The year after knowing the blockchain

Jimbo Liao
This is a short story from being pushed into a pit to getting lost in it, and then slowly returning to the original heart.

into the pit
In 2021, after Musk called out to accept Bitcoin payment to buy Tesla, I began to add and subtract some news related to the blockchain, but I have never had a deep understanding of what the blockchain is and what problems it can solve. It's just that occasionally when I see relevant recommended news on social networking sites, I will glance at it twice. But what really got me into the pit was a qigong teacher who liked to explain the Diamond Sutra. It seems strange, but there are all kinds of people in the currency circle, so don't mind too much (?)

I still remember the scene that night: the teacher had already drank several glasses of wine, pointed at my nose and asked me to learn about blockchain technology, saying that there was nothing he could do if he didn’t understand technology, but it’s a pity that I didn’t understand it as an engineer Yunyun, it was already late at that time, it was time for me to go home, but I was still being held, so I had to promise the teacher that I would take a look at it carefully, and there was no time to explain that I was a hardware engineer, not a software engineer. Afterwards, I searched for relevant information with the mentality that I would not suffer anyway, but I didn't expect it to get out of hand...

Lost <br class="smart">In the beginning, of course, it started with Bitcoin. After I understood its basic concept, I was immediately fascinated. What kind of genius would think of achieving a system through cryptography, consensus mechanism, and chaining data into chains, etc., which can ensure that the data of network nodes is consistent, and at the same time have decentralization, transparent and open data, trustless, unreliable Tampering and other characteristics, the mechanism between them is like an exquisite mechanism, anyone who is missing may cause system loopholes, it is wonderful, wonderful. I finally officially entered the currency circle at the end of 2021 and opened my first Fox Wallet. I expect to experience the world of blockchain while researching technology, starting with the most common coins, which is what I originally planned.

At that time, the currency price was at its peak, and the NFT market was also hot. I started to follow various news, learned to use twitter, and realized what the real thing was compared to the currency circle for one day, and the world for a year. I felt that I changed from buying coins to buying NFT, or JPG , and then I got lost in it. Now that I think about it, if it wasn’t because I was very busy with my full-time job for a while, I was forced to stop for a few months and didn’t follow the social news, otherwise I might still be stuck in it.

Returning to <br class="smart"> In just one year, I did not expect to be involved in a lot of bizarre things, including the LUNA crash, FTX incident, and RUG. I thought I could put all the money back to zero, but it still hurts after more than half of it disappeared (crying), but even so, I am still fascinated by the blockchain and its possible development.

I don’t know whether it’s luck or misfortune. All kinds of losses allowed me to realize that I’m just a leek earlier. It also made me look at the advantages and disadvantages of blockchain technology in a more rational way, and made me re-examine my thoughts on this technology. . And more importantly, let me return to my original intention: I am here to learn and experience blockchain. I hope that I can organize my study notes and write them down while studying in the future. It will be even better if I can help others, and it will be even better if I can find a partner to study together.

Finally, if you are just about to step into the currency circle, please remember to only put in money that can be completely returned to zero, or even a little less, and don't overestimate the extent to which you can accept losses. The blockchain world is still like a primitive jungle, only suitable for those who can take full responsibility for themselves.



Jimbo Liao在2021年底認識 Web3 後一頭栽入,原本想學習技術卻不知不覺走入光怪陸離的幣圈市場中,花了近一年時間認清自己不過就是個韭菜,決心回歸初心,好好學習、體驗區塊鏈。
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