Investing virtual and real | Blockchain | Stocks

Today, let’s talk about what new views I have on investing in virtual blockchains or real stocks, as well as my investment mentality along the way, and how I keep adjusting my mentality until now.

Not long ago, I signed up for a free blockchain online course. In the course, the lecturer briefly analyzed the current situation of each virtual currency and the positioning of the original design, and enthusiastically answered all the students' questions before the end. Changed, with a different idea.

But today is not to share the content of the course, but to talk about what new views I have on investing in virtual blockchains or real stocks after the course, as well as the investment mentality along the way. Among them, I am How to keep adjusting your mentality until now.

Invest in Real Stocks

  • the beginning of the stock

More than two years ago, shortly after I came out of the society, I didn't know anything. It was only after I entered the workplace that I realized the cruelty of reality. It turned out that the so-called salary was so insufficient that the basic living expenses, rent, and transportation expenses were deducted. The amount of money that can be saved in a month is not much at all, not to mention that it does not include the largest amount of money to buy a house in one's life, it will be completely unimaginable expenses. So, as a freshman in society, I worked hard to squeeze some money out of my salary after get off work, and embarked on the road of investment with a small amount of money.

  • initial idea of stock

At first, I always held a wait-and-see attitude towards the stock market. Although I had opened a brokerage business early, there was no transaction, because I had no clue what kind of stocks to buy, even if I had read some investment books, or others The recommended movie, it is still intimidating to buy the first stock.

And in my opinion, stocks are roughly divided into two profit modes: short-term buy low and sell high, long-term long-term holding , but short-term up and down fluctuations are elusive, I can’t keep track of the market at any time, long-term holding time It is too long, coupled with not much investment, it is difficult to achieve the goal of financial freedom.

Finally, on a whim one day, regardless of the stock price, I boldly bought the first stock in my life, and then I officially entered the investment field.

During the period, I traded several times, but I didn’t understand the logic of the trade. When should I buy bravely, and when should I reluctantly clear it out? The overall profit has been maintained at a situation of no profit or loss, which is the same as the investment I thought I made a lot of money. Completely different, as if doing white labor.

Summarizing the thinking in the early stage of investment, I believe that the main means of profit is short-term buying low and selling high.
  • Late thoughts on stocks

Such an illogical trading strategy is really not good, and it may even lose a lot of money, so I decided to switch strategies, find a stable company, pay attention to its profitability, and wait patiently for a lower price to buy, not a lot of investment, but The cumulative number of shares held bit by bit is really the so-called Buffett-style value investment, and an additional dividend income is received every year.

At first glance, the long-term profits should be not bad. Even when the epidemic first broke out, you can hold them with peace of mind and not be afraid of a big drop. However, the subsequent boom in the bull market made me have doubts, because various industries The stocks of this category exploded at the daily limit almost every day. On the other hand, the stocks I held were too stable, and I didn’t dare to chase the targets that rose too much. participate.

After several adjustments of my mentality and investment strategy, I finally realized the trading logic that suits me. The current method is that most of the funds are still invested in stocks with stable growth and fixed dividends. To make a quick profit in such a short period of time, at least you don’t have to take the risk of a sudden slump. After all, a normal office worker cannot keep an eye on the market trend all the time, convert stocks flexibly or stop losses in time. The other part is to take a small amount of funds and operate short-term stock transactions, so as to actively participate in the rising wave of the market, without investing too much capital in high-risk stocks, and if you really lose some money, you will not Too heartache, but also learn some technical skills through such operations.

Summarizing the thinking in the later stage of investment, it is not a speculative mentality to earn the difference between buying and selling, but a reasonable capital allocation , part of which is patiently waiting for dividends to be distributed , and the other part who seizes the opportunity to rise in a timely manner . Avoid the risk of excessive fluctuations.

Invest in a virtual blockchain

  • The beginnings of blockchain

After a period of time, I just wanted to find a place to record my writing and organize my chaotic investment ideas. As a result, I discovered Matters, a writing platform, by accident. I just share my personal philosophy, and I don’t even know what kind of virtual currency Likecoin is. After all, I didn’t know what the blockchain was at that time, and the code in the account There are so few coins that I don't care at all, only a few dozen or so.

It was not until a certain period of time later that many people suddenly emerged sharing how to exchange Likecoin for cash, how to register a virtual currency account, and even some people shared that they made a small amount of money by writing articles in Matters, I realized for the first time that Likecoin can be regarded as a kind of virtual currency, And virtual currency can also be converted into real real currency. This shocking news instantly exploded my head. It turns out that blockchain technology is such a life-like thing.

Then you will see that I have shared a series of articles about virtual currency . Exchange registration , new currency mining | MBOX analysis | newbies entering virtual currency , Binance wealth management | DOT slot auction | virtual currency , all of the above It is the information that I groped and sorted out by myself. Most of the content is blunt and difficult to understand, and the number of views is obviously much less. However, I believe that if someone really needs this information in the future, it can save him the time to find information.

