[British Daily] You say, what else can I say. .

Tail of youth, don't run! Come back to me quickly! ! !


What should have been an ordinary day:
Going to work, meeting, answering emails, doing a bunch of tests , peeking at LS, peeking at Matters . .

It's hard to get off work in an hour.
As a result, one thing disturbed my peaceful heart on Thursday afternoon. . .

Recently, the company has undergone a major renovation of the office arrangement.
As a result, some departments are not in their original positions,
In addition, the colleague who was in charge of handling the package just left,
I have items that I need to send urgently,
Not sure who to get to pack and arrange for mailing.

I learned from my colleague P that the person in charge of the package is the new colleague F that I first heard about,
He was temporarily working in a seldom-used conference room.
I hurried to the meeting room,
When the time comes,
A man in a shirt came out,
I hurriedly stopped him and asked him if he was new colleague F?
He nodded yes.

Before I could introduce myself,
He asked me something I didn't expect at all,
He asked me:

Are you · No · Yes · Clean · Cleaner?

. . .

. . .

. . .

Freeze for a second or two,
I was in panic and said I wasn't,
And told him that the cleaners had just cleaned the office next door,
She should still be there.

It's so embarrassing!
Then he hurriedly explained that it was because he had just received a box of cleaning supplies,
Thought I was here to get cleaning supplies from him. . .
At that time I was thinking,

Do I look so old? ? ! !

Terrier diagram generator production

The cleaning aunties I've met are all about 40 or 50 years old.
But they are only 27 pinch! Not so much!
Right now, my heart is really cold. .

After explaining the precautions and mailing details of the item packaging,
Immediately ran to the mirror in the toilet and pondered,

Is it because the hair is too messy?
Or are dark circles under my eyes making me look older?
Shouldn't it be time to start putting on some makeup for work?

Look left and right in the mirror, look and look,
I thought it might be a problem with my clothes .
Because it is easy to get the clothes dirty when doing the test,
So I don't wear formal work clothes like shirts.
But a pair of dark suit pants with a black Polo-T-shirt,
If the weather is cold, add a small jacket with a hood.

But there are many male colleagues who have to wear the same clothes as me,
Some colleagues even wear jeans. .

I used to wear a shirt when I didn't do the test before. Since I started the test, I wear a Polo T-shirt + suit pants + safety shoes to go to work every day.

But if it's not a matter of dress,
So why is that? ! !

w(゚Д゚)w! ! !

Could it really be that I'm getting old? ! !

No, no, no, no,
I'm going to order serum, moisturizer, eye cream, mask, sunscreen. . .
Just wipe it up!

Tail of youth, don't run!
Come back to me quickly! ! !


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