Teaching of the Life Code and Analysis of the Triangle Diagram

Super Tyong 超级勇
What is the password of life, how to calculate the password of life, understand your own password of life

The code of life, also known as the life number, is simply the nine numbers 1-9. Through permutations and combinations, it is possible to reveal a person's innate potential and personality traits. It can be traced back to ancient Western mysticism 2,500 years ago. It is a mathematical theory first created by the Greek mathematician Pythagoras.

Based on my own interests, after a lot of practice and reading some related books, I found that this thing is very helpful for discovering and understanding oneself, and it can also help us capture the characteristics and energy hidden in us and realize our greatest life value. Of course, it can also help us understand others, master more intelligent ways to get along with others, and more effectively adjust our life resources. (Yes, it is very easy to get the other person's year, month and day)

In fact, Chinese civilization has a history of 5,000 years. The tools of numerology such as Zhouyi, Qimen Dunjia, Ziwei Doushu, etc. may be more accurate than the code of life. But unfortunately, the culture of our ancestors has been passed down to this day. Due to the mistakes and omissions of bamboo slips in the bamboo slip era and the burning and insect bites in the paper era, many things have gradually faded out of the public's view and eventually become knowledge mastered by a few people. So gradually, astrology, tarot cards and other Western divination techniques including the code of life began to approach our lives, especially astrology, because only the month and day are needed to calculate the specific constellation, it is accepted and used by more people. So by reporting a constellation during a conversation, basically the general personality of the person can be understood. There are 12 constellations and 12 personalities. It is simple and easy to remember.

The life code only has 9 numbers. If you add a year to the "month and day" of the zodiac sign, you can interpret your own and the other person's personality traits in more detail. You can even calculate the person's fortune for the year with just the "month and day". No matter how you look at it, it is a very simple set of fortune-telling tools. What? Don't you know how simple it is?

Come, come, a comparison chart to see how shockingly low the threshold of "Life Code" is.'

In fact, any kind of fortune-telling tool is a study of the same universe, and the problems to be solved are also similar, such as interpersonal relationships, emotional issues, career choices, etc. The ancient fortune-telling tools were to serve the rulers. The emperor’s choice was related to the fortune of the country, so they naturally had to be as accurate as possible. That’s why we see all kinds of complex auxiliary tools and unfamiliar nouns.

But ordinary people like us just want to solve our daily troubles. It seems too troublesome to use a compass to shake coins and flip cards every time. As the preferred tool for "paperless office", the Life Code only needs addition within ten and only 9 numbers. It is a simple tool that is "a must-have at home". Just like if we want to know the WiFi signal at home, we just need to take out our mobile phone to connect to the Internet and we will know. There is no need to bring out a bunch of professional equipment to test it. Why use a sledgehammer to kill a chicken?

Of course, because there are only three numbers to add, "year, month, and day", the possibility of password overlap is very high under big data. This is the same as two people with the same zodiac sign but slightly different personalities. After all, the region where everyone lives, the numbers of their parents, the influence of relatives and friends around them during their growth, and many other factors will cause people with the same number to live out their lives differently. In other words, two identical people sitting at different mahjong tables and grabbing the same cards may end up winning or losing very differently. Therefore, it is more important to correctly understand the guiding significance of the life code, because only by knowing yourself, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, and understanding the fortune of your year, can you learn from each other's strengths and weaknesses and avoid disadvantages in your growth.

After all, more than 60% of the problems in life can be solved with simple tools, and then slowly cultivate your ability to solve problems without tools. Such fortune-telling tools are the real tools to guide life . As for the remaining 40%, as you learn more, the information behind each number will become more and more abundant, and you will be able to see and use more and more content, so you can truly achieve - learning from the complex to the simple, and mastering from the shallow to the deep.

Simple calculation method:

For example, if you were born on November 23, 1994, your main number is: 1+9+9+4+1+1+2+3=30=3+0=3 (person number 3)

Well, without further ado, let me first briefly introduce the personality information represented by the nine numbers (although each expansion has tens of thousands of words, this is just an introduction, so a brief introduction will suffice).

Note: Every number has both positive and negative sides, but no information can be divided into "good or bad". All information needs to be interpreted "in context". Please recognize and understand it objectively.

1 - Leadership, creativity, independence, autonomy (negative: arbitrary, arrogant)

2——Communication, insight, sensitivity, and consideration (negative: emotional and dependent)

3——Action, expressiveness, optimism, positivity (negative: lack of responsibility, vanity)

4——Learning ability, sense of security, planning, stability (negative: stubborn, emotional tension)

5 - Diversity, sense of direction, adventure, freedom (negative: irresponsibility, impatience)

6 - Dependability, money, wisdom, love (negative: self-denial, too many demands)

7 - Analytical, intuitive, popular, lucky (negative: sophisticated, arrogant)

8 - Sense of responsibility, desire for power, persistence, ambition (negative: arrogant, overbearing)

9——Polyglot, spiritual, wise, opportunity (negative: lack of patience, not knowing how to cherish)

(There are two branches on the market, the Nine-grid version and the Pyramid version. I mainly focus on the Pyramid version.)

In short, no matter which version, they are all for solving problems, just like everyone knows the plot of Journey to the West, but still looks forward to listening to Guo Degang's story again. The key is the importance of "people". After all, tools are dead, but people are alive. The interpretations of different people can make ordinary tools shine with magical colors.

Well, I hope that these few words can help everyone have a preliminary understanding of the code of life, unveil its mysterious veil, and let this tool serve each of us.

If you have any questions or confusions, please feel free to comment or send a private message: https://www.facebook.com/usn.tonyteoh/

From the Life Code Happiness Learning Club

O: Main character code, representing 60% of a person's behavior patterns

O+M+N: Inner Character Code

U+R+X: Exocentric password

Exocentric Code 3: Idealism

Exocentric Code 6: Realism

Exocentric Code 9: Visionary

I, J, M: Father's genes

K, L, N: maternal genes

L+I+O: Subconscious code, representing most of a person's actions

I, J, K, L, M, N, O: Seven souls (joy, anger, sorrow, fear, love, desire, hate)

The three vertices of the triangle are marked with a "☆", which we call the star position code.

T, S, and U on the left side of the picture represent our work and friends, and also represent our experience from the age of 21 to 40.

Q, P, R in the picture above: represent subordinates and children, and also represent the experience status from 41 to 60 years old

The V, W, and X on the right side of the picture represent old age and family, and also represent the experience after the age of 61.

Each life code diagram contains 12 sets of combined codes:





The meaning of the numbers in the life code_Analysis of the triangle diagram of the life code_Analysis of the 12 groups of the life code

The following is an explanation of the meaning of each number and combined code based on an actual birthday case.

From the Life Code Happiness Learning Club

Case’s Gregorian calendar date of birth: October 15, 1964.

Main character code: 9

Inner character code: 9

Exocentric Code: 9 (Visionary)

Father's genetic code: 617

Mother's genetic code: 112

Subconscious code: 7

Seven souls: 6, 1, 1, 1, 7, 2, 9

Star code: 9, 6, 1

Work, friends, experiences from 21 to 40 years old Status Password: 493

Subordinates, children, 41 to 60 years old experience status password: 279

Old age, family, experiences after 61 Status Password: 336

12 groups of joint passwords:

617, 112, 729,

674, 178, 483,

292, 797, 279,

123, 123, 336

Understanding is more important than love!


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Super Tyong 超级勇大家好,我是Tony,网名是 Super TYong,我是一位Youtube创作者,我也是一名 USANA 合伙人,營養知識分享。請大家多多指教
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