Hong Kong handmade sandalwood fan. The vicissitudes of the times|Muxiang Fan and I|Two poems with seven characters

Turning on the wooden fan, a faint woody fragrance came out, which made me feel relaxed and happy. I had a brainstorm and thought whether there was a fan made of sandalwood. The same carved and hot flowers, wooden fans are not more expensive than sandalwood; I am just like a wooden fan, just a very ordinary person, working hard to carve myself, hoping to find a soulmate.

🤎Muxiang fan and me · origin

A few days ago, I had an appointment with a friend to go out to take pictures of ancient costumes. I wanted to get a fan to cover my face and use it as a decoration. The friend suggested to go to the nearby Ladies Street. It rained non-stop that day, and we each carried our umbrellas and went to Ladies Street to find fans. The epidemic has not yet subsided, tourists have disappeared, and it is raining. With the mentality of returning empty-handed, I hurriedly walked past the few stalls.

More than ten minutes later, I was looking for a fan in a cardboard box at a certain stall, and was immediately attracted by a natural wooden fan. When I took it out, I saw two peacocks in dark red and almost black engraved on it. Each note had a different range. It's a pity that the fan surface has been broken and blackened in several places, so I was disappointed. I continued to search reluctantly, and finally found a new wooden fan of the same model. After opening it for a while, I decided to buy it. The proprietress only asked for $25.

Fragrant Wood Fan at Ladies Street Stall for HK$25

If I had to go out to take pictures, if my friends mentioned Ladies Street, if I was looking for a fan, I would not have come across this wooden fan; I am afraid this wooden fan will gradually wither in the old and dark cardboard box, right?

Turning on the wooden fan, a faint woody fragrance came out, which made me feel relaxed and happy. I had a brainstorm and thought whether there was a fan made of sandalwood. The same carved and hot flowers, wooden fans are not more expensive than sandalwood; I am just like a wooden fan, just a very ordinary person, working hard to carve myself, hoping to find a soulmate.

🤎Hong Kong handmade sandalwood fan·The vicissitudes of the times

Xiangsheng Sandalwood Fan Village: Collectible Sandalwood Fans for HK$5000
Xiangsheng Sandalwood Fan Village: Collectible Sandalwood Fans for HK$5000

Searching on Google Map, I found that there is a "Xiangsheng Sandalwood Fan Shop" in Yau Ma Tei, Hong Kong, selling hand-made sandalwood fans. A search on the Internet shows that the owner of Luo Yeqiangluo made sandalwood fans since elementary school, but due to the expensive wood and complicated craftsmanship, production has been discontinued, and it is only reserved for those who know the goods for collection.

Yesterday, I paid a special visit to Shanzhuang, but I accidentally went to the "Yongxing Sandalwood Fanzhuang" next to me and bought an Australian sandalwood fan for $600. Then I visited Xiangsheng again. The boss saw that I was foolishly looking for the wrong place. , couldn't help laughing.

Xiangsheng Sandalwood Fan Village: The purchased sandalwood fan is sold for HK$600

Boss Luo sniffed the sandalwood fan I just bought and immediately recognized that it was Australian sandalwood. "Selling at $600, the price is reasonable, and the origin is in Australia, which proves that he didn't lie to you." Boss Luo said - he is indeed an experienced fan maker.

The quality and fragrance of Indian sandalwood is the best, and the price is also the highest; Boss Luo insists on using Indian sandalwood as a fan, hoping that people can taste the incense carefully. Indian sandalwood sells for $2,800 a pound. After carving, I don’t know if I can make a sandalwood fan. In addition to the time spent on manual production, shop rent and other expenses, the cost is extremely high.

I saw the interview in 2018 on the Internet. At that time, no one in the whole of southern China produced sandalwood fans, so the price of sandalwood fans increased tenfold, and they sold for at least more than 1,000 yuan. I looked at the sandalwood fans that Boss Luo took out for $5,000. How much effort must have been spent! After the production was discontinued, I thought that the boss might not be willing to sell them.

"Lost is inevitable." Boss Luo's plain words contained a lot of sadness. I don't give up, do you make fans out of other varieties of sandalwood? Does anyone have a tutor with you? "I don't even have wood, how can I do it?" Indeed, Indian red sandalwood is an endangered tree, protected by Hong Kong laws, and it is difficult to obtain; moreover, no one is willing to do it and learn it without profit. How can ordinary people use thousands of them? The price of tens of thousands, how about buying an unnecessary fan? In the future, the sandalwood fan can only be sublimated as a work of art before it can continue.

