
After the end of World War II, Germany suffered a great famine in the winter of 1946/47. The three major cold waves have made people's lives difficult. In January 1947, the Rhine froze for 60 kilometers. The stagnation of inland navigation also cut off an important shipping route.

Facebook Wonderful Post 24.08.2022

Mindy's Selected Readings

#the hunger stone you better not see

#ah see provoke


Isn't there a discussion in Taiwan recently that there will be water shortages if the typhoon doesn't come?

I tell you, the world is already lacking,

And it's very badly missing,

Serious to the kind of stone buried at the bottom of the river that has not been exposed for hundreds of years,

Everything was seen.

The problems caused by water shortage are very, very serious, no less than lack of electricity.

(The lack of water in some areas can even cause a lack of electricity)

And our skin may be a little tighter,

Because of this wave of water shortages,

I am afraid it will become the next inflation factor,

So be prepared to keep prices rising.


#60% of Europe is in drought

#hungrystone sees the sun again

Do you still remember we mentioned earlier that Western and Southern Europe ushered in high temperatures not seen in decades,

And the high temperature has also led to forest fires, forcing tens of thousands of people from their homes;

Now is the absolute opposite of "the house leaks and it rains overnight" - "the heat wave meets the drought again".

The French government announced on August 7,

The country entered the worst drought since 1958.

Parts of France's longest river, the Royal, are almost completely dry.

Some canals were also closed;

In Germany, the water level of the Rhine (which flows from the Swiss Alps to the North Sea) has dropped to a low point;

In the United Kingdom, the source of the Thames has moved 8 kilometers downstream;

On the Iberian Peninsula, Spain and Portugal are experiencing their worst drought in 1,200 years.

According to the European Drought Observatory (EDO),

Sixty percent of the European region is now in drought,

The "Hunger Stones" that have not been seen in many Western European countries for hundreds of years have also appeared one by one.


Here is a special introduction to #hunger stones.

At the bottom of the beds of some European rivers,

There are many large stones inscribed with words;

This is the dry mark left by the ancient Europeans in the past,

Through the writing on the stone, reminding people of the ominous omen brought by the drought,

The year in which the drought occurred is also recorded.

The writing on these stones is disturbing,

On a stone is written:

"If you see this stone again, you will cry. The river was so shallow in 1417."



"Everyone who saw me cried, and those who see me now will cry."


There are also better ones:

"Once this stone is gone, life will flourish again."

Well, wouldn't it be better to write something positive?

Otherwise, the first few sentences really make me feel bad.


#Water shortage is a bigger problem than you think

At this point you might be thinking,

The mark of lack of water should be called "Dry Stone".

Why the "Hunger Stone"?

Because when these important rivers bottom out,

It's not just a matter of lack of water.


First of all, it goes without saying that agriculture cannot be irrigated.

Austria, Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and parts of Switzerland,

depend on the fertile land along these rivers for food production,

Therefore, when there is a shortage of water, first of all, food production will be greatly reduced,

Spain's olive oil harvest has shrunk by about a third as a result.


Again, don't forget that these rivers are canals and have transportation functions.

Don't underestimate the importance of canals,

There has always been a lot of cargo going to and from European countries through these canals,

Then you think about it, what happens when there is a shortage of water?

The water level will drop.

As the water level drops, these cargo ships have to reduce their load,

Otherwise, the draft will be too deep, and it will become a European version of the platoon of Evergreen.


So what happens when the load is reduced?

In the past, one boat could carry it all, but now we need two boats, two trips,

Therefore, the overall transportation cost has increased, and the arrival time has been delayed.

Wow, isn't that just another inflation?

Yes, and not only did the prices of items go up,

Even fuel prices will follow the sky;

Like Switzerland, most of their oil is shipped through the Rhine,

Now the price of oil is climbing again.


It's not over yet!

The third problem caused by water shortage will be "lack of electricity",

The most intuitive impact is hydropower.

Western Europe produced 20% less hydroelectric power in the second quarter of this year than in the past,

Do you think only hydropower is affected? How can it be so simple.

