051 | The Myth of the Epidemic

This article is an afterthought of "Attack on Titan", written in another lockdown.

It is now August 2021, and New Zealand, an island country in the southern hemisphere, has entered a state of lockdown due to another epidemic. People have been asked to stay at home, and the entire country has been brought to a standstill except for business activities that guarantee a minimum life for the people.

This state is very much like the world in the wall described in "Attack on Titan".

"Attack on Titan" is a Japanese manga serialized since 2009, ending in April 2021, with a total of 139 episodes.

As early as two years ago, I watched the first episode of the Attack on Titan animation and thought, "Oh, this is another juvenile manga about humans vs monsters". Just like the previous "Ghost Slayer" subverted my original expectations, with the deepening of the plot, "Attack on Titan" has a plot setting that is not inferior to literary works and nearly sci-fi, allowing me to properly serve myself. Ashamed of "shallow judgment".

"Attack on Titan" is a comic book that has been serialized for 12 years. In the last few chapters after 12 years, the original author explained all the "unfinished mysteries" in the past 12 years. It discusses the core propositions of human nature "freedom", "desire" and "meaning of life".

The background setting of the world view is that of humans living in the triple wall, and from the very beginning of the story, the life of this group of "last humans" is shaped by bitterness and hatred.

The world in the wall seems peaceful and quiet. But among the human beings living in this illusory tranquility (there are giants who can eat you up at any time outside the wall), some people choose to "be content with the status quo and not ask about the world's affairs", and some people "always stay awake, eager to Knowing the world beyond the walls", while a small group of humans who know the "truth" (they represent the kingship), submit to their own "weakness" and "escape", and do not hesitate to "brainwash" to keep the fragile kingship.

One of the characters' monologues on the show struck me: each of us is a slave to something.

And at this moment, we are in lockdown, so why not? When work in exchange for pay is no longer necessary, human beings seem to have lost the "meaning of existence". This is why this epidemic has not only hit humans pathologically. More seriously, it poses the ultimate question to humanity: What's the point of living?

I think, "freedom" is the answer to this work.

And the road to "freedom" must be constituted by "resistance". In the 70 years since the end of World War II, mankind has never stopped "conquest" and "artillery fire". Humans have waged countless wars to escape vulnerability and out of fear.

Thinking of this, I can't help but question the "conspiracy" behind this epidemic. What kind of hand is manipulating the fate of mankind? According to the latest research, although the new coronavirus is highly contagious, its fatality rate remains at 2% due to the improvement of modern medical technology (the fatality rate for some age groups is 0.1%). Here, I am not advocating a "don't care" attitude of epidemic prevention, but I invite everyone to think about a question, is this "epidemic" really as serious as we think?

Who shaped our hatred of "cases"? Who has shaped the pressure of international public opinion on countries that are "failed to fight the epidemic"? Who is profiting from the "epidemic"? Of course, in the face of the epidemic, human beings need scientific and healthy protection concepts. But is it necessary to sacrifice the "freedom" of all mankind to control the epidemic? Is it really the control of the epidemic, or the human beings themselves?

The global media's rendering, "epidemic" has become a new form of "discrimination". On the political stage, the "anti-epidemic performance" of various countries is staged like an "arms race". In essence, it is another form of "war", completely forgetting that human beings still have more serious environmental problems to face. right.

All we can do, I think, is to keep a sense of kindness and waking up to the world.

As in "Attack on Titan", even if only the king inside the wall knows "the truth of the world".

It does not prevent us from "free" to choose, to be a kind , sober, and brave person.

May you become a better version of yourself and gain peace and love.

 About Korgi Chu (Grilled Chicken)
International Coach Federation ICF Certified Life Coach / Rainbow Coach 🌈
(Member number 009600446I)

Committed to promoting the "output" thinking system, and using "output" to promote the growth of more people.
Issues I care about are: gay issues, LGBT issues, personal growth, self-care,
Self-worth exploration, establishment of personal brand, career transition, efficient learning methods, financial freedom.
And everything that can make you a better version of yourself.
May everyone become a better version of themselves and gain peace and love.
Contact me: milagro0828@@gmail.com

Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

烤雞關於我: 一隻生活在南半球的烤雞。 輸出學教練,ICF 認證資質,Member ID #009600446I 致力於推動「輸出」的思維體系,以「輸出」推動更多人成長。 我關注的議題有:自我成長、自我關懷、同志議題、建立個人品牌、職場轉型以及一切可以讓你成為更好的自己的話題。 和我聊一下:milagro0828@gmail.com
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