Game to see life|On the psychological quality of online games, "The Lonely Warrior", and e-sports players

Who said that a hero is the one who stands in the light? Think about the attitude towards life based on the mentality and encouragement of friends in the game, the lyrics of "The Lonely Brave", Dinte's posts and game experience.
My youth was occupied by higher education, not to mention ball games, sports, and even group activities. There were only endless reference books and transcripts. However, the rankings again and again have not made me a hero who "wins is gratifying, and defeats is also glad" or a brave man who has done his best, but a person who has no chance to cultivate psychological quality .

Therefore, e-sports has become an important way for me to explore my psychological quality and attitude towards life.

Before you start, play a "League of Legends: Battle of the Two Cities" animated series theme song on demand: "The Lonely Brave"

Courage from teammates

I like not only games, but also the courage brought by friends

There are often memes on the Internet saying that what you can learn from online games is not teamwork, but "don't trust anyone". But I believe that creating a good time with friends from League of Legends is still in the majority, otherwise, how can it be after twelve seasons (twelve years), so many players around the world still use this as a common language?

For me, teammates in the game are not just virtual heroes, but more of a transmitter of mentality when facing the environment . In the midst of adversity , if there is a little improvement, it will come from the earphone: "Oh? Is the wind blowing?"

you can!

Friend R: "Yes! Click (attack) him! (Blood) sucks back!"

Friend Y: "He's going to die... not good..." At that time, if he died, the team would lose.

Friend R: "His equipment can win heads-up! Keep going!"

That day, I won as a character that was not good at playing. Two friends with different personalities are like two voices that appear in the mind at the same time when facing a problem. When a battle is imperative, there is no time to doubt yourself! In reality, if you can recognize your strengths and everything, you will have more confidence.

Don't be afraid, show the audience!

"Chen Wen, don't be afraid when something happens, Xiu is right!"

Once, in order to escape reality and hide in the virtual world, as always, I wanted to create flow in the game. Unexpectedly, in a predicament where I had to go head to head with my opponent, out of confidence in my equipment and operation, my friend gave words of encouragement, not only in games, but also in real life.

Joker or hero?

They say: to sew up your wounds, no one loves the clown - "The Lonely Brave"

The word "clown" is commonly used in e-sports circles for self-deprecation. What is impressive is that Dinte once mentioned in a social post that he was "really not a clown", but after hard work, he thought that he could only be a clown because he could not impress the audience in the arena.

Who says clowns are bad?

Dinte's post asks and answers the joker can bring laughter.

I think if you like your character, whether it's a clown or a hero, you're in the best state.

Do clowns clash with heroes?

Who said that playing ordinary games is not a hero - "The Lonely Brave"

In the League of Legends game, there is a character named Sacco, who is a demon clown and a hero.

My main corner is Cogas, but my friends always think I am happiest when I play Sacco. I think, I am a hero who wins; I am a hero who renders happiness!

Mental quality exists in games and players

The next (race) field is to ask you to calm down.

Dinte once shared his way of leading players in the live broadcast, and mentioned that there are some situations where players who perform abnormally need to be dismissed. , adjust the state to play again after recovery.

Who said that a hero stands in the light - "The Lonely Brave"

Throughout life, we all have times to rest or adjust. Perhaps in such a state, there is a lingering sense of "harlequin" or "supporting role", but the supporting role can be a former hero (in some people's minds), or It is a hero who is not in battle, and it can be a future hero in his mind.

My other pages: Fanggezi / Potato Media / Facebook / Chen Wen's life / Write as much as you like


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陳穩「生活,見微知萌。」開過飛機、待過醫療業、當過模特和老師。人生系作家,自暈體質,是心理男也是心理女。 📝閱讀書評/心理成長/航空科普/原創小說/生活感悟📖知音可貴難覓,說書只為知己,一朝聽書即為子期。✨合作邀約歡迎至文章下方留言,或請移駕至 Facebook 粉絲專頁私訊!
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