[November Archives] I saw a cute girl on the road


Nanxian sophomore

It has been known for a long time that the Hong Kong movement is very fierce, and the fire in the school was really unexpected. At that time, I was obsessed with my sister, and I was always secretly happy because of the small progress in the relationship. I really didn't expect such a sudden blow to separate us, just as I didn't expect it at all. I didn't get to see her for two months and a week. And the balance of college life is not much left.

Sorry for digressing a bit, probably because I really don't have a deep impression of campus conflicts. It stands to reason that waking up with a math class in front of my eyes on Monday morning, only to find that the class has been suspended, is hard to forget, but I have even forgotten whether I woke up before or after the math class. I just remember that I really didn't pay much attention to it at the time, and I just felt a little pity that I missed Gua. Afterwards, I should go to the Science Park through the No. 2 bridge. Maybe I sat at the Ma Liu Shui Wharf for a while, and then came back from the University Station, in a hurry to read the text and upload the audio before the original ddl in Chuyue. That being said, I woke up pretty early that day.

Maybe it was on the way to the Science Park. On the No. 2 bridge, we saw a lot of shells of tear gas bombs on the ground. Later, it seemed that someone collected them specially, a large bag, as a record of the conflict. I kind of want to pick up a collection, but it seems to be poisonous, so forget it. After crossing the No. 2 bridge, there was still a distance from the school gate, and there was a car driving behind me, which must be the police. The few seconds I passed by each other was a little nervous, but I wasn't panicked, maybe I felt a little bit excited. After all, I was just a distinguished mainland student who wandered around after classes were suspended.

Say hello to the security guard in front of the school, and ask him why the university is not a private place, why the police can come in. He actually understood my Cantonese, and replied with a smile that there was nothing he could do, otherwise he would have been dragged away. Indeed, what can be done about it.

In the evening, I seemed to be chatting with my friend on the Harmony G floor. He used Ukraine as an example of victory in violent resistance. I seemed to retort that there is a strong motherland behind the Hong Kong government. I can't remember this conversation at all. Anyway, we are both science and engineering students who haven't read any books, just chatting to pass the time.

Twelve and thirteen days, I really can't remember what happened. It's not that I can't remember anything, it's just that the memory is very scattered, and when I think back, various things are stacked together and I can't tell the order.

It should be that many mainland students fled in a panic, and even left behind their dormitories and their work computers. At that time, the atmosphere seemed to be very tense. For a while, it seemed that there was no car for a while, and it seemed that I couldn’t even go to school. I was close to believing these things at the time, but it didn’t matter. No matter how urgent the schedule is, there is always time to wash the sheets and dry the clothes. Besides, Hong Kong is not a very big city. If the goal is only to reach the border, I really don't see how it is important not to have public transportation. Facts have proved that this kind of thinking is only half right. After I was woken up by the phone call of the traveler I made an appointment with on Thursday morning, I regretted that I didn’t prepare my luggage one day in advance when I hurriedly apologized. Speaking of what I said at the time, such as inviting you to dinner after school starts, who would have thought that it would not be realized until now, which is equivalent to another cooing.

It should be Tuesday, I went for a stroll in general, and met my friend who I hadn’t seen for a while near the row of gyms, and was gank by a wave of tear gas blowing downwind. We walked quickly all the way to the grandstand, where two or three kind-hearted students washed our eyes for us. Now that I think about it, I don't know why they were waiting there. Obviously, there were almost no students who would go to the General Assembly at that time. The tear gas is really difficult to resist. Even though we were some distance away from the release point, the unprotected ordinary people of us still lost our mobility, weeping and suffocating.

I went there again one night, squatting on the slope facing the No. 2 Bridge with the suspected reporter who set up the camera. It was fairly peaceful, and it seemed like the police would raise flags and shout from time to time, but they didn't really make a fuss.

