Numbers are a psychedelic drug: my author data report

Behind every number is a person, who deleted, added, clapped, supported, patted me, interacted with me, all of your behaviors will be affected.

Do you think you will never be influenced by numbers? In this era of "big data", let alone algorithms, most people's sensitivity to "numbers" is often beyond their imagination: "I don't care that much about this kind of thing." But it does affect and disturbed everyone.

What I see most often is that in the publishing industry, it is a matter of "posting the ranking list". As long as anyone's book is squeezed into the ranking, someone will post the book of their own publishing house, or there are ten books in the list and the same company has a total of a few. This book is on the list. The ubiquitous numbers, you even have 1 yuan between 39 yuan and 40 yuan, you feel that you can make money by going to another supermarket to buy 39 yuan (idiot, you sold your time! It’s like saving 50 yuan in shipping costs 1 hour to meet face-to-face as silly) You often can't even tell the second half price and 25% off the second, the price is exactly the same! (100+50, 200X75%=150 yuan)

The same is true of the number jumping on the matters, you think you will not be affected, but you will accidentally fall into the pothole of the number, it may not be the number on the table, but a kind of psychedelic drug inadvertently drilled into own heart!

But what is that psychedelic drug? Just look at my numbers.

My station age is 557 days. According to the data statistics date to 5/22, I have written a total of 366 articles, which is 649,413 words by 5/25. But I'm not sure if I have deducted at least 20-40 texts that I originally hidden? If I add back these 20 to 40 articles, that is, in 557 days, I should have written almost 400 articles, about three articles in four days on average.

Top 10 time spent reading my articles in the last 90 days:

Probably this report surprised me the most. Because I talk about the number of clapping hands, I will not list them one by one. I feel embarrassed. It seems that I am blaming others for not clapping and interacting. Among the ten, only one is the person who often gives me support and applause, and two or three have more frequent interactions (clapping or leaving messages). I've been here", which means that I have absolutely no idea that these people are my readers.

This phenomenon is similar to what I used to do with Facebook. I learned later that my words may still resonate with others, but a large number of people are reluctant to leave their footprints. The reason is probably: my words are open, strikes are very internal, and sometimes they are very sensitive. Pointing out something, pressing a like, leaving a comment, all are a kind of "statement".

This situation is particularly easy to see on Facebook, and "not expressing one's position" is the best way to stay safe in the tight stratosphere of Facebook! (Since I changed my Facebook posts to be read only by my friends, my friends interact with me more.) Many people cannot intuitively understand “I read it,” “I agree,” and “I resonate.” Press that clap, leave that message, these are the numbers that cannot be displayed at all!

Then look at other data displays (the picture will become wider and wider, it is recommended to use a computer to read), I made an interesting arrangement, sorting from each column of the data in descending power.

Effective User Reading Hours

<Will you help me generate electricity with love? The total length of "The Unable to Get Off the Cases" is 10,629.3, but it has only 897 words, and the number of effective readings is even less, only 99, how does the 99 divide up the hours count? I find it very interesting.

The ten articles in this option are dated from 2020/06 to 07. At that time, I just wrote every day, and I wrote 100 days. I guess it should be related to the graduation season, and I happen to be able to write about these topics (there are too many topics to find my own topics.) And I really saw that many young people did not want to go out to work and wanted to oblique since I entered matters. I earn my own income, but I often hesitate to move forward, and the thought of "Why are children so insecure now! " in my heart, and I try to use many articles to find the answer to this question in my heart.

There is an article hidden on my site. After the 2020 presidential election, I wrote an article: "To the youth, after the 2020 election: Confidence! > Really ask me why I think I can write this kind of stuff for others to see? It should be because I really feel too much anxiety, at least in that time and now! (And many articles and books that teach you self-discipline don't tell you that "self-discipline" starts with finding something you love.)