Of course, in this field, I am a late starter, and the information I can share is relatively limited. I just record the problems I encountered during my exploration.

  • Early thoughts on blockchain

Although I have previous experience of investing in stocks, it is still a little worrying to face a brand new investment field. Therefore, I adopted a conservative method in the early operation strategy. First, I bought a small amount of BUSD stablecoins and tried Binance's Various financial management functions , such as investing in the most basic lock-up income, can be used to compare the market differences between various currencies, even if the investment rates between USDT, BUSD, and DAI, which are also stable coins, are still different. It will even reflect the popularity of the transaction, and then I also try to understand the risks and returns of DeFi mining, but it seems that Binance Exchange has reduced the risk of DeFi mining a lot.

Immediately afterwards, I participated in several rounds of new coin mining to understand how to understand the white paper of the new coin, but also because I saw the future potential development of some new coins and the extremely high rate of return in new coin mining, During this process, I even discovered that holding BNB and BUSD, which are related to the Binance platform, can gain more advantages. At the end of my exploration of Binance financial management, I focused on the operation principle of liquidity mining, tried to understand the reasons for the free loss, and finally realized that this is an unpredictable and inevitable result, and there will always be a time when the currency price will rise. , you must bear the occurrence of free losses, but as long as the currency is not taken out of the liquidity pool, such losses can be regarded as non-existent.

I opened my curiosity about virtual currency through these most fundamental operations, and slowly cultivated relevant knowledge of blockchain in the process. When I encountered something I didn’t understand, I searched the Internet for information, and gradually began to pay attention to the existence of other virtual currencies. The value is not just the well-known BTC and ETH. From Binance Wealth Management | DOT slot auction | virtual currency , I saw the future of DOT, and decided to hold a part of it as asset allocation, and then I continued to study other such as MATIC on Polygon and HIGH on Highstreet, in fact, there are so many types of virtual currencies that people don't know which to choose, but I just dig it slowly and understand it step by step.

Summarizing the ideas in the early stage of investment, first buy a small amount of stablecoins, try various financial management functions of Binance, and explore basic lock-up income, DeFi mining, new currency mining, and liquidity mining. The operation opens up the curiosity about virtual currency, and gradually cultivates the relevant knowledge of blockchain in the process, and also pays attention to the existence value of other virtual currencies.
  • Late thoughts on blockchain

The class mentioned at the beginning of the article was a turning point for me to invest in the blockchain, because I was just curious to try the various functions of the Binance platform, and did not regard the blockchain as a formal investment project. The amount of money invested can be said to be very small, but that class, coupled with the Matters platform and past investment experience, gave me new ideas.

In conclusion, I do not intend to use blockchain as a part of asset allocation.

Even if the blockchain will be an indispensable technology in the future society, and even integrate reality and virtuality, it will become the original universe we expect, but at this stage of security, government legal norms, and the possibility of asset bubbles, everything is not yet. It is clear, and in terms of my personality that is afraid of trouble, the current deposit and withdrawal is a little troublesome. If I really invest a lot of money, I will not want to exchange it for cash again in a short time. I am not very liquid about such assets. like.

The above are some of the reasons, but the real reason is that I want to experiment, separate the virtual from the real , and regard the Likecoin obtained by Matters as an income in the virtual world. Although it is not much, it should be said that it will definitely be The degree of starvation, after all, the speed of my production of articles is extremely slow, and it is not a mainstream light-hearted sketch, but a brain-burning topic that needs to be considered. Gradually accumulate assets just like working in a real company.

I really enjoy the feeling of working hard from scratch, and it also solves the trouble of converting between virtual and real funds . It should be said that it is completely separated, but it is much simpler to invest in this way. The original concerns about the blockchain are only virtual. In the future, it will not affect the realistic investment strategy, and you can operate more boldly and hold optimistic projects with more confidence.

Summarizing the ideas in the later stage of investment and separating the virtual from the real will not only solve the trouble of converting between virtual and real funds, but also will not affect the real investment strategy in the future, and can also operate bolder and more confident holding promising projects.


In fact, whether investing in virtual blockchains or real stocks, the strategies are basically the same. You must keep a steady eye on the risks and master the rewards along the way, but the mentality can be fine-tuned with the change of ideas . After all, the times are constantly advancing. , thinking must keep up with the pace, sometimes to absorb the opinions of different people, maybe a new concept will pop up.

Finally, in the coming new year, I will continue to share more articles on investment and financial management. You are also welcome to leave a message for discussion, or leave the content you want to know and give it to me to find information.

I am a freshman thinking about retirement, trying to record my investment journey.


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想著退休的新鮮人從零開始學理財 什麼都不懂的我們,初出社會,被現實的世界牽著鼻子走,埋頭工作只求溫飽,但我們渴望掌握人生,追尋夢想,於是,讓自己從工作退休是我們的第一目標
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