Film review / "Defender: The Lone Ranger": Incredible air battle scenes, classic sports cars with modified engines


#shortcomment #Defending the Warrior 2 The Lone Ranger

Incredible, unparalleled air combat scenarios. It can be called a classic in film history, and the peak of various shooting difficulties! The photography recruited Claudio Miranda from "Young PI" and "Benjamin's Fantastic Journey" to deal with photography that is really a classic in film history, and to schedule the scene. The best air combat movies in recent years may only be "Battle of Midway" and "Operation Dunkirk".

Cool! A work that fully shows the classical smell, even the tone and photographic texture and music are completely reproduced. A home that belongs to "manly", like the Montblanc perfume that fills the field.

What is surprising is that "Defender: The Lone Ranger" has almost no intention of breaking out of the original framework, that is, all kinds of "manliness", "courage", "blood to win" and comradeship. Looking at Ray-Ban glasses, heavy machines, flight jackets and other "straight men" must-have Icons. Suddenly I wonder if men can never escape the metaphor of "Wine, Women and War: A Diary of Disillusionment" written by O'Brien.

Is that the only way to live a "man" life? I thought. At the same time, I also thought about what this 36-year-old antique looks like in the eyes of young people? This is Dad's old car, or this is what Uncle looked like when he was younger. Watching superheroes fly around all day, do we still need planes?

Having spent the old-school romantic feelings of 007, perhaps the classic of "Defender: The Lone Ranger" still brings a little bit of style. Logically, I like all kinds of military, espionage, and war movies, so-called "Man" movies, but especially when it transitions to some kind of masculine appearance, it's not in my strike zone.


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