Effective User Reads

There is no surprise that this article "People order only if there is a popular perimeter, so what is the "popularity" on matter? > (It was also the number one clapping for me) To tell a joke, this article has been hanging on the homepage for a few days, X and I have been waiting for it to clapp a thousand hands in private , but never (don't guess anything I used to call it on behalf of) Who is English, I wrote it all.)

This top ten data is very interesting, and seven articles are published this year (2021). That is to say: There should be more "effective users (or readers)" on matter in 2021! But why is the total time so short? I'm not sure how the background data is captured.

Looking at the last three, you can see how hot clubhouse was at that time. Ha ha. I can get a lot of clapping every day (of course, I don't write for clapping, I have always been very fond of new toys on the Internet.)

The most unexpected of these ten stories is the novel I wrote in April: "The orgasm cured her insomnia, but I can't sleep! 〉 Except about me, it thriving out of all difficulties and entering the list of "public topics". (More on this later, this novel really surprised me.)

Guest User Reads

Speaking of which, when I first opened the list, there was only one sentence in my mind: "Fuck I'm doing white jobs on facebook and the community." The marketing activities I have posted in recent months will be as follows: Posting in the community that appreciates Citizens Facebook, on my fan page (that damn shit with no hit rate), on my Facebook profile, on my instagram (how many people will remember to find it here I don't know) .

" Today I'm here to learn my mother tongue: Taiwanese " was reposted to Facebook by Wang Zhaohua, the lyricist of the theme song of "Big Buddha Plus" (I don't know how to introduce her, I can only use this title.) If I remember correctly, Zhu Yuexin seems to have paste. There are only 66 readings in this station, but 528 outside the station, which should be a certain stratosphere.

The second article " Teach You to Use Google Collaboration Platform to Make a Web Page/Single Book Page Example for Publishers" is no surprise, because it is a very practical teaching article, and it should not be written by many people.

But what surprised me the most was "The orgasm cured her insomnia, but I couldn't sleep! > This novel, it occupies two, in fact, it is also the 11th. It made me think that the novel will not be locked in the future, hahahaha, wait until I think about it.

clap count

It's no surprise that I just wrote "People who are popular around the fireplace will order, so what is the "popularity" on matter? 〉, Does anyone want to help me top up 1000? Ha ha ha ha?

I am very happy that other environmental protection-related things have entered here (there is also an article in the visitor reading above). Others are still more "public topics". (About me being on top all the time, so it will be more normal.) Then "The orgasm cured her insomnia, but I couldn't sleep! > 13 more in this ranking.

number of comments

Almost all of them go around in the "public topic".


No surprises are "Teach you to use google collaboration platform to make a web page / example of a single book page for publishers" and "People who are popular around the fireplace will order, so what is the "popularity" on matter? > Then look down to see what is the most favorite? It is related to "operating self-media" and about yourself.

It's not that I'm particularly fond of writing about these things, but I've noticed that these things are what most people care about and I do too. (Most people care about "who can give me the answer", and I wrote "I hope my experience can help you!" ) Up to the 28th place is the number 6 favorite, and among these 28 articles, it should be There are more than 25 articles on these topics. (The other one is the top ten movies, I think my list is not bad and very special XDDD )

This confirms what I said at the top: "I really feel too much anxiety!" It's probably all around this block. I'm not sure about other countries, this is the anxiety of the young generation in Taiwan . (But after the pandemic, the moment may have changed.)

It also confirms a behavioral pattern: collections that don't make a statement. (I have turned off the notification for collection of works. Should I open it to compare? Haha.)

number of supports

My Hong Kong dollar support has not been many, and it has been the norm for a few people in the past six months. But it's my novels that are interesting, and the part about me and writing that I write.

"The orgasm cured her insomnia, but I couldn't sleep! 〉I am very surprised and happy all the time.

The amount of likecoin should be the result of community activities.

Finally, spread out the graph for Valid User Views and Visitor Views and look at the other numbers together.

