Our British 🇬🇧 Road (2) - Before and After Arrival 👣

Due to the epidemic 🦠, in addition to filling out the passenger locator form when going to the UK, you also need to prepare a UK test kit.

Due to the epidemic, in addition to filling out the passenger locator form when going to the UK, it is also necessary to prepare a UK test kit. The biggest difference between the UK and Hong Kong is that you can choose a testing company yourself.

We are very lucky. When we went, Hong Kong changed from amber to green, so we could avoid the 10-day quarantine and do not need to do two tests.

However, because I didn't do enough homework before, in a hurry, I found a self test at home at a reasonable price on google, that is, I finished it at the house and then sent it back. After thinking about it later, if the time is up, go to the airport for a buried test and continue the journey first, so that you can have less trouble, and you can also avoid the shrimps I encountered... It's lost!

I have a group of 4 people, but the inspection package is sent to 3! Fortunately, if it is a missed letter, the government will not take it for you (because everyone has a number assigned by the government). In the end, after a big round with the testing company, Qu Du was willing to send an extra copy, which is called a surprise!

So if there is something wrong, you must talk about it as soon as possible!

The test package includes: instruction manual, cotton swab, reagent solution bottle, sealed transparent bag (for sample bottle), return envelope
Ships within 48 hours of arriving in the UK! (excluding the first day after arrival)

Speaking of landing testing, most of the flights to the UK from my family are to London (later I found out that I can transfer to Manchester City). It is best to plan in advance to go to the place you want to go. Among the various plans, the most flat is to sit Coach, that is, a long-distance bus, and a train, because it was too expensive to fly when I planned to buy it, so I didn't think about it.

In the end, since we and I didn’t have much luggage, and we were tired from taking the overnight flight, we took an Uber from London to Manchester City’s AirBnB.

Although this plan is more expensive, it is more comfortable. If you don't use the road and change trains, you may have to wait for the days to come, which is called enjoyment first.

It was about a three-minute drive from London Heathrow Airport and finally arrived at our airBnB in Manchester.


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ReneY一 位瓶子女,愛想東想西,喜歡用文字記錄生活大小鎖事。
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我們的英國 🇬🇧 之路(1)- 出境準備 📑