The club I joined was in Qianshan, so I went to the neighborhood for a while for two days. I don't remember when, there were so many students in black, and it was almost at the station. Someone in front shouted that the police are coming in, retreat, everyone ran back for a while, and moved back after a while. At the farthest end, I had to trot in the same direction two or three times, and I felt a little more nervous out of thin air. Someone on the side of the road formed a material conveyor belt. This structure makes me feel very inexplicable, which shows that the manpower of the black-clothed demonstrators is greatly redundant. It may be water, it may be a Molotov cocktail. If I'm not mistaken, I should have seen demonstrators processing throwing objects on the sidewalk, just like a few friends preparing materials for activities, which is quite a sense of disobedience.

Someone instructed the newly joined demonstrators, shouting that the fire magic circle was behind them, which was extremely shameful. I definitely want to take pictures, but some people say that I can't take pictures, so forget it. I might look a little strange in the vicinity of a large group of demonstrators in my everyday clothes without covering my face, but the people in black passing by didn't have much time to pay attention to me.

In fact, the club is no longer in operation, it has simply become a room with sofas for people to rest. In the afternoon, I learned the news of the confirmation of class suspension from the vote circle of the current president of mua, like showing off to the local students who were awake at the time that I was well-informed. The other side threatened me that all mainland students who were still staying in Hong Kong and would not go back would be arrested on the list. I thought it was really reasonable, so I planned to return to Shenzhen the next day.

In the evening, Pang Wan Lun restaurant will open extra to help students from CUHK. The staff sister asked us to help spread the news, but for various reasons that I have forgotten, we did not promote it particularly vigorously, and there were not many customers who arrived in the end. They said it was business, but they didn't accept it when we asked for money, they only said they could help more in the future. This made me eat expensive pom can once or twice later.

In the evening, someone in the club room was watching the live broadcast. At that time, Shi Sheng was not well-received among the students. After he appeared for a while, someone imitated his slightly satisfied posture and dubbed: "I did it, I finally did it!" I also laughed along with it. The notion that the police stepped back a centimeter is indeed interesting. Later, Duan Sheng also took tear gas, and everyone started laughing again. I think this is a plus point for Duan Sheng.

Another night, it seems that many nights have been mentioned, but they all happened in those three nights, and how they are connected together, I really can't remember. That night, I went to the main entrance of Siziaozhu, and took a few photos of rbs in a mess. Among them was a street sign that fell to the ground. I went to Heyi Pavilion and walked for about three minutes. I took a picture specially for it. The picture is particularly impressive, but unfortunately the level of photography is very limited.

In those few days, it is estimated that some bankers of mua were very busy and did some practical things. I also thought at the time, do something more or less to make friends in the mainland. Thinking about it now, the motivation is mostly self-satisfaction, the key is that I didn't achieve anything at all. Some fail. Compared with helping classmates, the idea of "trying what I can do" is indeed much stronger, because I don't think I encountered any major difficulties at the time. So when a friend in the invoice circle said that he was attacked by demonstrators, I was very shocked, but I was still not too worried. Probably because of a lack of empathy, I really didn't have any sense of crisis before the fire burned me. To be honest, my fear of checking my mobile phone is much greater than my fear of conflicts in the school.

On Thursday, since it was already late, I just went straight to the friend who had arranged to take a taxi together, then packed my luggage, and walked from Sitiaozhu to Xintian bus station according to the original plan. For four or five hours, the journey is also considered interesting, starting from the mountains, and repeatedly going out of the mountains and into the city, out of the city and into the mountains. There are many things worth mentioning along the way, but there are some deviations from the theme of conflicts in CUHK, so I won't repeat them one by one. Near an overpass in Gudong, a girl wearing a light-colored skirt stepped out of the car next to her. She was about my age and looked very cute. It's a pity that after I walked a hundred meters, I didn't see Yi Ren when I turned around.



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11月檔案館I中大衝突記錄2019年11月中旬香港中文大學示威者與警察發生衝突時親歷者的記錄 投稿:cuhkdparchive@gmail.com(請附上標題與稱呼)
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