Small talk/Planning for 2021.

I want to talk a little about my writing plans for each platform this year: the focus will return to my own website and Newsletter.


  Taking advantage of the weekend a few days ago, I planned a little bit about what I wanted to do next.

  I don’t think my original intention has changed. What I want to do is to transmit information, whether it is receiving news or knowledge. I want to absorb what I have learned in the process of self-growth and exploration of the occult. After transformation and internalization, it will be passed on to everyone who is willing to listen to me.

  To get there, a clearer and easier way to read is a must, and I think the easiest way to reach everyone directly is the old-fashioned Newsletter, which is why I revisited this tool.

  Today, I want to talk a little about my general idea, hoping to let everyone who subscribes have a deeper understanding. Of course, it would be better if it can bring more people to listen. :)

status quo

  The current Newsletter is my attempt to directly communicate what I think and what I think is helpful to listeners and readers in this moment.


  The next thing I want to do is to fix the frequency and content direction first.

  At present, it has been planned to August this year. It is certain to maintain two to three articles per month. Subscribers of the e-newsletter will have an additional subscription-limited content. The structure is roughly as follows:

  • Blog Article x 1
    The reader's wish-based topic is a relaxed and entertaining psychological test or sharing.
    Occasionally there are articles that have nothing to do with body and mind.
  • Monthly Blessing x 1
    Messages to the general public or calendar-related messages.
  • Newsletter Limited x 1
    Topics that I selfishly want to write about, or topics that I think the energy of the current environment requires.
  • Even Months: Bimonthly Quiz x 1
    Mass-oriented Inner Exploratory Test.


  As mentioned earlier, my focus will be on blogs and e-newsletters, so many things will be based on these two platforms.

  • The full text of blog articles is published on the blog, and the e-newsletter provides summary announcements or service descriptions.
  • Full text of monthly blessings posted on Blog, Vocus, Matters
    The e-newsletter provides preamble, card pictures, and answers in the blog
  • Newsletter is limited to the full text published in the e-newsletter, no other access channels
  • The full text of the free version of the bi-monthly quiz is published in the full text of the paid version of the blog. The full text is sent directly to the paid subscribers by E-mail
    The e-newsletter provides preamble, card pictures, and answers in the blog

Powder specialty

  On Facebook, I've been half-abandoned because of the miserable reach. XD

  Judging from past attempts, most people still prefer more immediate and personalized card draws, but due to some practical considerations, this is not something I can do on a regular basis, so I will maintain the "sudden card draw" model in the past.

  The main purpose is still to notify of new articles, or to share some information.


  The above is the final version of the plan that I spent a few days thinking about. There may be new additions in the future, and I will tell you later.

  I also added the functions of chatting and making a wish on the topic in the contact form of the Contact page of the website. If there is any article you want to read or what you want to say to me, I will consider and absorb it, and present it to everyone as much as possible. .

  Before there are more wishes and dialogues, I will continue to write what I want to write and what I want to say. I hope that new attempts and plans can bring you more feelings and more awareness. Let us Move forward together.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together! *熱愛行政工作的文組命理師。 #育兒 #數位工具 #命理 #療癒 #鬱期寫字
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