Losing fat and gaining muscle health and longevity

Hello everyone, I'm a light. Today's topic is to connect the follow-up of the two episodes of gaining muscle after the age of 50. The topic of this episode is very important. It is about how we can gain muscle and live longer. The protagonist of this introduction is the AMPK anti-aging password! If you haven't heard me talk about mTOR before, you can revisit my two previous episodes, because AMPK and mTOR are in the same series, so you need to know what mTOR is, and what effects AMPK can help us achieve, we'll watch it right away See what AMPK is. Let's first look at the research reports on PubMed and search for ampk mtor to get many different reports.

This article describes how AMPK and mTOR balance energy, the relationship between our body's metabolic energy and disease. Here we discuss the role of regulating food intake to regulate AMPK, as an intracellular oxygen sensor to control protein synthesis and cell growth and metabolism. , while another article talks about the relationship between AMPK and longevity, restricting our diet and metformin, a diabetes-lowering drug, can prolong healthy lifespan and reduce the incidence of many chronic diseases. The mTOR insulin and insulin-like growth factor signaling pathways can be Promotes longevity, functions in a network of trophic oxygen sensors to control the extent of our aging cellular and physiological processes.

What exactly is AMPK? What is the function of this protein kinase? First, it can promote mitochondrial regeneration, and second, it can promote cell autophagy. It has been said in many previous episodes that good cells eat bad cells and restore the body to good functions. The third point is that it can Start our longevity gene DNA repair, the fourth is to inhibit the occurrence of inflammation in the body, the fifth is to comprehensively inhibit the aging of the organism to return to youth, and the sixth is the release of fat, including the inability to synthesize active fat and reduce insulin. Fatty liver can be reversed by reducing fat storage, the liver stops synthesis of triglycerides, so cholesterol levels also drop. How to activate AMPK with so many benefits? There are several ways to obtain AMPK. The first is to do fitness exercises. Many fitness exercises can activate AMPK immediately. After research, HIIT high-intensity interval training can increase more AMPK.

The second is calorie restriction, the best is intermittent fasting, such as 168 fasting, that is, do not eat for 16 hours, and can eat for the remaining 8 hours. 168 is an intermittent fasting that can be carried out every day. The third is to use the well-known antidiabetic drug metformin to reduce the formation of blood sugar. The fourth is curcumin, the fifth is the nutritional supplement lipoic acid, which is a longevity and antioxidant nutritional supplement, and the sixth is green tea EGCg It can enhance the effect of AMPK. Why do we increase AMPK, because the body will continue to decline with age. The older you get, the less AMPK you have. After the age of 50, you have to do these methods to increase AMPK. There are so many benefits of AMPK, in fact, there are many more benefits, you can further study this thing, in addition to the above mentioned things, you can also easily activate the effect of AMPK through quercetin, fish oil or vegetarian food, so just Explain why I said before doing exercise on an empty stomach, because the switch of AMPK and mTOR affects each other like a shaker. If you exercise after eating, it will activate the effect of mTOR. When mTOR is activated, it will inhibit the activation of AMPK, AMPK Being turned off reduces its function, so why not eat before exercising and exercising on an empty stomach is the best, such as what happens to our body after exercising? That is, AMPK is produced. After that, a large number of mitochondria will increase in our body. After weight training, muscles are torn, damaged, and decomposed. AMPK will repair and decompose proteins, recycle amino acids, and then reassemble new muscles. That's what happens, we don't want to stop it, so we don't eat right after a workout, because if we eat right away, mTOR kicks in and AMPK stops working right away. It doesn't break down protein cells and regenerate new cells. , so this is important. Of course, it doesn't mean that you can't exercise after eating, it's not that you can't eat immediately after exercising, and it can also increase the muscle mass of our body, but the body is not in the best state. If we want to grow muscles more healthily , Of course, it is better to let the body take more time to remove the old cells and rebuild the body with new protein. Sometimes I see some muscular people, they are constantly urging their muscles to drink protein milk while exercising. They can also produce With a lot of muscle, you will find that their body is not very healthy after many years, and the muscles become unsightly and form bumps. To build a perfect posture, you must give enough time to the body to process, let the body slowly remove the old cells, and rebuild it. Recycling and rebuilding new protein cells, this is the exercise that produces beautiful muscles, so many friends who study fitness will know that they will not eat or drink protein drinks immediately after exercise, maybe 30 minutes or 90 minutes. Supplement your body with protein milk and essential amino acid supplements in your diet.

Finally, to sum up, in addition to learning to increase muscle, we also need to activate our anti-aging code AMPK. The most important thing is to activate our longevity gene to achieve anti-aging effect. People will become younger, healthier and longer-lived. High-quality mitochondria It will produce more and more, which will increase muscle mass and muscle strength. The biggest benefit is that it allows the body to remove old and bad cells, and achieves the effect of detoxification, reducing chronic diseases and cancer cells. This is a great benefit. Why do we need to Learn what triggers AMPK, and can improve insulin sensitivity, what are the benefits of insulin sensitivity? It is to help us burn fat more easily, improve insulin resistance, and increase leptin sensitivity. What is leptin sensitivity? Leptin sensitivity keeps the body in balance and will not keep eating, reducing appetite and increasing, then reducing excess body fat, and eventually reversing fatty liver is also very important, there are many, many more such as increasing growth hormone GH, insulin growth factor IGF-1, Sirtuins family genes, tumor suppressor gene p53, chronic inflammatory transcription factor NF-kB, stem cell regeneration, etc., there are many things that can be discussed in depth, but I will not go into details here. I have the opportunity to make another episode to talk more about the code of longevity. All in all, the way to start AMPK is to fasting, that is, to reduce the number of eating as much as possible, because modern people often eat continuously, and the body will stop the function of AMPK when it receives heat, so we must learn to fasting to reduce the number of meals, In addition, the key to exercising is to exercise on an empty stomach. After exercising, eat at least one hour before starting the mTOR function and then add enough low-carbon protein powder. Be sure to choose protein powder that contains essential amino acids. At the end, if you want to study more, you can revisit my previous episodes of videos. In this episode, the 4 techniques of becoming younger are about mitochondria. There is also the following episode of Buddhist slimming and belly reduction methods. Talking about how to increase metabolic capacity, this episode talks about how to increase muscle exercise skills, as well as the four key points of how to increase muscle, what is mTOR and so on.

Okay, everyone can do more research on sharing AMPK today, my sharing is here, please remember to like, subscribe and share to turn on the little bell, see you in the next episode bye bye

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Low Carb Protein Powder

Alpha Lipoic Acid


Green Tea

AMPK metabolic activator

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#Reverse age password #AMPK #Increase muscle #Improve sarcopenia


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