business guide. In that world, you can see many technologies that will be popularized in the future. This provides us with some reference for ordinary people in terms of work or entrepreneurship. Take the brain-computer interface in cyberpunk as an example. As the name suggests, the brain-computer interface is to insert a chip into the human brain, and then the human brain can interact with the chip to make a series of reactions. For example, in 2020, Zhejiang University has developed a robotic arm that enables paralyzed people to use a brain-computer interface. But now is only the beginning of adaptation, because when the brain-computer interface matures, the human mind will also reach another dimension. For example, if you encounter some problems that you do not understand, you will usually check the information on the Internet. But in the future, you can install a USB flash drive in your mind that can connect to the Internet. If you want to know something, just call the U disk in your head and you can do it. At that time, everyone can be full of experience. But this is not enough, because these are just called out knowledge, and you may not be able to understand it yourself. For example, let everyone read the book of I Ching. Everyone knows the characters in this book, but they don’t know what they mean when they are linked together. So when this U disk develops to the second stage, it will help your brain carry out deep learning, allowing you to make all the knowledge your own. It's not too late, because when different pieces of knowledge come together, even new ideas emerge. So at that time everyone was a scientist and a philosopher.

But if the world really becomes like this, the most terrifying thing is computer viruses. Just imagine, if there is a virus in the U disk in your brain, the consequences are unimaginable. Therefore, in the future, anti-virus software will be more and more subdivided, not only to remove computer viruses, but also to remove brain-computer interfaces, and even anti-virus software, and may evolve to combine with genes to form a new type of anti-virus that integrates bio-computer machinery model. In other words, the development of science and technology will also bring many new demands to the society. With new demands, new occupations will naturally appear.

All in all, although artificial intelligence will replace most of the current jobs, it can create a variety of new occupations in the future. What we need to do now is to start out and learn these new occupations in advance, so as to maintain our core competitiveness.

So what do you think about the promising career in the future? Welcome to pay attention and have a friendly discussion in the comment area.


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