[New plan] Write the things I can do for books before I start "+-Reading" self-service printing and online reading journals!


This is something I can still do for books, and maybe not sell them, but I think I still have a strong true love for a certain part of "books", as well as my love for "design, typesetting"!

 The word "plus or minus ke-kiám" means "how much" in Taiwanese. The concept of "+-reading" is "how much to read a book, how much to buy a book to read".

To say that this program is "new" is not. As early as 2012, when my cases were piled up like the above, I had new book information that I couldn't read every month. Just doing design, I could have a little understanding of what is popular in the book world now? Who are the popular recommenders right now? Which issue is the reader loves to pay for? At that time, I wanted to arrange these book information into very simple flyers, print them at my own expense, and put them in coffee shops and art shops outside the bookstore every month for everyone to request, so that more people can receive and follow. information about the book.

But as @黄牛山人 said , " In this era, it's not that there is not enough information, but there is too much information. " It is not easy to attract attention. At that time, I also wanted to plan some columns and invite friends to play such a completely free and labor-intensive publication. Of course, in the end, I did not carry out this matter, but made a small publication of one article per month for more than a year: I wrote an essay of 1200-1500 words every month, typed, printed, and mailed it to my friends. them.

The cost of such a small print is too high. I spend nearly 2,000 yuan more every month. For the declining publishing industry, my income is decreasing at a rate of half of the total income of the previous year. That said, it's an expense. (2,000 Taiwan dollars I should be able to cook my own lunch for three weeks!)

I have nothing to do recently, and every day I write articles, I don’t necessarily have a lot of clapping, but after I finish writing this: <This is not the darkest age of writing, but we can do something for it: Let reading be free from adulteration Social connections! 〉 I then thought of "Ah! Let's do this!" This is something that has been in my heart for a long time, and I don't have money to print it for everyone, so I will organize some book information, write it into an article, and let people download it. Line printing, in addition to my personal time cost, will not cost any money!

Of course, in the end, I hope to gain some readers' attention in the massive community messages, and bring everyone back together to get back the "habit of reading"! I'll say it again: " I know I'm an idiot! " How could it be so easy to make people want to read? But it doesn't matter, this is what I like and what I find interesting, so just do it! No matter what he does! What should or should not be done?

From 20200326 onwards, I will start this plan, invite major publishing houses to give me some book materials, I will select some books I like and books I want to recommend to my readers, arrange them into a small publication, and organize them into small publications. Simultaneously post it as a new article, and put it in a formatted PDF for everyone to download and print by yourself (some people still don’t like to read so many words on the Internet.) Ibon print number (qrcode) of 7-11 will also be provided ).

If you happen to be an employee of the publishing house, you can also provide me with book information: sunlinebook@gmail.com, the following information is required:

 1. Book cover. Flat three-dimensional book covers are available. Please give me the png file for the pop-up book cover. The file size can be 1M.
2. Author, translator, ISBN information 3. About 200 words of book introduction. There can be an additional 50 words of emphasis. As shown in red.

I will try my best to proofread it without error. If there is a small mistake, it will not be changed! (matters can't change it) We'll just pay attention to both of us next time.

I do this all for free. Probably just passion! If everyone is willing to support me, just clap your hands! Or if the publisher wants to send me a book. If I like it, I will write an article for it. Ha ha ha ha!

That is to say, this " love" I wrote is always accompanied by specific pain. / Wu Jiwen's "Tianhe Chaos"> , readers of matter are not very fond of it. I think it's well written. (Don't look at the number of clapping hands. Two-thirds of the total number of them came from coquettishly with my friends. Would you like to coquettish them? Take a shot, I think it's well written! Hahaha.)

That's it.

The picture is what I arranged to print today, there are still some places to adjust!


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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