Matters Community Activities | Ferret Challenge From Today I Want to Change: Practice (Part 1)

Plans can’t keep up with changes, changes can’t keep up with impermanence, who knows what tomorrow will look like, but the new year still has to change, so the ferrets who are not planning their lives at all challenge themselves to change a little bit.

People always say that plans can't keep up with changes, so don't plan. Plans are the best plans. A ferret is a guy who doesn't like to follow plans and is super casual. Loves freedom and can do whatever comes to his mind. In my life list, the good ones are casual and unrestrained; the bad ones are lack of self-discipline and confusion.

The key phrase I gave myself in 2021 was ' the most authentic year'
2022 is my expectation for myself, " the bravest year"

If you want to be brave, then make a little change, to motivate yourself to make a small plan to change it

Photographer: Анна Рыжкова, Link: Pexels

Do you think I'm going to play something like I'm going to be one piece or I'm going to change the day? It's bound to fail. Be realistic. Let me write down the goals that are easier to achieve. The main purpose is to develop the habit of implementing the plan.

Project start date: 2022/01/10
Project end date: 2022/02/07
Project implementation time: one month

1. Get up and drink 1000ml of water every day (I really only drink 1000ml of water when I think about it, but when I think about it, I will challenge to drink 1000ml of water every day)

2. Progressive squat training (50 squats a day, 50 more every week)
01/10-01/16: 50 times a day, 01/17-01/24: 100 times a day;
01/25-01/31: 150 per day; 02/01-02/07: 200 per day

3. Stair climbing training every day (depending on the situation), just climb up or your knees will burst (five times a day from 01/10-01/24, ten times a day from 01/25-02/07)

These two are all physical training for the purpose of climbing "Jiaming Lake". I found that my muscle endurance is not enough when I climbed the mountain during the New Year. I need to strengthen my training. I look forward to carrying 20kg of equipment next time.

4. Read one book a week and at least four books a month

5. Write down three things you are grateful for and remember each day

6. The most difficult task has never been successful (please tell me the trick, please don't hit me)
I hope I can gain a little weight and don't lose weight anymore. At least gain two kilograms of weight. (The ferrets who can lose weight during the new year of OS are really troubled, and I may need to be fed.)

Update an article every day (impossible to do)

Say something to motivate yourself, if you keep doing it, I will be rotten. Eat a little more and we will gain weight together, and then don’t forget, at least drink water.

How to record it? Planning to record every day and make a cool video report a month later?
Anyway I'll be recording the LS and Lu film pull, so stay tuned

I hope that there will be cool changes in a month, if not.... keep working hard


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