
Why are you unwilling to tell me about your current situation and sadness? It's like you treat us as outsiders.
In the harbor wind, a young girl looks at the sea. Source: pexels-max-garaev

She said, "Why don't you want to tell me about your current situation and sadness? It's like you treat us as outsiders." I looked at her, speechless. I don't want to be seen by others, my whole body is covered with bruises. But when I told her about my scars, I got what she called "a blow to the head". How sad should I be? That kind of feeling, as if she doesn't care about me, she doesn't see me from the perspective of a relative, but from the standpoint of an "ordinary person"...

Her so-called comfort has always been at stake, and I just followed her script.

I once knew how good she was, and I knew that I was really hurt. How should I face it?


Eating Tuyun fish soup noodles, listening to old Hokkien songs, and sighing that this day has passed like this again. I don't know if my stagnant attempt has brought great help to my life. On the miscellaneous side, I weave my words and play word games, intending to cover my weak wounds.

Redness, no pain.

Later, I told myself that the relative was just talking for a moment, or that she really thought so, but she didn't mean to hurt me. Later, I also told myself that she treated me well, and I still remember that I believed that she loved me, but the words she loved me sometimes only hurt me.

That's it.

If only this hadn't happened, I think, if only I hadn't been hurt.

But if I hadn't been injured, how would I know how beautiful the corners were after the injury, how could I talk freely about my recovery experience. No, I can not…….


Eating my noodles slowly, scrolling through the poems I have written over the past few years, looking at the desires that have not yet been published. I looked at the time, and it was a little after six-thirty that the sun had already set.

In such a big city, only the night scene accompanies me.


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

宏先男,2003年生,現年18歲。 停更中,請至以下管道追蹤最新文章~~~ IG ureyes.mymind FB 宏先創作 HKese 星級作家 宏先
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