I looked at the sandalwood fan I bought from a shop a few steps away and thought: maybe it was fate that made me buy this sandalwood that is not too expensive, not hand-carved, nor made from Indian rosewood Fan, let me return home with no regrets. Once again, I thanked the white-haired boss Luo with a dazzling gaze (like a master in the novel! I finally saw it), and left slowly with lingering emotions.

Note: Boss Luo said that a museum in Tsim Sha Tsui will display the shop's sandalwood fan, and I will definitely take the time to go there!


🤎 Sandalwood fan making process

There are as many as a dozen processes, including cutting, sawing, grinding, passing through, hot stamping, carving, assembly, etc. Among them, the most core process is passing through and hot stamping, which is extremely difficult.

🤎 Sandalwood effect

Can clear the mind, concentrate, help anxiety, depression, headache, nausea, tension.


Yi Zhen "Fragrant Wood Fan"

fragrant wood fan
The first shower meets the fragrance of the world
Open the screen and hide the red makeup
Carving a hundred turns and mortal changes
Seek for the heart to melt the snow

  1. Heart: Loyalty.
  2. Melting Snow Frost: Melting snow frost; "Shuang" and "Box" are the same sound, and "Snow Melting Frost" also means that a fan will meet Bole and see the sun again, so it is no longer trapped in the dark place of the box.
  3. Seeking: The materials for the wood incense fan can be found everywhere, and they are unremarkable. Only after thousands of carvings can we "seek" a soulmate and "seek marriage" in comparison with the sandalwood fan.


Yi Zhen "Sandalwood Fan"

sandalwood fan
Fan Kai sandalwood is full of surprises
Breeze dance to the hustle and bustle
The daughter seeks to marry Linglong noodles
How can the flowers wither secretly

  1. Begging for marriage: The sandalwood fan is full of incense, and everyone is willing to "seek marriage" with a thousand pieces of gold.
  2. Linglong Noodles: "Linglong" refers to delicate, subtle and bright appearance. "Linglong Noodles" means that fans are finely crafted, just like a beautiful woman.
  3. Flowers: The pattern on the fan also symbolizes the youth of a woman.


🤎The main material of the fan

Bamboo, wood, paper, fan, ivory, tortoiseshell, emerald, bird feather, palm leaf, betel leaf, straw, papyrus

🤎 Fan making techniques

Engraving, carving, ironing, drilling or painting

🤎Four Famous Fans in China

Sandalwood fan : Made of sandalwood, it can be fanned in summer and hidden in the trunk in autumn and winter, which can prevent insects and moths

Fire Painting Fan : Use "Fire Pen" (now "Electric Pen") to make poems and paintings on Kui Fan, which will never fade

Bamboo silk fan : woven with bamboo silk, slightly yellow in color, thin and light-transmitting, soft and delicate

Silk fan: made of yarn, Luo, silk , etc., decorated with painting, embroidery, drawing, hot flowers, etc.

🤎 Fan · Poetry

🤍Ban Jieyu "Song of Resentment"

Freshly cracked, fresh and clean as frost and snow. Cut as acacia fans, like the bright moon.
In and out of your arms, shaking the breeze. I am often afraid that the autumn festival will come, and the coolness will take away the heat.
In abandoning the donation basket, the middle way of kindness is absolute.

◎This poem sets the tone of the fan's sadness: when autumn comes, the fan will be "discarded" and put in the trunk, as a metaphor for a woman who is left out.

🤍Nalan Xingde "Mulan Ci·Ancient Judgment Poetry Cambodian Friends"

"If life is just like the first sight, what is the autumn wind and sad painting fan."

◎A very famous poem, I like it very much!

◎Using Ban Jieyu's poems secretly. If life is only as good as it was when we first met, how could painting fans be abandoned when the autumn wind comes?

🤍 "Autumn Evening" by Du Mu

"Silver candle and autumn light cool the screen, Qing Luo's small fan flutters the firefly."

◎The weak light of candles is not enough for the thin painting screen and the fan, and the woman can only play the firefly with the fan in the boudoir boredly.

🤍Su Shi "Congratulations to the Bridegroom Summer Scenery"

"Hand made a raw silk white ball fan, the fan hand looks like jade for a while."

◎Use two sentences to compare the snow-white fan, hand, and jade to each other, and compare the woman to be extremely beautiful and extremely pure.

🤍Li Bai "Summer in the Mountains"

"Lazy shaking the white feather fan, naked in the green forest. Take off the towel and hang it on the stone wall, and the roof is exposed to the pine breeze."

◎ strip naked, I am afraid only Li Bai can write such a poem (laughs).


🤎IG: Yizhen


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