Someday I feel like I've grown up


I still remember running in the countryside in my childhood, going to the ditches to catch fish, and occasionally going to the city, imagining what my future life will look like, thinking that my life will be full of beauty when I grow up, thinking that I will dress well in the future, and imagining that there will be a convenience store downstairs at home. , walking between cities every day, who would know, grow up, for the curse I don't want

No one would have expected to light a cigarette at the age of 20. I don’t know if my mom and dad would be disappointed with me if they found out. They can choose the way their life looks, but they are also bound by the shackles of society. , Going to bed early and getting up early, which I hated when I was a child, has become the most familiar thing after maturity. Every day I get up is no longer because my mother yells for a long time and doesn't want to get up, but every day I hear the alarm clock, and I know the day has begun.

After I come out to live, some parts are still very happy, I can choose my favorite life style, I don’t want to wash my clothes, and no one will urge me, but I will face no clothes to wear, and I can choose to eat three meals a day. Midnight, I eat less junk food instead, because the body is very important, and the wallet is also very important, and I will suddenly understand that the quarrel between parents is derived from the trust between growth and maturity.

For a while, I often fell into a kind of confusion. I opened a website and recorded plants. The management was OK, and I had a little success, but because of this, I didn’t produce some thoughts about my heart. Instead, I was lost, and my heart was empty. Instead, I often looked at plants. In a daze, think about what I want, maybe they are what I want, but they will never be able to fill the expressions in my heart. Plants are very good. They will not stop growing because of my emotional ups and downs. Gu Di walked forward, and what about me? If you don't grow up, will you be left behind, no one will wait for you to go

Regarding the approaching 30th milestone, my heart has also changed this year. I no longer like to go out every week to get drunk, I no longer like meaningless social interactions, I no longer like to avoid forcing myself to meet friends, and instead pursue pursuits Peace of mind, no longer want to go out on holidays, but feel at home quietly, deal with life well, become another kind of fun

I will also start to develop some interests, like baking, spend a lot of money on ingredients, and spend a lot of time cooking food, and finally eat happily, only to find that it’s okay to not take photos, and I gradually understand my heart like this. The depth of life is no longer just a life that can be replaced by gorgeous photos

I used to like to go shopping, but now I look at the streets like visiting exhibits. Watching is far greater than buying. I understand investment and understand that investment will be trapped, so I invest in myself.

Maybe there will be an answer to the confusion for a while now, maybe he will accompany me again, or maybe he never existed, recalling the original intention of writing a blog, I just hope that someone can live with you in the distance, so I started to write, and occasionally Stop writing, and eventually I will start writing

In the end, I still want to thank everything that happened here. I don’t know if I feel a lot and I will like to thank others. Even though I have always been working hard in my serious life, I also understand that without everyone, there would be no myself today.

It's alright, it's just an occasional essay

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歪皮/紗卡納認真的好好體驗,這個只有一趟的人生,並且用一些文字,記錄一些小事 -
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