Don't forget how much nuclear power plants need water.

Why are our nuclear power plants in Taiwan built on the seaside?

Because seawater can be obtained nearby to quickly cool down the reactor,

And France also has several nuclear power plants built on the river, the same is true.

It's embarrassing now.

Not only is there a heat wave and high temperature, but the rivers are short of water, and they can't help to cool down.

After that, France had to reduce the production of these nuclear power plants first.

It's safe to wait until the temperature is a little cooler and the water is plentiful.


When things come to the level of "power outage",

The last layer of impact of water shortage is "manufacturing".

First of all, without electricity, of course, it will affect the manufacturing industry with high electricity consumption;

Again, don't forget that many industries require a lot of water.

As a result, there is now a lack of water and electricity.

It's a continuous combo technique,

Many factories have been forced to stop operating, and the supply of goods will be reduced.


OK, let's figure out how much of a problem the lack of water is causing.

First, the crops are damaged and the harvest is not good;

Second, the water level of the canal is low, and the carrying capacity is reduced;

Third, hydropower and nuclear power cannot operate, and the country lacks electricity;

Fourth, the manufacturing industry is suspended and production volume is reduced;

The above four points, all will increase inflation.


Are you dumbfounded, it turns out that drought and water shortages will bring about this long list of problems.

That's why the stone at the bottom of the river bed is called the Hunger Stone,

Because there is no water, many things are gone.


We didn't talk about the situation in the United States and China today due to layout issues.

Both countries are now also in a state of collapse due to water shortages.

As I write this,

The news said that two typhoons are expected to approach Taiwan tonight,

I hope these typhoons will be good, just bring rain, not disasters

Praying now

The nearest starvation stone is in Worms, a small town by the Rhine. About 100 kilometers from home.

look like this.

In one poem, Mr. Erdmann Höra refers to the "Famine Stone of Worms am Rhein". The date when the Rhine was almost empty of water is recorded on the stones. An unknown person inscribed the date on the stone. On the stone, you can see "Ano 1857" in Latin. The next line, "The Hunger Year 1947" is deeply engraved. The finer lines were chiseled "1959", the year "1963" was engraved on the edge of the stone due to lack of space below.

In early October 2009, after a long period of little or no rain, the "Hunger Stone" reappeared, and the water level in Worms was only 33 cm. Dieter Scriba commemorates the event with an inscription "2009 DS".

In 2003, the stone also reappeared, commemorated by another stone engraved with "Anno 2003".

In late 2011, November had not been this drier since weather records began in 1881.

On December 1, 2011, the water level of the Rhine measured only 22 cm. During the previous low water period, the "Hunger Stone" rose slightly above the water, this time it was completely dry. In addition to the Hunger Stone, the wide sandbar next to it is also exposed, including some relics of the Second World War.

In Mainz, 600kg of World War II ammunition - anti-tank grenades, bazooka and a large number of anti-aircraft shells - was salvaged due to low water levels.

What is a "Hunger Stone"?

The inscription "Hungerjahr 1947" commemorates the hunger experience deeply inscribed at the time.

After the end of World War II, Germany suffered a great famine in the winter of 1946/47. The three major cold waves have made people's lives difficult. In January 1947, the Rhine froze for 60 kilometers. The stagnation of inland navigation also cut off an important shipping route. Coal and food for heating cannot reach the people. Countless people died of cold and starvation. The scarcity of this period shaped the character of the people.

Mr. Erdmann Höra writes: " numbness only hunger strikes us. We no longer crave meat and gravy, no, only potatoes, even if they are still green. How do we survive? Wife and What about food for the kids? We run far, far into the country, maybe there's a friend who can help us? Maybe we can find something to eat there? Unfortunately, it's a hungry daydream... ...".

Kaub, a town by the Rhine

Flood 1883 water level 8,25 meters

Average water level 2,28 meters

The current water level is 0,70 meters (24.08.2022)

25 cm low water level in 2018


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