Guide to using the perimeter | A must-see for beginners (updated on 2021.07.30)

"Room" has both subscription system and community interaction functions. Authors can use Roku to unite your readers and build a private club connecting you and readers; readers can join Roku and have direct conversations with your favorite creators. By the fire, meet more like-minded friends, read, chat and discover together.

At present, the perimeter is still in the internal testing stage, and we have specially invited the first batch of creators to experience the perimeter function first. We also welcome you to apply to be the first batch of "furnace owners". Click on the picture of "Internal testing around the furnace, hot in progress" at the top of the Matters website homepage, and you can send a letter to to apply for becoming a furnace owner. .

Below are the usage guidelines for this feature. We have listed a few questions that may be of interest to you. If you have any other questions, you are welcome to ask them directly in the comment area, and we will answer them as soon as possible.

  • What is a perimeter? What can I do with a perimeter? How is it different from subscription tools like Plaid, Patreon, etc.?

IOR is a "community". Joining IOR through subscription payment means to become a member of your favorite creator club by paying support. Based on articles, Iiroku connects readers and forms a solid community. It is a very practical tool for creators who are interested in long-term content management.

The biggest difference between Iokao and Fangzi, Patreon and other subscription tools is that it helps authors and readers get closer than ever before, where authors can have direct conversations with readers and readers. Because it has both the subscription system and the community interaction function, the use of the fireplace is quite diverse, from the most basic writing subscription, reader group management, to gathering friends, launching small online Q&A, etc., all can be achieved through the fireplace.

Iirori wants to build one that allows readers to subscribe to you, stay here, follow for a long time, and not just buy your space all at once. I hope that compared with one-way subscription-based tools such as Patreon, we can do better community connections, and continue to deliver energy to the creator's "stove" through the very active Matters community, so as to avoid entering Patreon as deep as the sea and relying on Facebook for communication. , can no longer find each other's results.

  • How do I assess whether to create a perimeter?

If you're still thinking about creating a perimeter, here are a few guides:

We talk about the perimeter | Am I really suitable for the perimeter?

Everyone Talks About the Fireplace | How to design an attractive fireside plan?

Talking Around the Fire | 7 Things You Should Do To Get Subscribers

  • How do I qualify to create a fireplace?

During the beta period, we specially invited the first batch of creators to experience the furnace function first. We also welcome you to apply to become the first batch of "furnace owners". Click on this screen on the homepage of the Matters website, and you can send a letter to to apply to become a perimeter furnace owner.

  • How do I build a perimeter?

Method 1: If you are a seed user qualified for internal testing, after logging in to Matters, you will see the following icon at the top of the homepage, click on it to enter the screen to create a perimeter.

Method 2: Go to "My" --> "Personal Homepage", you will see a line of text: "Come and build a fire pit, call your supporters to join", start the fire pit creation from here.

After filling in the name of the kiln, the website address, and the threshold of the kiln (the minimum amount is 20 HKD per month), click "Next" to create your first kiln! Please note that the perimeter URL cannot be modified , so please be careful to choose an exclusive URL for your perimeter.

Here you can upload an avatar, cover photo, and describe the theme of the fireplace, its purpose, the type of readers you hope to attract, etc.

  • Is it possible to change the name and website address of the perimeter?

The name of the perimeter can be changed, but it is recommended that you do not change it too many times, so as not to find your furnace. Iok can't modify URLs, so be sure not to submit weird URLs when creating an Iok.

  • Can I remove the perimeter?

We expect the bonfire you light to be sustainable, so the deletion function of "fire off" is not currently available.

  • How do I add my article to the perimeter?

There are two ways to add articles to the perimeter.

The first type: Select "Add Works" on the homepage of the Iokao, and you can add the published articles to the Iokang.

The second: When publishing a new article, if you are operating on a computer, you can select the “Work Management” menu in the lower right corner of the editor (the mobile phone operation will appear in the toolbar at the bottom), and choose to publish the work directly to the kiln:

  • How can I manage articles in the perimeter?

