The world is complicated, find ways to make your life as simple as possible

heart is the same as life

Sorry for not updating very often lately

Recently life is often thinking about philosophical things

What kind of face is the real self?

Why is the person I see in the eyes of others so different from the person I imagine?

Why do you want to please others when you are not happy anymore?

These questions are still sprouting in my heart

But finding quality alone time is important to me

In the past, the way I liked to reward myself was to hang out with friends and eat and drink during my breaks

But now I prefer to sit in a cafe with fewer people to type, listen to music or read a book

High-quality alone time makes me kind of rediscover my familiarity

After such meticulous moments of charging, I have new energy to face the difficult life

Saw a video yesterday talking about a taxi driver

Invoice not only won the first prize but also the special prize

Speaking of him, is there anything special about him? That is, their husband and wife were Tzu Chi members very early

I paid millions before I won the lottery

Then there is the change in mentality, what he said made me cry (it's a crying bag for me)

He said: "The world is very complicated. Find a way to make your life as simple as possible. Your heart is the same as your life."

Anyone who has experienced some social experience knows that society is really sinister and even cruel

But how difficult it is to maintain a pure heart, kindness, and consistency inside and out

I want to live a life that I respect myself

Let's share.


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