[2021.12.11] Tarot + Rune + Witch Rune Day Draw Review

Thanks to my mother for her contacts and knowledge as a nurse, she helped my family not have too many physical problems.


I am used to using these two apps to set automatic daily draws, and I will check it every day when I look at my phone (although I am not a social animal now, but in those days of social animal, I really realized that sometimes it was difficult to think of drawing cards when we got together in the morning, and I stayed in bed at work. It's too late, if you have an APP, you can look at it in the morning)

Automatic daily draw and notification to your Tarot APP-Galaxy Tarot
Rune Rune APP!!! Daily Rune Set-Galaxy Runes

Also combine the methods of this article to keep a journal and explore possibilities for improvement
Super simple transfer method! Just keep a journal every day and you can do it! - Happy Numerology Teacher Lao Wu Ⅰ Happy Street Photography Ⅰ Mobile Street Photography (@caishin) (matters.news)

The witch rune I have no entity, I use the interval dice of the wave to define it.

Tarot: The King of Grails
Runes: Isa
Witch's Runes: 03-Flight flight

This morning, I almost slept in the afternoon. It seems that I was very sleepy because of taking medicine. Although I got up at noon in the morning, I still fell down and returned to my hometown very late.
I don't know if it is because of this that the tarot cards and runes have that kind of fixed and inward feeling to some extent.
I couldn't read for a long time on the train, and my eyes were a little tired, so I slept almost all the way to the station.
Do you feel like you are getting old(?), tired of reading books while driving, things that used to be normal, or even things that you like, now you will feel tired now. Of course, it may also be because of taking medicine, or because I don't like running around very much in my current form.

Flight should refer to my communication with my friends. My friends chatted and told me a lot of things and communicated with each other.

Introspective exploration:
Maybe not?
The only thing I feel like I want to say whether I want to do it or not is that the Blue Ocean side seems to have time to go back (because I asked for a friend, I was told that I haven't seen it for a long time), and I will wait until the income stabilizes.

fixed daily

Good painting: [Drawing is good] 2021-12-11 Song of Fangyuan - RUA (@tomee7254) (matters.news)

Drift Bottle Story: [2021.12.11] Drift Bottle Story - Star of Giants - RUA (@tomee7254) (matters.news)

Pendulum exercise I wrote yesterday and moved over [2021.12.10] Tarot + Rune + Witch Rune Day Draw Review - RUA (@tomee7254) (matters.news)

There is a basic exercise from P.13 of the book "Omnipotent Pendulum Divination". The book says to do this exercise every day for a week. I bought it for a long time but I have been searching for the pendulum without practicing, and after several previous practice attempts, I think I need to start with the basics.
1. Explore the location
2. Yes/positive/yang
3. Practice the options of no/acceptance/yin, just like the meaning of the tarot card is connected with your own life experience, the way of swinging also needs practice. I think this is what it's like to give the subconscious mind and body an impression that there are these three languages.
Next will do this exercise for at least a week.

On the second day of this practice, I did it in my hometown, so I needed to pay attention to my family's eyes (?), and I couldn't do it for too long.

Gratitude Diary Thanks to my parents for allowing me to go back to my hometown and rest in peace.
Thanks to my mother for her contacts and knowledge as a nurse, she helped my family not have too many physical problems.
Thank you to my family for always blessing all of our families.
Thanks to my mom for accepting that I was sleeping with the lights on at night and typing this in the same room as her, I'm going to get to bed soon.

Praise Diary for thanking myself, being creative and willing to practice and show.
Thanks to myself, willing to receive a lot of information and organize it, thanks to my South Node(?).
Thanks to myself, I am very serious and insist on writing these contents.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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心事欲言卡 開箱紀錄 2022.03.09

