First mowing after lawn


It has been 2 months and 20 days since the lawn was laid in the front yard. Normally, after the lawn is laid, it should be watered at least twice a day for the first two weeks, and once a day for the next week, so that the roots of the turf can be fully moistened and Let the grass roots grow in the new soil, it's the winter rainy season in Melbourne and it's almost been raining since I laid the lawn, so I hardly ever need to water it, God help me. In fact, I already care about the grass very much. A neighbor not far away has a lawn in front of their house about the same time as me (of course he hired someone to do it), but he never asked, and I never saw him. After watering, his lawn is full of fallen leaves from another neighbor's house, and he doesn't care. In this way, the fallen leaves block the sunlight, and the shaded areas tend to turn yellow. Therefore, his grass is very withered and yellow, as if He didn't care too much either.

I am different. This lawn is built from scratch by me. It is like a baby born by myself and needs careful care. From the beginning, if it doesn't rain, I water it every morning and evening. Check to see if there are any gaps between the turf, and fill it with garden soil, so that the turf will not be exposed to the air without nutrients, it may be too much. It became a bald head, and it is estimated that the soil here needs to be loosened with a rake so that the grass can burrow out.

I often watch my own lawn grow slowly. The gaps between the turf are getting smaller and smaller, and the gaps are gradually covered by grass. Watching this process, I feel the power of nature's vitality. The so-called "wild grass" It can't be burnt out, and the spring breeze blows again." Although this is not spring, the grass is still growing gratifyingly. I take pictures of the grass from time to time and make a video of its slow growth process:

Recently I have seen the grass grow a little taller. If it is not repaired, it will cover other grasses and cause the roots of many grasses to wither and turn yellow. This happened to the grass in my old house. So I decided to repair them, but the first time I couldn't cut the grass too short, because after all, the grass roots have only been stationed on my land for more than 2 months, and it is still winter, and the foothold is not stable. The lawn mower has not been used for a long time, and the gasoline in it has evaporated, so I loaded some gasoline, and it took a lot of effort to start it up. This is the gasoline lawn mower I bought from ALDI in 17 years. If you don't use it for a long time, it will be very hard to start it again. Last year, it couldn't be turned off after starting it up, like a wild horse running away. In the end, I had to pull out the spark plug to stop it. Anyway, it was within the warranty period. Find a place to fix it for free. In the past, when weeding in the backyard, it was always dusty and miserable. This time, the newly laid lawn in the front yard was a kind of fun.

I used all kinds of tools for weeding this time. I also used the edge trimming tool that a friend deposited with me last time. The scientific name is "grass edger cutter". .

After this weeding, use a rake to remove any fallen leaves from the lawn, making sure they do not block the sun from the lawn.

This time I found that there are still many bald heads on the lawn. The gaps in some places are because I have spread the soil too thick, and the grass cannot be drilled out. Next, I need to use a nail rake to smash the soil in these places, so that the grass can have gaps. can drill out. There are some weeds and small mushrooms growing on it, and they should be pulled out while they are still few.

Finally, some digressions. Victoria’s epidemic prevention measures have been upgraded again. Now you can’t go to buy vegetables outside the area where you live, or you will be fined $1,600. From next Thursday, you must wear a mask when you go out, or you will be fined $200, except for running. , you need to wear masks when you stop running, students also need to wear masks when they go to class, and teachers and classmates need to wear masks when teaching face-to-face. The governor said that the spread of the epidemic in Victoria will be controlled within 5 weeks. I went to buy some food today, and the number of people wearing masks has increased significantly, even most Westerners are wearing them, so this still needs government propaganda, and Australia People are more afraid of death than Americans, so I believe it should be manageable.


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