Perth Diary Day 154: Every life is born with a sense of mission, not you don't have it, but you need it

Excerpted from "Writing to the Future You": When we were young, we told you heroic stories, not necessarily for you to be a hero, but for you to have a pure character. Young man, we let you contact poetry, painting, and music to fill your heart with noble taste. These noble tastes will support your life, so that you will not forget the fragrance of roses in the harshest winter.

Whenever I'm in the quiet period of life, when I'm starting to tire of my beliefs, the source of confidence that a sweaty run creates never fails me.

I believe that everyone comes into the world with a sense of mission. The sense of mission is gradually formed in childhood. Those sense of mission are shaped by the pain and misfortune we experienced in childhood, and a seed is planted in the heart.

Children who are committed to becoming doctors can overcome all difficulties and invent new drugs or treatments that are inconceivable in the world when they are adults.

As a child who is committed to being a true police officer, I also believe that the desire to eliminate violence and well-being must be rooted in childhood-related grief.

My mentor Adler divided people into three categories in psychology: the first type of people do their best to help others avoid their own detours; Feel fair; the third type of people justify all their revenge because of their past misfortunes.

Inferiority and Transcendence - The Meaning of Life (3/3)

Obviously, the first type of people are more likely to find the meaning of life driven by their sense of mission. But I don't think that the three types of people cannot be transformed, it's just that the latter two types of people need more painful tempering, thinking and guidance before they can find their own meaning.

Empathy will restrict the height of a person's spiritual growth. Some say that empathy comes from genes, but I believe that the shaping of each blank sheet of life is more from the cultivation of the original family education, the division of three types of people, It is also more like a distinction based on the strength of empathy.

In my opinion, it is not that life cannot survive without a sense of mission, but that there will be a lack of strong beliefs to promote self-growth.

A meaningful self-actualization makes what one person does more conducive to the development of the entire human collective.

And this sense of mission can cultivate a closer connection between a person and the collective, and the strength of belief can inject a driving force of varying power into the individual to bring him closer to the realization of the meaning of life.

Maslow's definition of five layers of needs gives that every life inevitably embarks on a process from the most basic physiological needs, safety needs, social needs, esteem needs and even self-realization.

Every step will bring down a large number of people in human society. Some people are busy all their lives, but they can't escape the fear of physical needs. Some people spend their whole lives looking for life and death for love. Some people have a wrong understanding of respect needs. Inability to move forward with social needs.

The process of self-realization must be the driving force of the sense of mission. People with strong empathy are obviously easier to step on this level, and it is easier to escape the fear of physiological needs, because there is a higher level of happiness that cannot be fully obtained. Satisfaction is like the inner drive to help others get rid of this misery after suffering an unfortunate experience at a young age.

I believe that no one has a happy and perfect childhood, so everyone will have their own wish that they most want to accomplish. If this wish is properly guided and encouraged, it will become the seed of a sense of mission.

What needs can matter solve? Any needs higher than the first layer cannot be solved with money. Obviously , there are serious mistakes in the education system in our environment. Most people are placed in the fear of physiological needs, unable to get rid of the desire for safety needs, and social needs. , respect needs under the control of material, so we do not have great entrepreneurs, no great business leaders, no great current situation changers.

That's why education is so important, and it can cultivate countless leaders of the times with a sense of mission. As long as you carefully observe the level of parents' awareness of education in the surrounding environment, you will know that the current predicament is difficult to break.

To implant bug-filled code in the initialization process of a life, it can only be found and repaired by itself. I don’t think any parents want to do such an operation, but the level of consciousness and cognition has limited parents’ ability to self repair.

Parents who cannot find the meaning and sense of mission in life are extremely difficult to implant in the minds of the next generation.

But I always believe that every life has its own meaning, not necessarily, but should have, because the driving force brought by the sense of mission can make people free from the fear of physiological needs and safety needs, and can obtain Get normal social activities with the right esteem needs.

It's not that you don't have it, it's that you've been lost in the labyrinth of fear and succumbed to fear before you find it, unable to take the next step and try to hit the wall.

And when you finally wake up, every time you hit the wall hard is to get closer to the exit of life, you will look forward to the next bigger challenge in life, and the sense of mission will be the best driving force.

Every life is born with a sense of mission. It’s not that you don’t have it, but that you need this driving force to live a different and wonderful life, so you must find it and overcome the hardships.


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自由潜水教练olivier毕业于985计算机硕士,30岁后放下国内的所有,追求自由的新人生,思想于04年翻墙,肉身在18年才跟上了思想的步伐。曾在菲律宾教授自由潜,独居在malapascua岛的两年获得了思想的升华,目前移居在西澳大利亚perth。 希望通过分享我自身在自我流放中的感悟,带给他人更多的思考。 所有未注明出处的文章均为原创,谢绝私自转载。 本平台文章包括我自己的微信公众平台文章的备份以及审核不过的文章。
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