You can add published articles to the kibble at any time, and you can withdraw articles from the kibble at any time. Note that each change consumes one article revision count.

  • Can the full text of the articles in the perimeter be published or locked?

You can choose to make the full text of the article public or locked. After selecting "Join the Furnace" in "Work Management", you can choose to lock or not lock in "Copyright Statement".

  • Can multiple authors manage a perimeter together?

At present, there is only one manager for a kiln, that is, the creator himself. Since the perimeter involves cash flow and profit sharing, it will maintain the setting of only one manager.

  • How can readers join my perimeter?
 Readers can find the "Subscribe Now" entrance in three places:
1. On the personal page of the furnace owner, there will be a button to guide readers to subscribe to the furnace. 2. Below the article from the furnace, there will be a prompt to guide readers to subscribe to the furnace. 3. The home page will display which furnace the article came from. furnace

Click "Subscribe around the furnace" and follow the operation instructions on the screen to quickly subscribe, join the public chat and interact with the furnace owner immediately. In addition, after entering the credit card information for the first time, and then swiping the card again, you only need to enter the payment password.

Furnace owners can invite readers and friends to join the perimeter for free. For details, please refer to the description of the next question.

  • Can I invite friends to join my perimeter for free?

Yes, on the homepage of the kiln, click "Manage kiln" in the upper right corner to enter the invitation management page.

  • How to deduct the fee for the perimeter?

The cycle of the perimeter is in months. No matter which day the reader joins the perimeter, the fee will be deducted uniformly on the first day of every other month. If the reader unsubscribes, the monthly fee will not be refunded, but the fee will not continue to be deducted on the first of the next month.

  • Where can I see my IOR subscribers?

After entering the personal homepage, click on your kiln, there is a "member" button at the top of the kiln page, click the button to see the list of members who have joined your kiln.

  • Where can I see my IOR subscription income?

At present, you can view your subscription income by "My Wallet" - "Transaction History", and the subscription income will be put into your Matters wallet. You will also receive in-site notifications whenever a new user subscribes to your perimeter.

  • Can I create multiple peripheries?

Currently, a user can only create one perimeter. We recommend that furnace owners focus on operating one perimeter first, and then do not rule out the opportunity to provide multiple perimeters.

  • What are the "public chat" and "broadcast" in the fireplace?

You can understand "the public chat" as "the square" or "the fireside where everyone sits and chats". Here, all "furnace friends" who join the fire can post comments and reply to others' comments, but not join the fire. Furnace users cannot participate or see. Furnace owners can even initiate online discussions or live Q&A on a topic here to strengthen community connections within the furnace. An interesting "conversation" may also become an important reason why your perimeter is loved by everyone.

"Broadcast" is the owner's private space, only the owner can publish content in the broadcast, and once it is published, all subscribers and followers will be notified, and subscribers can reply to the broadcast. We found that in addition to the finished product, many creators also want to share some interesting and short content with their readers in the process of creation. This is the source of design inspiration for "Broadcast". But how to use it is up to you to choose, I believe you will have better gameplay.

  • When some readers post comments I think are unacceptable in my firebox, can I remove those comments?

At present, the furnace owner can close comments and prohibit users from posting public chats and comment broadcasts, but cannot delete comments or remove users. Whether a more powerful kiln management tool is needed is also under discussion, and we will improve the design of this part based on your experience.

  • I would like to better understand my Io and my Io readers, where can I get useful data information?

I understand everyone's needs very much, so at this stage, we send your furnace data reports to furnace owners by email. The report will include the growth of the number of subscribers around the furnace, the number of new readers, the number of new followers, the number of new shares, and the reading status of each article around the furnace on the site. For more data analysis needs, please feel free to contact us.

  • Where can I see the full perimeter?

Matty will regularly organize all the current kilns, you can follow the "Room Overview" to keep up with the latest news.


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