Ranked by the number of valid user readings

Ranked by the number of readings by visitors

Interestingly, "The orgasm cured her insomnia, but I couldn't sleep!" > This novel, how good it is hahaha. Only it squeezed firmly into the "public topic" article.


What do most people expect from this place in Matters? I have no idea. What trends will you see from my data? What I see is "public topics" or the overwhelming majority of attention, and a large part of these "public topics" are generational anxiety, which is consistent with my observations.

In addition, like the number of support and the number of clapping hands, I still stick to my consistent ideas, and my data also clearly shows: you are more friendly with someone, you have a relatively high probability of getting his support, on the contrary, your position ( Whether it's support or clapping), it's possible to influence your interaction with that person. This is a logical problem of psychology, not guesswork!

Speaking of "numbers are psychedelics", I went from a state where many die-hards said they would just shoot it to the present where they all stayed away from me. I do sometimes really want to ask, does the performance of "interaction" really have no effect? Of course, I don't need to know the answer, I know the answer very well, because I am an experimental result.

I'm not a good reader, as I said . I write almost in my own world. It's probably not something I'm good at writing that will catch my attention (I can write all of them!) So I don't necessarily read the same things, including fiction and prose journals, and of course articles that don't go into paragraphs, I often Headache _

Many people think that "I don't care about those numbers" (or what Chen Shizhong said at the press conference). Behind every number is a person, who deleted, added, clapped, supported, and given. Whether I shoot or who interacts with me will affect all of your behaviors.

Of course, there must be such a person who really doesn't care about these numbers (there must be, there are a lot of matters.) Look back at "The orgasm cured her insomnia, but I can't sleep!" 〉The numbers behind this novel, I still have to be sure about one thing, just like the trumpet I used for my experiments, I believe that Matters has readers who "don't read public topics" and love pure creation , just look at what you can write How much to let them read!

I'm not looking at other people's data (I'm not interested XDDDD)

Finally, I will end with a paragraph I said on today:

 Forgot when? It may be the start of group hugs and mutual shooting, and the beginning of the support mechanism change calculation.

Before that, I always thought, "I will be very happy as long as I have 100 clappings for each article." (There is a disease where I can't get 100 points in the test when I was young, and when I grow up, I want to pursue 100.) But people are like this, often Greedy to get something more (especially as I am very sensitive to numbers) and then feel lost even without 200. This is very unhealthy!

I often feel that writing in Matters is not only a test of people's writing and social skills, but also a test of one's own attitude towards things and those who have not been seen. However, I'm probably the only one so insane, thinking about so many big things every day.

In the end, many people on were surprised by the fact that I only have 100 clappings for each goal . Then I should say that I used to ask eight of my friends to help me take 40 shots every day, and my own trumpet would make up the number even if I had nothing to do. That is to say, there were actually 10 people standing on the matters to help me take the other 50 shots. Next, I will be very satisfied. (I've written about this before.)

I haven't asked anyone to clap for me in the last month or two, and I feel that the number of matter readers is increasing (of course, many of them are mutual claps.) I want to know how many naturally generated claps are there? The number of times of breaking 100 has slowed down, but it is generally possible to break 100. It means that the user's activity is increasing (guess, not necessarily accurate.)

I think one thing is important for a platform like this to survive for a long time: the consensus of the users.

Is it possible for us to wait for the author/reader's creativity and reading ability to slowly improve together? Slowly becoming a mature, operational model? (Finding famous people to write about and craving fame is not a good idea if you don't plan well.)

If you want to write very chicken soup and preaching, it is probably this sentence:

You can leave your battlefield at any time, or come up with other ways to change your way to the far side! Otherwise, you will never reach the distance you once looked forward to in your heart!

Sometimes chicken soup is a shitty inspiration, but every creator and entrepreneur usually has two or three sentences in their hearts.

My novels are really good, numbers can speak, do you want to order them ? Ha ha ha ha!

Image: data


Like my work? Don't forget to support and clap, let me know that you are with me on the road of creation. Keep this enthusiasm together!

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